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Манхаттан авантуристичка вожња бродом

The ultimate custom sightseeing experience in New York Harbor! Enjoy the city from great vantage points and photograph the world-famous skyline on the same boat media agencies charter to cover breaking news! Our Adventure Sightseeing Tour takes you on an unforgettable ride through the harbor. The narrated tour points out more than 40 sights on the local waterways. You’ll experience the city from unique vantage points, carefully chosen with the photographer’s interest in mind. We’ll bring you within feet of major attractions and create plenty of distance to view the panoramic skyline. Our captains stop the boat at many places along the way to give you the opportunity to take iconic photos. It’s the perfect way to familiarize yourself with the geography of New York City during your visit and a lot of fun for tourists and locals alike!
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 29 Mar
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Са почетком у $99.00
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $99.00
Шта је укључено
Капетан са лиценцом америчке обалске страже
Накнаде за слетање и објекте
ТрипАдвисор Екпериенцес брокерска накнада
Локални порези
U.S. Coast Guard licensed Captain
Landing and facility fees
TripAdvisor Experiences brokerage fee
Додатне информације
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Our tours run with a minimum of 4 passengers
  • Minimum age is 4 years; minors must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Adult pricing applies to all passengers
  • Refunds will not be issued if tour/activity is missed due to your late arrival
  • No high heels; flat shoes only
  • Recommended: Bring sunglasses and your camera!
Шта да очекујете
Емпајер стејт билдинг
Напустићемо Менхетн и кренути на реку Хадсон да бисмо имали спектакуларан поглед на центар и центар града са зградама Емпајер Стејт и Крајслер.
Спортски и забавни комплекс Цхелсеа Пиерс
Идући на север на Хадсону видећете, ФДНИ Фиребоат Статион, Цхелсеа Пиерс, ВИП хелиодром, Хадсон Иардс Пројецт, Хигхлине и Јацоб Јавитс Цонвентион Центер пре него што се зауставите на Интрепид носачу авиона и терминалу за крстарење.
Њу Џерзи
Прећи ћемо на обалу Њу Џерсија и трчати на југ за панорамски поглед на цео хоризонт.
Финансијски округ
Из Хобокена прелазимо назад на Менхетн и заустављамо се тачно испред Финансијског округа и Куле слободе.
Баттери Парк Цити
Заокружујући Баттери Парк, улазимо у Ист Ривер где ћете видети како хеликоптери полећу и слећу, док крстаримо поред морске луке Соутх Стреет, идемо испод Бруклинског моста и до Менхетн моста. Након што смо уживали у легендарним погледима, трчимо дуж обале Бруклина, поред Ред Хоок контејнерског терминала и око острва Говернорс.
Кип Слободе
Прелазећи Горњи залив видећете комерцијална пловила као што су тегљачи, барже за нафту и трајект на Статен Исланд док се крећете до Кипа слободе. Заустављамо се испред безбедносне зоне да бисте могли изблиза и несметано да видите Лади Либерти. Заустављамо се испред безбедносне зоне да бисте могли изблиза и несметано да видите Лади Либерти.
Еллис Исланд
Враћајући се на Менхетн, пролазимо поред острва Елис и имаћете сјајан поглед на цео светски познати центар Њујорка. Надамо се да ћемо вам пожелети добродошлицу! На сваком од наших 12 стајалишта, капетан позиционира чамац тако да сваки гост може добити савршену фотографију и помоћи ће гостима са било којим захтевом за фотографисање.
Бруклински мост
Наш капетан ће вас одвести испод Бруклинског моста и зауставити се северно одатле како бисте могли да снимите оне култне фотографије обриса Менхетна са Бруклинским мостом у првом плану
Худсон Иардс
Зауставићемо чамац испред комплекса Худсон Иардс како бисте могли да видите Брод и све друге нове зграде.
Острво Гувернера
Наш капетан ће вам показати неке од старих грађевина из воде на овом острву, које је некада било база војске, затим станица обалске страже, а сада велики парк.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex
Going north on the Hudson you'll see, the FDNY Fireboat Station, Chelsea Piers, the VIP Heliport, Hudson Yards Project, The Highline and the Jacob Javits Convention Center before stopping at the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier and Cruise Ship Terminal.
New Jersey
We will cross over to the New Jersey shoreline and run south for panoramic views of the entire skyline.
Financial District
From Hoboken we cross back over to Manhattan and stop right in front of the Financial District and Freedom Tower.
Battery Park City
Rounding Battery Park, we enter the East River where you'll see the helicopters take-off and land, as we cruise past South Street Seaport, go under the Brooklyn Bridge and to the Manhattan Bridge. After taking in the iconic views, we run along the Brooklyn waterfront, past the Red Hook Container Terminal and around Governors Island.
Statue of Liberty
Crossing the Upper Bay you'll see commercial vessels such as tug boats, oil barges, and the Staten Island Ferry while making our way to the Statue of Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty. We stop right outside the security zone so you can get an up-close and unobstructed view of Lady Liberty.
Ellis Island
Returning to Manhattan, we pass Ellis Island, and you'll have great views of the entire world-famous NYC downtown skyline. We hope to welcome you aboard! At each of our 12 tour stops the captain positions the boat so that every guest can get a perfect photo and will help guests with any photo requests.
Brooklyn Bridge
Our captain will take you under the Brooklyn Bridge and stop just north of there so you can take those iconic photos of the Manhattan skyline with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground
Hudson Yards
We'll stop the boat right infront of the Hudson Yards Complex so you can see The Vessel and all the other new buildings.
Governors Island
Our captain will show you some of the old buildings from the water on this island, which once was an Army base then a Coast Guard Station and now a large park.
Show 97 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (570)
Mar 2025
The boat ride was phenomenal! The operators honored my requests. They were exceptionally nice. My family loved it. We would do it again. Very nice!
Nov 2024
We had will as a tour guide and was very informative. Weather was great and had the most enjoyable time seeing the site's from the hudson river Would highly recommend this tour
Oct 2024
The most incredible experience! A fast rib, brilliant for sightseeing and Eric, our captain was fantastic! Very entertaining and knowledgable. We all loved it! We booked this for our first morning and it blew away the jet lag cobwebs and was a great introduction to NYC!

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