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Левистон Нев Иорк Фоод Тоур

Дођите да откријете шта село Левистон (на неколико минута од Нијагариних водопада) може да понуди на нов и забаван начин! Пробајте храну и пиће из 6 локалних ресторана у једном тросатном обиласку. Неки од њих су представљени на националном нивоу у емисијама „Ман в. Фоод“ на Фоод Нетворк-у и „Бест оф тхе Роад“ на Тхе Травел Цханнел-у, заједно са другим локалним омиљеним садржајима. Дегустације су довољне за заситан ручак и све су укључене у цену карте! Док шетате, такође ћете научити о богатој историји Левистона, укључујући везе са подземном железницом, Рат из 1812. и још много тога. Дођите да пробате Левистон!
Цити: Нијагарини водопади
Sun 20 Oct
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Са почетком у $68.00
Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $68.00
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 годину.<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Највише 10 људи по резервацији
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Тхе Роаминг Табле
Наши стручни водичи ће вас водити кроз историјско село Левистон. На нашем тросатном обиласку упознаћемо богату историју овог кључног малог града. Сазнаћете о Левистоновој улози у подземној железници, рату 1812, па чак и о његовим везама са мафијом! Левистон је такође познат по својим невероватним ресторанима. Постоји преко 30 ресторана у радијусу од пола миље! Зауставићемо се у „мама анд поп“ продавницама, ресторанима на обали, ресторанима у власништву кувара, ужурбаним кафићима и још много тога. На свакој станици ћемо пробати издашне порције хране (заједно са паровима пића на 2 станице), довољне за заситан ручак!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (129)
Sep 2014
I took this tour with a couple of Friends and the three of us truly enjoyed the fun packed day. Chris and Alicia were very knowledgeable on the History of Lewiston and did a great job setting up some wonderful tastings around town. All the restaurants were very accommodating. I highly recommend this tour and I am looking forward to doing it again before the end of the season with family members so they too can enjoy the enlightening and delicious experience that I had.
Sep 2014
What an excellent adventure in dinning and history of Lewiston. Both Chris and Alicia were very knowledgeable in the rich history surrounding such a beautiful town and were so proud of all the restaurants they featured on the tour. They gave us a good background of the chefs and the establishments including all the details surrounding it's past. The local restaurants are superb and we were treated like royalty. Excellent food, and tour guides. Highly recommend you take this tour.
Sep 2014
First, we will identify ourselves as the parents of Alicia and in-laws of Chris. We recently visited our daughter and son-in-law and were anxious to experience the food tour they offer. We are very proud of them for starting a business that highlights an area we love and lived in for over 50 years before moving for job reasons and no other. We are writing this review with as much objectivity as is possible. We have taken a number of food tours so we are reviewing their tour relative to those experiences. It appears that they have done extensive first and second hand research regarding food tours, as we found their tour to improve upon those we have taken relative to the following areas: 1. The tour began with an interesting overview of the tour itinerary and facts about the area. They also supplied a well-written itinerary and a nice cold bottle of water. 2. The walk itself was not too long and filled with extremely interesting and well-researched historical facts that we did not even know being long- time residents. This is great for those new to the area and visitors. Some of the tours were just too long in the heat with no interesting information along the way. On one, we got drenched as there was such a long distance from one place to the other. 3. The food tour was very well structured to ensure there was the right combination of entree, drink, and dessert samplings. Many tours we have taken load you up on heavy entree offerings at the outset or are unbalanced and uncomfortable. 4. This may be biased and we apologize, but Alicia and Chris were the friendliest and most enthused tour guides we had on such tours. They love the business, the restaurants and their offerings they have chosen, the area and it's history, and most of all all those who they serve as tour guests. It is as if your best friends are taking you on this tour experience. If you are visiting this area, you will thoroughly enjoy this culinary experience, and learn some very interesting facts about the area at the same time. It will be the one of the best entertainment investments you will make. By the way, you will get to experience some great food, and a SURPRISE offering at one of the restaurants. You will not be disappointed!!!!!!!!!! Gern and Margaret Scott

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