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Придружите се Лас Вегасу број 1 Цлуб Цравл искуству за један дан или вече у неким од најпопуларнијих клубова у Вегасу без чекања у дугим редовима или плаћања покрића. Пратите своју домаћицу до плесних подова од 1 ултра-бара до 3 популарна ноћна клуба док се забављате са стилом крстарећи Лас Вегас Стрип-ом између станица у луксузном аутобусу за журке у лимузини, где можете уживати у коктелима, заузети позу на броду и добијте бесплатне поклоне сувенира на крају ноћи!<бр><бр>Забавни аутобуски превоз обезбеђује Елите Транспортатион Лиценсе #ЦПЦН2086
Цити: лас Вегас
Tue 24 Dec
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Tue 24 Dec
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности.<ли>Морате имати 21 годину или више.<ли>Морате показати важећу личну карту са фотографијом на дан активности. Ако нисте држављанин САД, морате да предочите важећи пасош<ли>Стања путовања варирају<ли>Оператор путовања задржава право да одбије свакога ко постане превише алкохолисан или узнемирава друге госте<ли>Морате да носите одговарајућу коктел одећу да бисте ушли у ноћне клубове. Правила облачења се стриктно примењују. Мушкарци би требало да носе панталоне, ципеле и кошуље на дугмад; јакне и кравате нису обавезни. Жене треба да носе хаљине или сукње/хлатке и блузе и ципеле са високим потпетицама. Фармерке, патике, јапанке, мајице, капе, одећа за плажу и знојници нису дозвољени.<ли>Потврду о тачном времену почетка обиласка и локацији састанка добићете 72 сата пре заказаног обиласка<ли> /ли>
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САХАРА Лас Вегас
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Коментара (121)
Sep 2015
I traveled to Vegas with a friend of mine and wanted a fun experience at some Vegas clubs without having to worry about lines, where to go, expensive drinks, etc. Turnt Up Tours was just perfect for this! Shout out to our host Lolo for always knowing what the party needed, and running everything very smoothly. The first club was Tryst, which was beautiful. We got there as it opened, which gave us a chance to walk around (before the crowd settled in) and appreciate the club. Vodka sprite was $14-16 if I recall correctly, better than other clubs. The Beatbox punch on the bus was fantastic! Easy to drink and it will catch up with you! Next was Light, which was also a great time. I probably wouldn't go back, but it was great to experience for the hour! Last was 1OAK. By the time, the group is feeling good and the groups are blending (perfect for my friend and I). 1OAK was very strict, which was quite a buzzkill, plus it was so crowded we could hardly move. Plus everyone is so strict and in your face watching you that I felt like I couldn't relax. I probably wouldn't go there again either, BUT now I know and I got to skip the line! Overall I had a fantastic time getting to experience different Vegas clubs, and getting to ride around in a party bus with drinks and skip the line at 3 clubs was amazing! Something I could not have done on my own.
Dylan M
Aug 2015
I've had the pleasure of going to Vegas five times. In each of those times, my friends and I have gone on different club crawls and have always come home raving about the club crawl experience. I was recently in Vegas (August 13-16) with the expectation of having yet again another awesome experience. Our first night we went on Sin City Club Crawl (3rd time with this group) and had an awesome true VIP experience. Our hosts and group were awesome, we skipped the line at each venue and had a blast. Wish I could say the same about Turnt Up Tours. It was everything but "Turnt Up" and turned into a nightmare of an evening. Unlike other Crawl Tours that start in a lounge where the group can meet and grab some drinks, this particular crawl started at the Wynn on the Casino floor. It was so unclear where we were supposed to meet we had to call the Crawl # twice before finding our leader. Finally we found the place, only to realize our group was all of 8 people. We were told that 13 others were late (I wonder why... It was impossible to find the meeting point). In addition to that our crawl leader Lolo was the opposite of enthusiastic and lacked all the necessary characteristics that a crawl leader should posses. At approx. 10 pm we headed to Tryst and waited nearly 25 minutes to get in. As we walked in Lolo told us to return for 11:45 which my friend and I did at our meeting place. We stood outside nearly 15 minutes before we became weary of where our leader was. We went back to our original meeting place, looked outside where the bus crawls usually are and then called the Crawl number again. I tried to explain to the woman on the phone our situation. Instead of being accommodating and understanding our frustration, she made it as though we were the ones to blame for the situation. I was told they would call me back the next day to resolve the issue and refund our money but to no surprise we never heard back from the group.
Tiffani S
Aug 2015
Me and my Partner had a turnt up day with Turnt Up Tours!!! We did both the pool and club crawl with Jenn(pool) and LoLo(Club). It was both of our birthday and we enjoyed it to the fullest. I will never go to Vegas without participating in a Turnt up event like this. Thanks to our host for a day to remember!!! For those who are looking into this and can't decide I will say this if you do not do this you will definitly regret it, so just do it and get Turnt Up with Jenn and LoLo. Oh yeah I also have to give shots out to Bianca sexy little self and our photographer. Thanks Guys see you next time!!!

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