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Макена Туртле Товн Ецо Адвентуре на Мауију

Посматрајте хавајске зелене морске корњаче у њиховом природном окружењу на овој 3-сатној еколошкој тури за породицу. Од Макене ћете до града корњача путовати кајаком, веслајући мирним, чистим водама Јужног Мауија, пре него што уроните у заштићени гребен и роните уз морске корњаче, делфине, раже, хоботнице и јегуље. Обилазак малих група ограничен на десет људи.
Цити: Мауи
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $98.00
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $98.00
Шта је укључено
Коришћење опреме за кајак и роњење
Флаширана вода и грицкалице
Професионални водичи са обуком за спасиоце, ЦПР и прву помоћ
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Не препоручује се за децу млађу од 5 година.<ли>У зависности од повољних временских услова. Ако откажете због лошег времена, биће вам дата могућност алтернативног датума обиласка или потпуног повраћаја новца<ли>***** Молимо пријавите се 15 минута раније у 6:45 за почетак у 7:00. *****
Политика отказивања
Ако откажете најмање 3 дана пре заказаног времена поласка, добићете пун повраћај новца.<бр>Ако откажете у року од 2 дана од планираног поласка, добићете рефундацију од 0%.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (649)
Carol P
Apr 2018
We had a wonderful experience with John as our guide. He took us to a variety of locations, the whole time sharing information about the area, the sea life, and the history of the islands. I appreciated his jokes (some), and his love of the water and the creatures below the surface. We not only observed sea turtles and lots of fish, we were able to hold an octopus (or does it really hold you?). All in all a fantastic addition to our visit to Maui. We'll be back and kayak with John again!
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
Great review thank you! We are happy you enjoyed your time with us. Mahalo.
Apr 2018
This review is for Maui Kayaks not the Maui Kayak adventure. Went out kayaking and snorkeling today. No sun and a bit windy but John our guide did a great job at guiding us the whole way. He talks about safety, the do's and don't regarding the turtles and how to snorkel and how to Kayak. He's very patient and has a great attitude. We saw turtles, different kinds of fish and yes a Octopus up very close. John takes great photos so make sure you purchase them. I'm not the best snorker so I couldn't take pictures so I'm glad he did it for us. Great time and we will definately don't again but when it's a sunny day!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Thank you for taking time out to give us a review, we value your feedback! Mahalo.
Reed G
Mar 2018
Our first time with Maui Kayaks occurred in 2017. John gave us a great trip, with manta rays, reef sharks, octopi, and lots of turtles. This time we brought 3 generations on the tour, with kids from 8 - 13 years. They loved all John's facts and asked millions of questions. The best hands-on outdoor adventure these kids have ever had. The weather was fantastic, which made for a great kayak paddle, great views of West Maui and Haleakala with no cloud cover! The water was much cleared than we had expected, because of recent storms and high surf, but the reefs we visited were teaming with fish and turtles. I have never seen so many Humuhumunukunukuapuaap'a in one place! I asked my grandkids what their favorite activity was in Maui and they all said, "Kayaking with John!". He took time to talk to them and showed them he was interested in their learning about sea life and marine ecology. He was enthusiastic and managed his boat crews with safety and professionalism. Other kayak tour guides lead you to a reef and let you snorkel while they sit on the boat. Joh is right there in the water interacting with you and pointing out the many varieties of fish and other creatures. He respects the ocean, has great wave knowledge, and brought everyone back in great spirits. We will definitely do another paddle with this guy when we bring over the rest of the family!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Welcome back! So glad you came back with your family and for taking the time to give us a review. Mahalo.

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