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Турнеја од Лас Вегаса до Холивуда

Прескочите аутобус и придружите нам се, будите звезда за један дан и обиђите једно од наших луксузних 7 путничких возила где ћете почети са лаганим доручком и сликовитом туром кроз прелепу пустињу Мохаве право до Тихог океана. <бр><бр>Прва станица је у Санта Моници где је снимљен Баиватцх. <бр><бр>Онда крстаримо ВИП стилом правећи многа заустављања у Беверли Хилсу и Родео Др. где су виле звезда и где аутобуси не могу да иду. <бр><бр>Представљене виле славних укључују: Мајкла Џексона, Британи Спирс, Кристину Агилеру, Џенифер Лопез и друге. <бр><бр>Онда погледајте популарне тачке славних на чувеној улици Сунсет.<бр><бр>Следећа станица је у Грауман'с Цхинесе Тхеатре на Холивудском булеђу где можете да купујете и истражите чувену Стазу славних. (Обезбеђен комплетан ручак) <бр><бр>Потом крстаримо у ВИП стилу кроз Холивуд брда да бисмо изблиза погледали култни холивудски знак где ћете такође моћи да фотографишете и проведете време. На крају ћемо отпутовати до Варнер Брос Студиос где се снимају филмови и назад у Вегас до 19 часова.<бр><бр>
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $237.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $237.00
Шта је укључено
Континентални доручак /Пуни ручак и флаширана вода
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Маске за лице су обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспорт возила која се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Имамо уређаје за пречишћавање ваздуха у свим нашим возила која елиминишу вирусе који се преносе ваздухом и спречавају да се вирус залепи за било коју површину у унутрашњости возила.
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Коментара (251)
Nov 2022
Thank you L.T for a wonderful and memorable experience you imparted to us group of 7 friends. With your professionalism in your job, we all felt that the Vegas to Hollywood day tour is the best tour we have ever been. You made us feel like we have known each other for a long time that made us feel at ease and comfortable with you. Your knowledge gave us all the information about the places we are interested to see, and by that, all our questions were answered to our satisfaction. Plus, your extra help taking photos of us are appreciated. You are a very skillful driver. Your discipline on the road made us feel safe in your drives. You are an asset to the company you are representing. We wish Vegas To Hollywood Tourz company more power and good luck to all of you. We will recommend your company to our friends.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Manager- Sarah S. We truly thank you for taking the time to write such wonderful words in a very detailed review. L.T. will be recognized for the good service that he provided you with as well. Thank you for being a loyal client throughout the years too. Your group photo has been selected to be posted as well. L.T sends a special thanks and he said to please say hello to Arthur for him as well. We look forward to seeing you again. On behalf of our entire staff we truly thank you for skipping the bus and re-joining us. Best Wishes
Oct 2022
On a trip to Las Vegas we decided to book a day trip to Hollywood following a family members recommendation. After shopping around we chose this company due to the early return to Las Vegas. It was a really well organised trip and well worth the long journey for the memories and photos. A big thanks to our driver Bruce who was very friendly make the journey go quickly, he also had great knowledge on the trip which he shared with the group.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Manager Sarah S. Bruce thanks you for leaving him your good feedback and wishes you well. We also thank you for choosing us and taking time to leave your good feedback as well. Also please thank the relative who referred you to us. We look forward to seeing both of you on your next visit and thanks for skipping the bus & choosing us. Kind Regards, Vikki
Oct 2022
Our tour guide Bruce was excellent! He pointed out so many places with great back stories and lots of info, he clearly loves what he does. It was such a relaxed tour and made us all feel like a family. Would definitely recommend this tour as it offers so much more than a lot of the others. Early start means you cut out all the traffic and the tourist spots aren’t too busy. Subway lunch is provided which would have been great if they’d let us choose what we wanted beforehand. I had emailed months prior to let them know we are vegan but they said they give everyone the same lunch and wouldn’t be changing it. We felt bad turning it down so took it anyway and gave it away to a homeless person so it wasn’t wasted, but feels a bit unfair that everyone had lunch provided yet we had to buy our own. The drive was great, much better than big bus tours! Stops include Santa Monica beach, Hollywood walk of fame and the Hollywood sign and a drive through Beverly Hills. Overall we absolutely loved the trip, definitely a highlight of our holiday and well worth the money. Only other thing worth mentioning is that it’s advertised as a private tour making it sound like it will just be you and your driver onboard however we were with two other parties, so 7 people and the driver in total. This wasn’t a problem at all as it was still a very small and intimate group tour and it was nice to share it with others but I think it should be made more clear as none of us were expecting others to be there. However I think if your party is bigger then it would just be your group, but we were two groups of two and one group of three.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Manager-Sarah S Thanks for leaving us a very detailed review. Bruce was recognized for the service that he provided you with and we thank you as well. We will also take into consideration some of the suggestions that you made as well. But in Nevada groups smaller than 8 people can be classified as private tour. Groups smaller than 13 people can be classified as a small group tour. Thank you for skipping the bus & choosing us. We look forward to your next visit. Best Wishes

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