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Хотел Менхетн до ЈФК: Заједнички трансфер за одлазак

На крају вашег боравка у Њујорку, последња ствар коју желите да урадите је да нађете такси и платите превисоку накнаду да бисте стигли до аеродрома. Идите на лакши начин са унапред купљеним трансфером од вашег хотела на Менхетну до аеродрома ЈФК! Трансфери раде 24 сата дневно, 7 дана у недељи у модерним, удобним комбијима којима управља тим професионалних, обучених и љубазних возача који познају Њујорк.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 24 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $36.51
Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $36.51
Шта је укључено
Једносмерни дељени трансфер
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Све области и површине су доступне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> ли><ли>Морате резервисати свој трансфер најмање 24 сата пре преузимања. Ако затражите трансфер мање од 24 сата унапред, ваша резервација ће бити отказана.<ли>Сваком путнику је дозвољен највише 1 кофер и 1 ручни пртљаг.<ли>Ваши комби возила највише једанаест путника<ли>АДА возила приступачна за инвалидска колица су доступна. Потребне су додатне резервације.<ли>Деца млађа од 3 године не захтевају седиште и путују бесплатно. Деца од 3 године и старија морају да имају своје седиште и да плаћају пуну цену.<ли>Због локалних закона, возачи задржавају право да одбију било које купце који немају ауто седиште за бебе<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Jun 2019
If I could give this company less than one star I would have! I book a ride for two on a shared van. I made sure to set requested pickup 4 hours prior to flight, just to be safe. After they were 45 min late I called their support and was told that the driver will be there in 20 min and they assured me that I will still make it on time. 20 min later I call again and I'm told he is 15 min away, than I call again and they say the driver is 10 min away, this just kept happening, for two hours! I started to debate whether I should just get an Uber and pay the price, but they kept telling me that I am the last pickup and therefore it is better if I just wait a few more minutes and I will make it on time to the airport. Finally when the driver arrived he told me that he got assigned with my ride ten minutes earlier!! and he refued to let me on becausee he had 5 more pickups after me and he said that there is no chance that I will make it on time and that he doesn't want that responsibility. I rushed on an Uber and got to the airport 45 min before my international flight and ended up paying 3 times to Uber from what I would have paid if I had taken it earlier in the day. The customer service reps of Airlink Go were rude, and so unhelpful! they kept lying to me on hte phone! This company just wants to take your money and won't provide you hte service you paid for. ABSOLUTLY HORRIBLE!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2019
Hi DavidGoldberg123, Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback. We’re usually known for our customer service, so I am sorry to hear we missed the mark here. Go Airlink NYC is a shared shuttle service that has a normal pick up every 20 minutes from each terminal. It sounds like you were not the last to be picked up but we guarantee a safe, reliable and cost-effective option to and from each airport. We would like to get more detail about what happened. Please give us a call at 212-812-9000 ext 408 or send us an email at [email protected]. I look forward to your reply.
Jun 2019
Horrible service. The driver was not nice. He wasn’t able even to put the luggage on the back of van, I had to do it because he said he wasn’t capable. If he is not capable he should not work on this job. Besides being unpleasant to ride and have to deal with him. Van number 1410 on june 24th around 2pm. He refuses to give his name.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Hi RicardoRAN, Thank you for letting us know about this. We would like to apologize for the unprofessional behavior the driver displayed while transporting you on a shared ride. The driver's behavior that you experienced is in no way the standards to which we hold our team. To ensure that we may provide the best service possible, we have notified our Airlink driver manager. Your feedback helps us get better. We are looking into this issue and hope to resolve it promptly and accurately. If you wouldn't mind giving us your reservation/order number for us to investigate what happen or please give us a call at 212-812-9000 ext 408 or send us an email at [email protected]. I look forward to your reply.
Jun 2019
I travel extensively for business and this airport shuttle service is truly the worst I have ever experienced. Picked me up at my hotel 10 minutes late and didn't arrive at the Newark airport until 2 hours later! We drove all over Manhattan after being told there was only one stop after me. Went from Midtown, to Lower East Side, Chinatown, etc. I didn't plan on a sightseeing tour! Even stopped twice to apparently use the restroom at the YMCA and let another passenger use the restroom at a Chinatown restaurant. Then drove like a maniac trying to get us to the airport. Don't book with these folks if you have a plane to catch.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Hi peggytraveler1, We would like to apologize for the unprofessional behavior the driver displayed while transporting you on a shared ride. The driver's behavior that you experienced is in no way the standards to which we hold our team. To ensure that we may provide the best service possible, we have notified our Airlink driver manager. Please provide your booking details so that we may complete our investigation. I would like to ask you to reply with your booking details so that we may easily identify the driver and the vehicle number. Please give us a call at 212-812-9000 ext 408 or send us an email at [email protected]. I look forward to your reply.

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