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Обилазак ронилачког ламантина са ронилачким мајстором/фотографом у води

Пливајте поред нежних дивова, а наш професионални водич за снорклес туре. Наше туре укључују: пуна мокра одела од 5 мм, маску, дисалицу, топлу чоколаду, кафу, воду и услугу пешкира. Све наше туре полазе са наших приватних докова на лицу места, са грејаним простором за пресвлачење и топлим тушевима!! Ово је обилазак мале групе од 14 путника.
Цити: Кристална река
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $68.90
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $68.90
Шта је укључено
Кафа и/или чај, топла чоколада, флаша воде
Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
Капетан са сертификатом обалске страже Сједињених Држава и Водич са професионалном осигурањем у води
Употреба пуних 5 мм одела (за додатну топлоту), маске и дисалице
Услуга пешкира
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Одела за мокрење доступна су у дечија величина од 6 до 3КСЛ<ли>Коришћење комплетних одела од 5мм (за додатну топлоту), маске и дисалице<ли>Деца углавном треба да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Минимални узраст услов стар 6 година<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли> ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Политика отказивања
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Jan 2020
I booked the hotel room and snorkeling with the manatees through the hotel. They were excellent in coordinating the stay with the adventure. Also provided late checkout with no problem. I loved the hotel. The old wooden floors beautiful staircase in the entry and friendly helpful staff! My granddaughter and I enjoyed the game room, gift shop and dining. Swimming at night was magical with the lighting, large, beautiful pool and hot tub. The restaurant spills out onto a patio and there is a Tiki Bar near the pool. Snorkeling was wonderful! Captain Lance was very informative and made sure everyone had a wonderful experience. I had never snorkeled before. Lance spent time making sure I was OK on my own. He also took me by the arm to see a manatee up close. We went to different locations until we found a wonderful spot. My granddaughter and I will treasure this amazing time. In fact she wants to come back every year! She said "This is the best day of my life." We both absolutely loved the hotel and adventure and would highly recommend it to everyone!! This will be a Christmas present she will never forget!
Jan 2020
We went on a semi private tour with captains Mark and Dustin, it was AMAZING! Close up views of manatees with respect and knowledge of the creatures shared and a true passion for them. We visited two spots one where we had some alone time and Three sisters Spring where it was much clearer water but quite busier. We did expect as much as it was Christmas vacation for everyone. Even busy Dustin was able to give us one on one time by holding us and moving me. Mark was awesome greeted my kids like his own and shared his knowledge with us. Bucket list dream checked off!
Jan 2020
Captains Lance and Steve made our New Year’s Day trip one for the memory books! Our 3 teenagers (and us parents!) were able to spend several hours up close and personal with too many manatees to count. We watched a little one nurse, and then it come up to investigate us. We had one manatee show us his belly until we scratched it. I was amazed at how interactive and curious the manatees were. Manatees were everywhere at 7am! Keep in mind manatees are wild animals, and you must wait for them to approach you. At times they are not as interactive. Lance said the day before it had been hard to find them. My husband and I snorkeled at Crystal River 20 years ago, and our day was very different. We only saw about 5 that day, and none of them were interested in us. This trip with our teenagers was the exact opposite. I can’t guarantee what your trip will be like, but this is a must do! Plantation Adventure Center did a great job taking care of us. So glad they took videos of our family too.

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