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Улаз и обилазак плантаже магнолије са превозом из Чарлстона

Enjoy this 4.5-hour tour of Magnolia Plantation and see the plantation has stood the test of time dating back to 1676. One of America's most important historical sights, you will travel in comfort on board an air conditioned coach. This tour is led by a knowledgeable and professional guide, that can transport you back in time.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Sat 29 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $96.30
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $96.30
Шта је укључено
Повратни превоз у возилу са климатизацијом
Улаз на плантажу магнолије у Чарлстону
Погледајте дивље животиње као што су алигатори, чапље, чапље и корњаче на плантажи од скоро 600 хектара
Уживајте у шетњи са водичем кроз последњи велики романтични врт у Америци
Стручни водич
30-минутни обилазак историјске куће плантаже магнолије
Вожња трамвајем у природи у трајању од 45 минута кроз вртове мочваре Аудубон
Додатне информације
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Tour is not recommended for children under 3 years old.
  • Drinks are available for purchase at the Magnolia Plantation
  • Cannot accommodate wheelchairs, but we can accommodate those with limited mobility if they can be assisted by a companion.
  • No pets. Service animals are allowed.
  • Dress code is casual
  • Please Arrive 15-Minutes before departure time
  • Moderate amount of walking is required, not suggested for those with limited mobility
Шта да очекујете
Плантаже и баште магнолије
Историја и лепота Плантаже Магнолије издржале су тест времена. То је такође једина плантажа на реци Ашли која је преживела и америчку револуцију и грађански рат. То је једна од најстаријих плантажа на југу и позната је и као најлепша башта Америке. Овај обилазак плантаже магнолије са водичем долази са повратним превозом у нашим аутобусима са климатизацијом. Све накнаде за улаз су укључене у цену ове туре од 4,5 сата и омогућиће вам да се вратите у прошлост, тако да можете доживети невероватну историју Магнолија. На овој турнеји, доживећете 45-минутну вожњу трамвајем поред колиба за робове, кроз мочваре, пиринчана поља и видети дивље животиње као што су алигатори, чапље, чапље и корњаче на плантажи од скоро 600 јутара и посете башти. Такође ћете добити шетњу са водичем кроз последњи велики романтични врт у Америци, који је такође познат као најлепша башта Америке.
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
The history and beauty of Magnolia Plantation has stood the test of time. It is also the only Plantation on the Ashley River that survived both the American Revolution and the Civil War. It is one of the oldest plantations in the south and is also known as America's most beautiful Garden. This guided Magnolia Plantation Tour comes with round trip transportation in our climate controlled buses. All gate fees are included in the price of this 4.5 hour tour and will allow you to step back in time, so you can experience Magnolias incredible history. On this tour, you will experience a 45-minute narrated tram ride past slave cabins, through swamps, rice fields and see wildlife such as alligators, egrets, herons, and turtles on the nearly 600 acre plantation and garden visit. You will also receive a guided walk through America's last large scale Romantic Garden, which is also known as America's most beautiful Garden.
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
The history and beauty of Magnolia Plantation has stood the test of time. It is also the only Plantation on the Ashley River that survived both the American Revolution and the Civil War. It is one of the oldest plantations in the south and is also known as America's most beautiful Garden. This guided Magnolia Plantation Tour comes with round trip transportation in our climate controlled buses. All gate fees are included in the price of this 4.5 hour tour and will allow you to step back in time, so you can experience Magnolias incredible history. On this tour, you will experience a 45-minute narrated tram ride past slave cabins, through swamps, rice fields and see wildlife such as alligators, egrets, herons, and turtles on the nearly 600 acre plantation and garden visit. You will also receive a guided walk through America's last large scale Romantic Garden, which is also known as America's most beautiful Garden.
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (734)
Melannie C
Mar 2025
It was fantastic and so beautiful! I wish I had more time. The people working there are so nice and informative! I would highly recommend
Mar 2025
Beautiful plantation our tour guides Shawn was very friendly and helpful. He gave us so much information and history. Would recommend!
Valerie G
Mar 2025
This was a complete rip off. After charging us, we were told the tours were sold out unless we wanted to wait hours. They also cost more than the entrance fee per tour. We paid $32 per person for four of us to spend literally five minutes there. I left feeling scammed. Don’t bother!

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