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Рафтинг на доњој реци Гаулеи

Сасвим вероватно један од најбољих речних излета у земљи, Доњи Гаулеи нуди неке од највећих таласа, гигантских рупа и стрмих падова које може да води сплав. Доњи Гаулеи опслужује 55 брзака рангираних од И-В класе, од којих су већина ИИИ или више. Уз помоћ професионалног водича, ви и ваша посада ћете се ухватити у коштац са фаворитом овог фанатика. Није ни чудо што гости хрле из целог света да би ухватили један од ова 22 датума објављивања. Укусан топли ручак укључен.
Цити: Западна Вирџинија
Sat 19 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $139.75
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $139.75
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Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
Лични уређај за плутање, кацига и весло
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 12 година
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Упознајте свог вођу рафтинга на месту поласка. Саслушаћете кратку оријентацију и набавите своју опрему (лични уређај за плутање, кацигу и весло). Затим ћете имати 45 минута вожње школским аутобусом до реке. Ваш водич ће прећи додатна упутства када уђете у сплав. Повратни шатл са бесплатним пићима враћа вас у одмаралиште.
Гаулеи Ривер
Путовање почиње са неколико мањих брзака класе И-ИИИ док лагано веслате и радите као тим. Онда сте погодили неке веће брзаке рангиране класе ИВ-В. Отприлике на пола пута, зауставићете се и појести топли ручак уз реку са роштиља на обали. После ручка, наставићете низводно у још бујалу воду. Овде ћете проћи кроз неколико брзака оцењених класом ИИИ-В, као што су Коонтзов Флуме и ПСХ. Између брзака, постоји време за пливачев брзи и можда (на основу нивоа воде) скакање са стена. Повратни шатл са бесплатним пићима враћа вас у одмаралиште.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (23)
Lannette G
Sep 2022
What fun, the Gauley white water rafting was exciting, the best rafting trip we have ever been on! Josh S. taught our crew how to paddle (with your core, not your arms) explained all the rapids and gave us all the ride of a lifetime!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Thank you, Lannette!
Jun 2022
This was one of the best tours I have ever been on. Let me start off by saying that I have this weird irrational fear of river water... I know, why would I go white water rafting on the Gauley River? Well, I love to do anything and everything adventurous and I live in Richmond, Virginia, which is undoubtedly where my fear of river water comes from. I decided that if I was ever going to attempt white water rafting I would do it in a cleaner river than the one in my city. I booked a last-minute trip to visit New River Gorge National Park over Memorial Day weekend and decided to just book a rafting trip. I did some research and decided that Adventures on the Gorge was the best option for me to go with. I booked a lower New River full-day rafting tour and was ready to go! I have some friends who have done the Gauley and wanted us to go with them but I figured I should start on the New River, plus that's the only bookable option this time of the year. The day finally arrives and we pull into the amazing Adventures on the Gorge resort and get checked in and hear the scariest thing we've ever heard... that the New River was too high and dangerous so we were going on the Lower Gauley. I was a little nervous, knowing that the Gauley is more intense than the New River. However, the staff was absolutely phenomenal. Ray-Ray gave us the BEST training session ahead of time and it really eased my nerves. We boarded the bus and made it down to the drop-off site and got ready to go. There were photographers taking pictures which was nice since we didn't have our phones with us. We got assigned to our boat and went for it. Once we were on the water, we got to know the others on our boat and our guide. It was such an easy start to get comfortable rafting. We finally made it to our first big rapid and our guide gave us the most military-like directions. I think it kicked us all into gear for how serious it was, but also showed us how fun it was. From then on out, it was the best day ever. We got to know everyone and adventure the river. I was terrified of falling out, but luckily that didn't happen to me... it did happen to someone else though and they were fine! There is really nothing to worry about! I loved it so much that the day just flew by. I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying it and I knew that I wanted to come back and do the Upper Gauley during the fall. Our guide, Steve, was truly the greatest. I trust him with my life and will do the Upper Gauley with him in a heartbeat! the water is cold this time of the year, but it's not terrible. I wore a bathing suit, with a long sleeve swim/surf top on to block the sun and water, and then spandex biker shorts with my Chacos. It was the best outfit to wear! Also, don't forget to apply sunscreen. I'd honestly bring some with you as well to reapply and just stuff it somewhere so you don't lose it. I lathered up before but my thighs are burnt to a crisp from sitting in the sun after the water washed away my sunscreen on my thighs. The photographers took our pictures along the way and I had no idea, but I was absolutely beaming in every single photo. I seriously was having the time of my life! W also had Barney in a kayak taking videos of us and it was amazing! The lunch was so good (sandwich style) and was a nice break in our trip. Once we were done, we boarded the bus again and had unlimited alcoholic and soda options. We had such a fun time riding back to the resort with everyone reliving the day. We learned so much and just loved the adventure. Once we were back at the resort, we took advantage of the showers and washed off and changed - which was much needed because we were SOAKED. Once we were cleaned up, we headed up to the pub to watch the video Barney made for us. It was so nice to see everyone from the day again and eat and drink at the bar and relive the day. We went in not planning to buy the video and left knowing that we absolutely had to - it's SO worth it. We also bought the pictures and shared them with our new friends we made on the raft. Overall, it was the best day. I can't wait to do it all again. I'd love to stay at the resort next time since it was amazing and so lively.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
WOW! Thank you so much, K! We're so glad you faced your fears down—that's nails tough!
Jun 2022
This is a large operation that is very organized and efficient. The staff are helpful and safety conscious. Although rafting can be a dangerous activity, I felt that my safety and the safety of all involved was their highest priority. The equipment was clean and newer. I’ve been on other rafting trips where the equipment is rundown, so this is a big deal. These rafting trips are not for people who can’t swim, and that was reiterated before the trip even began. There’s shower facilities available, and everything was immaculate. Bring your own towels and shampoo. Our guide, Mike, was funny and competent, at all times made us feel safe so that we could enjoy the trip with just the right mix of adrenaline. We did a half day trip, which amounted to about 2 hours on the water, perfect for us. Make sure you wear water shoes, sunscreen and water clothing (I wore a bathing suit, board shorts and a skin, as the water was 68 degrees - you will get very wet).
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thank you, Jessica! Just to clarify, we do have rafting trips that are a bit more mild, and perfect for people who can't swim!

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