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Маде ин Брооклин Тоур®

Маде ин Брооклин Тоурс® су награђиване пешачке туре са темом Маде ин Брооклин. Они комбинују истакнуту историју Бруклина са посетама креативним људима и малим предузећима која управо сада доспевају овде. Купујте јединствене производе Маде ин Брооклин. Откријте иноваторе Бруклинске индустријске револуције. Искусите како је дигитална револуција трансформисала Бруклин у креативну заједницу са јединственим, одрживим стилом живота. И стекните поносну перспективу Бруклина о томе шта је Бруклин учинило тако великим и видите како Бруклин то и данас чини.<бр><бр>Посетиоци ће путовати кроз време од зграде Бруклинског моста до урбаног пропадања 70-их и 80-их и даље до трансформације Бруклина у креативну заједницу уметника, дизајнера и креатора са одрживим животним стилом. Погледајте ко је успео у Бруклину!
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $55.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $55.00
Шта је укључено
Професионални водич за разгледање Њујорка
Локални водич који је родом из Бруклина
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 18 година<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Жао нам је, кућни љубимци нису дозвољени на обиласку<ли>Прочитајте ово одрицање и ослобађање пре резервације: хттпс://мадеинброоклинтоурс.цом/ваивер-анд-релеасе<ли>Водичи који су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Вакцинација против вируса ЦОВИД-19 потребна за водиче<ли>Маде ин Брооклин Тоурс ће учинити свој део тако што ће наставити да ради са бригом за здравље и безбедност наших гостију и људи и предузећа које посећујемо. У том циљу, Маде ин Брооклин Тоурс је преузео обећање Алл ин НИЦ: Стаи Велл и нада се да ће и наши гости.
Шта да очекујете
Обиласци почињу и завршавају се у Бруклину у историјском насељу ДУМБО на обали на месту до које се може доћи јавним превозом, укључујући трајект. Детаљна упутства ће вам бити послата непосредно пре датума ваше турнеје.
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Коментара (107)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jul 2013
I had 3 days to spend in NYC & wanted to make the most of my time there, so I did lots of online research to figure out my plan of attack. SO GLAD that I found "Made in Brooklyn Tours" and signed up for a Friday morning tour of Dumbo! I've been reading The Great Bridge by David McCullough (excellent book about the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge) and decided to walk the bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn. It was HOT the day I did this, and when I showed up at the designated place to meet Dom and start the tour, I discovered I was his only customer. I felt bad that he was going to do a 2-hour tour just for me, but he was gracious, enthusiastic, and full of energy the entire time. This guy knows and loves his hometown, and is 100% dedicated to the people and small businesses of the community. Along the way, I learned so much about the Dumbo neighborhood's history (including how, when, and why it got its name, and the story behind the local pizza). When it was time to go, he gave me a perfect recommendation for making my way back to Manhattan, and walked me to the ferry landing with careful instructions on how to get where I needed to go. Dom does an outstanding job of linking the past to the present and casting a vision for a thriving future in this great little slice of America. If you find yourself in Brooklyn, sign up for one of his tours. I promise you'll be glad you did!
May 2013
We took the Red Hook tour with Dom on an unseasonably frigid and gusty day in late May (last Saturday). Much of the time was spent near or on the pier so it was especially cold, but it was all well worth it. Dom is personally invested in the area, a lifelong Brooklyner (Bensonhurst) and a friend of the businesses we visited, and he shared his extensive knowledge of the area's history and current situation. We got first hand looks at historically significant areas and visited a wide swath of places and met the interesting people who run them. Products included a liqueur (Sorel) made from hibiscus and spices that was really delicious, chocolate-dipped key lime pie on a stick (yummy!), metal and thread store (classy!), a designer/printer (lovely!), wine maker (friendly!), chocolate and whiskey maker (yummy, too!) and a glass studio (compelling!), most with wonderful samples. Dom was passionate about the neighborhood and knew it intimately. It seemed like more than a job for him. We highly recommend the tour for anyone who wants to know more about Brooklyn than what you quickly read in guidebooks, and we definitely will try out his other tours, probably Williamsburg next. Incidentally, we took the Ikea ferry from the Wall St pier to the Red Hook pier where the tour starts. That was a fun and FREE attraction in itself.
Dec 2012
I am so glad I made the decision to partake in the tour of the Gowanus neighborhood organized by Dom of Made in Brooklyn Tours. Though peppered throughout with historical facts and descriptions of the landmark buildings we passed, this tour was unique in that it also showcased a neighborhood in a transition that was practically occurring live in front of our faces as we walked through the neighborhood. Dom informed us of the relevant debates on the future of the Gowanus canal and was even able to form his own thesis on the role of the neighborhood of Gowanus in actually "making" the rest of NYC over generations, just as individual potters, brewers, and bakers continue to make their goods in Brooklyn.

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