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Обилазак доњег Менхетна и Бруклинског моста са водичем (холандски)

Lower Manhattan offers some of the most unique neighborhoods, iconic landmarks, and breathtaking sights that you won't find anywhere else in New York City. Our Dutch tour goes out daily, and is a 2 hour experience that encompasses essential must-see attractions! Our guides provide in-depth narration and stops for photo opportunities at famous sights and hidden gems throughout the tour.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Thu 27 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $59.88
Thu 27 Mar
Са почетком у $59.88
Шта је укључено
Коришћење бицикла
Кациге, корпе/торбе за бицикле, браве
Bike Bag
Helmet (Mandatory)
Use of bicycle
Bike Bag
Helmet (Mandatory)
Додатне информације
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Specialized infant seats are available
  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Шта да очекујете
Бруклински мост
Гости ће се возити кроз Бруклински мост
Подручје градске куће
Гости ће започети обилазак тачно преко пута Градске куће на Менхетну у 38 Парк Ров. Гости ће стати и видети градску вијећницу након што покупе своје бицикле!
Доњи Менхетн
Обилазак иде по Доњем Менхетну, укључујући Кинеску четврт, Малу Италију, Волстрит и још много тога.
Финансијски округ
Истражите финансијски округ на овој турнеји и сазнајте више о историји Волстрита, док посећујете неке култне зграде!
Кинеска четврт
Возите се кроз култно културно жариште Кинеске четврти у Њујорку! Сазнајте више о историји центра, као и направите неколико фотографија!
Брооклин Бридге Парк
Возите се кроз Бруклински мост и дуж сликовитог Брооклин Бридге Парка, док научите како је ово подручје почело!
Јане'с Цароусел
Ова резбарена, дрвена вртешка са 48 коња изграђена је 1922. године и некако је постала икона која обележава обалу Бруклина.
Променада Брооклин Хеигхтс
Брооклин Хеигхтс је отмен стамбени кварт у Бруклину са елегантним смеђим каменом. Богата историјом и културом, нека Унлимитед Бикинг подели забавне информације!
Brooklyn Bridge
Guests will ride through the Brooklyn Bridge
City Hall Area
Guests will start their tour right across from City Hall in Manhattan at 38 Park Row. Guests will stop and see City Hall as well after picking up their bikes!
Lower Manhattan
The tour goes around Lower Manhattan, including Chinatown, Little Italy, Wall Street and more.
Financial District
Explore the Financial District on this tour and learn about the history of Wall Street, while visiting some iconic buildings!
Ride through the iconic cultural hot spot of Chinatown, New York City! Learn about the history of the center, as well as take some photos!
Brooklyn Bridge Park
Ride through the Brooklyn Bridge and along the scenic Brooklyn Bridge Park, while learning the in and outs of how this area got started!
Jane's Carousel
This carved, wooden, 48-horse carousel was built in 1922 and has somehow become an iconic landmark that marks the Brooklyn Waterfront.
Brooklyn Heights Promenade
Brooklyn Heights is a posh residential neighborhood in Brooklyn with elegant brownstones. Rich in history and culture, let Unlimited Biking share some fun information!
Brooklyn Bridge
Guests will ride through the Brooklyn Bridge
City Hall Area
Guests will start their tour right across from City Hall in Manhattan at 38 Park Row. Guests will stop and see City Hall as well after picking up their bikes!
Lower Manhattan
The tour goes around Lower Manhattan, including Chinatown, Little Italy, Wall Street and more.
Financial District
Explore the Financial District on this tour and learn about the history of Wall Street, while visiting some iconic buildings!
Ride through the iconic cultural hot spot of Chinatown, New York City! Learn about the history of the center, as well as take some photos!
Brooklyn Bridge Park
Ride through the Brooklyn Bridge and along the scenic Brooklyn Bridge Park, while learning the in and outs of how this area got started!
Jane's Carousel
This carved, wooden, 48-horse carousel was built in 1922 and has somehow become an iconic landmark that marks the Brooklyn Waterfront.
Brooklyn Heights Promenade
Brooklyn Heights is a posh residential neighborhood in Brooklyn with elegant brownstones. Rich in history and culture, let Unlimited Biking share some fun information!
Brooklyn Bridge
Guests will ride through the Brooklyn Bridge
City Hall Area
Guests will start their tour right across from City Hall in Manhattan at 38 Park Row. Guests will stop and see City Hall as well after picking up their bikes!
Lower Manhattan
The tour goes around Lower Manhattan, including Chinatown, Little Italy, Wall Street and more.
Financial District
Explore the Financial District on this tour and learn about the history of Wall Street, while visiting some iconic buildings!
Ride through the iconic cultural hot spot of Chinatown, New York City! Learn about the history of the center, as well as take some photos!
Brooklyn Bridge Park
Ride through the Brooklyn Bridge and along the scenic Brooklyn Bridge Park, while learning the in and outs of how this area got started!
Jane's Carousel
This carved, wooden, 48-horse carousel was built in 1922 and has somehow become an iconic landmark that marks the Brooklyn Waterfront.
Brooklyn Heights Promenade
Brooklyn Heights is a posh residential neighborhood in Brooklyn with elegant brownstones. Rich in history and culture, let Unlimited Biking share some fun information!
Show 29 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Коментара (1)
Apr 2024
Nice trip! We only booked here specifically because we would get a Dutch guide for our children! And it was an English guide and reacted very rudely to us! While you pay a lot of money for 2 hours of cycling! The trip was otherwise fine, but I could not understand much of the further explanation!

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New York City