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Макена Туртле Товн Ецо Адвентуре на Мауију

Посматрајте хавајске зелене морске корњаче у њиховом природном окружењу на овој 3-сатној еколошкој тури за породицу. Од Макене ћете до града корњача путовати кајаком, веслајући мирним, чистим водама Јужног Мауија, пре него што уроните у заштићени гребен и роните уз морске корњаче, делфине, раже, хоботнице и јегуље. Обилазак малих група ограничен на десет људи.
Цити: Мауи
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $98.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $98.00
Шта је укључено
Коришћење опреме за кајак и роњење
Флаширана вода и грицкалице
Професионални водичи са обуком за спасиоце, ЦПР и прву помоћ
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе.<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности<ли>Не препоручује се за децу млађу од 5 година.<ли>У зависности од повољних временских услова. Ако откажете због лошег времена, биће вам дата могућност алтернативног датума обиласка или потпуног повраћаја новца<ли>***** Молимо пријавите се 15 минута раније у 6:45 за почетак у 7:00. *****
Политика отказивања
Ако откажете најмање 3 дана пре заказаног времена поласка, добићете пун повраћај новца.<бр>Ако откажете у року од 2 дана од планираног поласка, добићете рефундацију од 0%.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (649)
Dec 2021
Andres was an excellent tour guide! I had a fair amount of experience snorkeling and kayaking; however, my wife and many others in our group were newbies, and Andres did everything he could to make them feel safe and comfortable. The snorkeling was great, and you do end up face to face with the turtles; the kayaking was a lot of fun and an excellent workout. Pro-tip if you end up with Andres as your tour guide. He offers to take pictures of you for $20/person, and he goes out of his way to get the best shots he can; however, I would only recommend paying for the photos if you intend on snorkeling below the surface. He got some awesome pics of me 6-10 feet below the surface, very close to the turtles. Meanwhile, those that didn't feel comfortable below the surface didn't get any cool pictures, in my opinion. He does warn you that he'll only be able to get fantastic pictures of you if you go below the surface. One other thing, Andres is very open to extending the trip to paddle deeper into the ocean to hopefully see whales after the 3 hours are up for snorkeling. However, this is group-dependent. My group had a few people who ended up seasick, and due to this, members of our group turned down the offer to go whale watching when Andres offered it. I was personally bummed out, but it is what it is! Anyway, I highly recommend this tour to anyone who wants something mild yet adventurous in Maui!
Dec 2021
We had the most amazing time kayaking in Maui. We had a group of 14 people, and we spent 3 hours kayaking in the ocean. We truly got the most out of our experience. Our trip guide, Andres, was absolutely amazing. He was very knowledgeable, helpful, and had the BEST personality. It was an active activity, but it was also very relaxing. He was just as excited as we were to whale watch, which made it way more fun for us! He took amazing photos. We saw MANY whales and a lot of our group agree that this excursion was their entire favorite from our week in Maui! Definitely, DEFINITELY recommend this to everyone!!!!
Dec 2021
This was such a fun excursion! Andres was upbeat, energetic, and very accommodating. Be prepared to wait for awhile before actually getting in the water as you have to go over all the safety instructions and wait for other groups to go before you. But once we were in the water, Andres took us to a wonderful spot with a bunch of turtles! Remember to take some Dramamine before you go—a few people in our group got seasick and Andres was able to find a way for them to walk back while the rest of the group snorkeled. The pictures Andres took are awesome! I would do this trip again.

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