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Мангрове и ламантине - Еко тура кајаком са водичем

Наше туре су усмерене ка првим и новим веслачима. Ми идемо вашом брзином тако да не морате да бринете о изласку и исцрпљености. Зграбите пријатеља и дођите у јединствену авантуру на Еко-турнеји број 1 кроз екосистем мангрова. Изаберите свој кајак - једнокреветни или двокреветни - и клизите у нашој плиткој чистој води преко сунђера, травнатих гредица и пешчаних површина. Ако погледате доле, можда ћете видети малу ајкулу болничарку, корњачу или ражањ или можете да посматрате делфине и морске краве. Изнад воде, чапље, пеликани и ораси се насељавају на мангрове и лове рибу. Иако нема загарантованог виђења дивљих животиња, увек видимо нешто кул у овом јединственом екосистему ушћа који почиње одмах испред стражњих врата наше продавнице.
Цити: Кеи Ларго
Sat 19 Oct
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Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $65.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све области и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке кондиције<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема /опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Маске су доступне за продају. Локални извори, поштена трговина - понесите кључеве кући са собом!
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Коментара (400)
Paula T
Dec 2017
Our group of five had a great time - we had three individuals in single kayaks and one couple go together in a dual kayak. Our guide Suzanne was fantastic - energetic, funny, and informative. She told us so many interesting details about the plants and animals we saw. This was a great experience and I highly recommend. The water was calm and we took snacks with us on the boats - we paddled through a 'path' through the mangroves that ended in a beautiful open area where we had a little 'water picnic' before heading back. Great time and totally worth it.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2017
Thanks for coming to visit us. Susanne really loves to share our unique environment with everyone.
Nov 2017
While in the Keys over the Thanksgiving holiday, we spent a wonderful afternoon with Deven exploring the marine life. My wife and son (in his 20's) paddleboarded, while I went by kayak. Deven took us along the coast and we were able to observe significant marine life, including baby sharks, starfish, cowfish, and a host of other fishes that we had never seen before. We went at a very reasonable and enjoyable pace. Having grown up in the Keys, Deven was extremely knowledgeable about the ecosystem. He was able to show us how the most recent hurricane impacted the mangroves, and how the ecosystem was able to cope with this damage. In addition to spending the afternoon on the water, we were able to learn a great deal from Deven. I would highly recommend asking for Deven if you find yourself in the Key Largo area and looking for an adventure.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2017
Thanks for coming to visit us. We feel grateful that we are able to share such a unique environment with our visitors.
Nov 2017
Our guide, Suzanne, was incredibly professional and took time to learn the levels of experience in our family group of five. This was me, my husband and our three grown children. We all chose single kayaks and were shown tips to help us paddle more efficiently. Once we began paddling, we quickly noticed a lot of debris caught in the mangroves from Hurricane Irma. Suzanne said some paddlers like to recover the debris. We were those paddlers! We recovered lots of plastic, cords, styrofoam, hats, a 1,000-lb moor line, a dinghy, a garbage can, a wheeled dolly with a wooden frame and plastic bottom, planks, a plastic lounge chair and part of a deck. It was a bit tough getting some of the things out (the dinghy and the mooring line, especially), and a bit of work to paddle it back to the launch site. We were incredibly happy for the chance to help clean up some of the storm damage and to leave the mangroves cleaner for others to enjoy. We did also see fish and birds (some up close!) and, as a bonus, when we were having lunch afterward at What the Fish a couple doors down from Paddle! we saw three manatees hanging out among the boats docked there. It was a magical day and Suzanne was absolutely fabulous. She was incredibly knowledgable about the area, the flora, the fauna and the fish. She also turned our 2-hour paddle into a 4-hour paddle once we got deep into the recovery efforts. I cannot recommend Paddle! highly enough. Get your eco-tourism on!

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