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Историјски дом и музеј Лаура Ингаллс Вилдер - општа улазница

Ако сте обожаватељ књига Лаура Ингаллс Вилдер Литтле Хоусе, онда је фарма Роцки Ридге овде у Менсфилду, Мисури, дестинација која би требало да вам буде близу и драга срцу. Фарма Роцки Ридге има тако велики значај за Лаурин живот. Могло би се рећи, да није било овог инспирисаног и кључног времена са Алманзом и Роуз на њиховом вољеном имању, можда никада не бисмо знали за њу. Али чињеница остаје да су њени списи из перспективе пионирског живота створили следбенике широм света. Прикладно је да чувамо и негујемо место где су написане књиге Мале куће.
Цити: Миссоури
Sun 23 Feb
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Sun 23 Feb
Са почетком у $24.00
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Мансфиелд<бр>3060 Хигхваи а,
Морате донети ваучер на рецепцији по доласку. Доплата од 6,00 УСД за улаз за одрасле је укључена, по улазници, за онлајн трансакције, Доплата од 3,00 УСД за пријем деце је укључена за онлајн трансакције.
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Шта да очекујете
Историјски дом и музеј Лаура Ингаллс Вилдер
Улаз укључује приступ две историјске куће, 10-минутни видео и изложбе.
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Коментара (36)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Scott G
Oct 2022
The home and museum is an excellent stop for fans of Laura Ingalls Wilder. The visitor center is the first stop it has ticketing (either a guided tour or inside the 2 homes or a walk around the property). There is also a very good museum with a large number of items from the Ingalls family, a movie and a gift shop. There are 2 homes you can drive to or take a walk. The small house is very nice but has a small amount of furniture in it. The larger white house is the home that Wilder spent most of her time. The first floor is open, the second is closed to the tour. (You can see it in pictures if you buy the post cards). The price is very affordable, You can walk to all attractions however it is hilly so it can be strenuous to walk. There are parking lots at each house. This is a great stop. There is not a lot of option to eat nearby so plan to go else ware for lunch. Check there website for operating days as they close seasonally. We will go again.
Oct 2022
We actually made a special trip over fall break just for this and one other attraction in the area. First, Google maps absolutely does direct you right to the museum, we had absolutely no difficulty finding this. Second, the tours of the homes are staggered. One home runs tours on the hour (10, 11, 12, etc…) and the other home is on the half hour (10:30, 11:30, 12:00, etc…). You can walk or drive to both homes. We did walk to the tour at the “white” house, then visited the gift shop and museum (which are in the same main building), then we drove to the rock house, where we had a picnic before the tour on the pretty grounds. There’s a little path by the parking lot that leads to Almanzo’s ice house, quick walk and nice to see but everyone else missed it while we were there. After the tour at the rock house, we did go to visit their graves as well (which I highly recommend). We LOVED this experience!! It was disappointing that there are no photos in the homes or museum, and our tour guides could not tell us why. I definitely would’ve taken pics of Pa’s fiddle. The only running water bathrooms are in the main visitor’s center, fyi. You can watch the film about Laura there too, though we did not watch it (you can hear it while in the museum). To get to the museum at the main building, you walk through the theater/where the film is running on a loop. That is where you will see Pa’s fiddle, letters Laura wrote, her china, her sewing, Rose’s clothing, etc…. We spent a lot of time in this museum, as we are fans, and learned new things while there. ASK QUESTIONS if you’re unsure of where to go/etc. (We also could see a museum at the gift shop and simply asked how to get to it.) We found absolutely everyone there friendly, kind, and knowledgeable. I highly recommend this stop. We had planned to spend the whole day, and only spent about 4 1/2 hours, which included our picnic and visit to the graves. I did try to purchase our tickets in advance on their website and it said “unavailable at this time”. I did call to make sure we could still buy tickets/not sold out/etc and the person I spoke to said that was absolutely incorrect and they said it would be fixed as they really don’t ever sell out. Just fyi to anyone else who may want to purchase online and can’t.
Oct 2022
This is a review of the Laura Ingalls Wilder home tour. We came from St. Louis and there were no signs for the museum at all. There are museum signs if you come from the opposite direction. The tickets cost $18 apiece. They were not worth it. When she was a young girl, my partner had read the “Little House on the Prairie” books. We hoped to gain insight into how Mrs. Wilder’s house had inspired her writing. Our tour guide’s presentation was heavy on cute and light on facts. We were not allowed to take photos inside the home. We drove hours out of our way to see the Laura Ingalls Wilder house. The home tour was a waste of time and money. We felt ripped off by the excessive ticket prices.

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