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Уживајте у призорима, очаравајућим аромама и укусним ношима Ловер Еаст Сидеа док вас воде кроз ово историјско насеље у којем је једење одличне хране традиција. Од раних 1800-их, ова област је била дом имигрантима који су започели нови живот у Америци који су дали кључни културни, економски и епикурејски допринос Њујорку.
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Mon 18 Nov
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Mon 18 Nov
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимални узраст је 10 година<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Потребне су најмање 2 особе по резервацији<ли>Код облачења је паметно опуштен
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Ово је пешачка тура по Доњој источној страни Њујорка.
Ецономи Цанди
Познате установе које треба посетити са слатким укусима су Ионах Схиммел'с Книсх Бакери, Русс & Даугхтерс, Катз'с Дели, Ецономи Цанди, Тхе Ессек Стреет Ретаил Маркет, Тхе Пицкле Гуи и Коссар'с Биалис.
Тхе Пицкле Гуис
Погледајте историјске синагоге, музеје и историјске ознаке онога што је овај крај учинило легендом широм Њујорка и Америке. Запамтите, сви учесници турнеје почињу са свежим пецивом! - Иконски симбол Њујорка!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (12)
Oct 2015
I have been going to NYC for years but I am not familiar with the Lower East Side. We started with a real NY bagel, it was really good. We ended up trying a knish, pickles and ending with a Bialy. The tour was very informative. We also stop at a Candy Store that had some old candies that I have in a really long time.
Jun 2015
We took the Lower East Side tour and had a great experience. Ben, of Ben & Marty, was our tour guide. He started the tour by providing us each with a fresh bagel. We then went all around the Lower East Side sampling food from places like The Pickle Guy & Yonah Shimmel Knish Bakery. Ben was very knowledgeable and filled with facts of the history as well as the current trends of this part of the city. While this tour was mainly focused on history & the shops from the early 1900s, he did point out a few new spots which he recommended, such as Babycakes Bakery & The Meatball Shop. I learnt a lot about this part of NYC that I didn't know & tried great food that I hadn't tried before. Overall I would recommend this tour to anyone who's interested in the history of the city and food. I do however have one recommendation for Ben & Marty, & this may be something they are working on or maybe they didn't do it this time because we were in a small group. But it would be nice if they kind of partnered up with the stops and had the owners/workers speak to the group & had samples available for the tour (while there were samples on the tour, Ben bought them himself).
Oct 2014
We got the Lower East Side Bagel Tour for my in laws and came along. I really enjoyed the extensive knowledge Ben had about the area and felt that his ability, as a life long resident, to share stories from his childhood really added to the tour. My father in law stepped away while we were waiting for our pickles to listen in on one of the other tours in the area at the same time and stated that he felt that our tour was more interesting and informative. The tour included: touring a knish restaurant, katz's deli, trying bialis, visiting an old candy store, a historic market, and of course pickles!!!!! I would recommend this tour to anyone.

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