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Лахаина Паддле

Откријте обиље морског живота у водама испод планина Западног Мауија на овој двосатној тури кајаком из Мауија. Уживајте у задивљујућим погледима док возите кајаком поред угрожених зелених морских корњача, као и фока монаха, делфина и орлова. Можда ћете чак уочити неке китове у сезони (јануар-мар). Ова тура у малим групама, ограничена на десет особа, погодна је за све узрасте и кајакашке способности.
Цити: Мауи
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $74.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $74.00
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Флаширана вода и грицкалице
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Тема на повољне временске услове. Ако откажете због лошег времена, биће вам дата могућност алтернативног датума обиласка или потпуног повраћаја новца<ли>Молимо да дођете 15 минута пре времена обиласка ради пријаве
Политика отказивања
Ако откажете најмање 3 дана пре заказаног времена поласка, добићете пун повраћај новца.<бр>Ако откажете у року од 2 дана од планираног поласка, добићете рефундацију од 0%.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (205)
Richard T
Jun 2018
Lucky to have Mark all to ourselves as we took advantage of an early start time. In addition to paddling, we did some snorkeling, too. Mark shared his knowledge of the area and some history. Had great fun following him and navigating among the coral. Paddled out thru the channel. Don't let the waves on either side of the channel scare you. Stopped somewhere in the channel to do some snorkeling...awesome! Lot of different species of fish and...a reef shark! Encourage those doing this activity to pay attention to Mark's instructions. I say that as we don't want to disturb any coral. Mark also took some photos for us, great pics! Bottom line, GREAT TIME and will likely do it again next trip. Thanks, Mark!
Preeya S
Jun 2018
We had a great kayaking tour with Garrett. He took his time explaining us everything and made sure we had a great kayaking experience. He was very knowledgeable about Maui and gave us a lot of information about the island. We had such a great time !! Would recommend him to everyone who wants to go kayaking. Greetings from the couples from NYC, Boston and Seattle.
Matthew F
Apr 2018
We had the most beautiful day on the water with Maui Ocean Sports. Our loving and patient guide Mark was pumped and full of enthusiasm to share the teeming marine life just outside of Lahaina Town. We saw Humpback Whales, Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles and even the fin tips of Reef Sharks as they were foraging for little reed fish! Mark assured us they were “the puppy dogs” of the Shark world. Some of the people in our party were up in years and shorter on athleticism, Mark gave us a thorough run down of what to expect, including giving us a dry run on the beach of how to get back into the kayak. When we kind of forgot the directions, Mark was all over it, in the water, getting our butts back into the boats. We felt lovingly cared for and grateful that we could share Mark’s stoke for Maui! Thank you Maui Ocean Sports and Mr. Mark! Pictures turned out rad too!

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