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Манитоу Спрингс Цоло-Рад Зиплине Тоур

Лебдите високо изнад подножја историјског извора Манитоу у подножју Пикес Пеак-а!!! Препустићете се узбуђењу и спектакуларним погледима док пливате преко нашег задивљујућег алпског кањона!!! Смештена на врху Грегори Гулча, наша прелепа стаза са природним тереном има пет зиплина, дужине од 225 стопа до 650 стопа. АОВ-ови зиплине су у потпуности лиценцирани, осигурани и прегледани. Наш курс је рустикални стил од литице до литице, без кула на које се треба пењати, а укључује и неколико кратких шетњи у природи између редова. Са задовољством пружамо нашим гостима могућност да безбедно заврше покрете слободним стилом док и они прелазе!!! Уживајте у најбољем налету адреналина на Фронт Ранге оф тхе Роцкиес!!!
Цити: Колорадо Спрингс
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $120.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $120.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Погодно за све Нивои физичке спремности<ли>Нема возача млађих од 6 година<ли>Нема возача испод 40 фунти, нема возача преко 300 лбс<ли>Гости морају да носе чврсте ципеле са затвореним прстима. Нису дозвољене јапанке или сандале<ли>Зиплинг је активност активног учесника. Учесници признају да људи могу и да се повреде на овом курсу Зиплине. Авантура није без ризика<ли>Гости треба да буду чврсти на ногама и да имају способност да ходају и разговарају на надморској висини од преко 6700'. Консултујте се са својим лекаром пре него што резервишете обилазак. Брзине зоне слетања могу бити до 10 МПХ. Ударци са земљом при лансирању и слетању могу бити спортски. Укључене шетње су дугачке око 1/2 миље. Од гостију се тражи да потпишу изјаву о ослобађању којом се потврђују њихове способности.<ли>Потребне су најмање 2 особе да би се ова активност одвијала<ли>Гостима од 6 до 17 година потребан је родитељ или старатељ да потпише одрицање од одговорности
Шта да очекујете
Адвентурес Оут Вест
Лебдите високо изнад подножја историјског извора Манитоу у подножју Пикес Пеак-а!!! Препустићете се узбуђењу и спектакуларним погледима док се зиплином крећете преко нашег задивљујућег алпског кањона!!! Смештена на врху Грегори Гулча, наша прелепа стаза са природним тереном има пет зиплина, дужине од 225 стопа до 650 стопа. АОВ-ови зиплине су у потпуности лиценцирани, осигурани и прегледани. Наш курс је рустикални стил од литице до литице, без кула на које се треба пењати, а укључује и неколико кратких шетњи у природи између редова. Задовољство нам је што нашим гостима пружамо могућност да безбедно заврше покрете слободним стилом док се крећу попреко!!! Уживајте у најбољем налету адреналина на Фронт Ранге оф тхе Роцкиес!!!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (43)
Marc W
Jul 2018
I took my daughters 16 and 14 and we had a great time. The tour guides were great with their jokes when explaining each line. Great views of the surrounding mountains and along each sip line. Would do it again next time we vacation here. Marc
Todd H
Jul 2018
We zipped with Adventures Out West in 2014 and had an absolute blast! Our guides were so amazing our girls remembered their names "Shaggy" and "Sky Ninja". As expected, they weren't our guides on our return trip in 2018. We were greeted this time by Josh (aka Smiles) who got us into our helmets and harnesses quickly and efficiently. We met our 2nd guide Katy (aka Bruiser) and got on the truck to head to the first of 5 ziplines on the course. The guides still tell cheesy jokes and make bad puns, and the ziplines are still the best we've been on. Each line has unique features, but all traverse canyons so you get the experience of flying high above the ground (much better than tower-to-tower or tree-to-tree ziplines we've done). I love the freedom this company allows riders...we did flips off the platforms, zipped backwards, upside down, twisting, and performing dance moves while hanging in our harnesses. And we never felt unsafe in any way...the harnesses and trolleys used are top-of-the line, and the braking system is excellent. We've paid this much for ziplines that required us to hand brake and allowed the rider none of the freedom to move and enjoy the experience like this one.
Crystal E
Jun 2018
Our entire family had a great time zip lining. We had a party of 4 adults and 4 kids ranging in ages from 3-62. We originally booked the camp fire zip line family night at $45 a person, but with a burn ban in effect they couldn't do the camp fire so they had us do the whole zip line course instead. We called 4 weeks ahead of time and reserved our spots. We were told we had to pay for all 8 people including the youngest child who wasn't old enough to do the zip line. I believe the kids had to be at least 6 years old to zip line. However they told us it would be no problem to coordinate one adult to stay with our youngest while the others zip lined and to take turns. However when we got there they stated basically they can make it work with having a young child there but you can't just coordinate back and forth with the way the zip line course is set up. They also were kind enough to call the office and get us a refund for our 3 yr old that we were previously told we had to pay for. The zip line course is behind the meet up point and they take you up the steep bumpy road with open top jeeps. I think the kids liked that almost as much as the zip lining. However some people had a hard time hanging on as the bumps really get you moving. When we got to the course you can see why they can't coordinate small kids. The zip lines basically make a circle from one to the next so if you are on one side and they are on the other for most of the zip lines. We were told that the whole group could go and one person had to stay with the 3 year old and then once they went through all the zip lines the person left behind would do the whole course alone. There are a few spots where you can see a couple of the lines to watch everyone, but not all of them. We had never zip lined and it all worked out and everyone had a great time just a little disappointed that it didn't work out as smoothly as we were told when booking with the 3 yr old. There were 5 zip lines and each getting higher and higher. I believe the highest point was 130 feet. Several people in our group were afraid of heights but the guides were great with everyone, and once you actually get off the platform no one found it scary. One of our kids zip lining was very afraid/crying etc and one guide got approval to go tandem with her. Which saved the day and only needed to be done on the first line. Everyone loved it and the guides were cracking a lot of jokes and made sure everyone was enjoying themselves. This was the highlight of our trip and we will definitely be back.

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