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Мауи Нуи Луау у Схератон Мауи Ресорт & Спа

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Цити: Лахаина
Sun 27 Oct
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Са почетком у $180.00
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $180.00
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Лахаина<бр>2605 Каанапали Пкви, Схератон Мауи Ресорт & Спа
Ако то већ нисте учинили, доставите податке о свом хотелу и контакт број на дестинацији добављачу активности што је пре могуће. Пружање ових информација ће вам помоћи да будете информисани о свим ажурирањима или променама.
• Подложно повољним временским условима. По нахођењу управе и места одржавања, луау се може преместити у затвореном простору или отказати због кише или претње кише. Гости ће бити контактирани и имаће могућност да присуствују у затвореном простору, ако је применљиво, да поново закажу или затраже повраћај новца.
• Паркирање на паркингу хотела Схератон Мауи је БЕСПЛАТНО уз ВАЛИДАЦИЈУ. Молимо вас да своју карту опечатите.
• Кодекс облачења је смарт цасуал; топло се препоручује шешир, сунчане наочаре и крема за сунчање.
• Минимална старост за пиће је 21 година.
• Време доласка у Луау је 16:30.

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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности <ли>Молимо вас да наведете број мобилног телефона на који можете да примате текстуалне поруке за ваш распоред за столом и да се пријавите на време.<ли>Молимо вас да имате алергије на храну у време резервације.<ли>Столови могу да приме највише 12 столица. Веће журке ће бити подељене између суседних столова.<ли>Ради безбедности наше глумачке екипе, није дозвољено фотографисање блицем или видео снимка.<ли>Мени је самоуслужни бифе и подложан је промени без претходне најаве. <ли>У зависности од величине гужве, времена и времена заласка сунца, време почетка/завршетка луау може да варира.<ли>Код облачења је паметан цасуал.<ли>Бебе и мала деца ( узраста 0-5) су бесплатни, али морају бити укључени у ваш број запослених<ли>● Уз ублажавање ограничења Цовид-а, маске за лице су опционе. ● Нема интерактивних станица пре емисије или учешћа гостију на сцени. ● Биће дат леи свежег цвећа (у зависности од доступности) или замена. ● Публика не види ископавање свиње из иму
Шта да очекујете
Мауи Нуи Луау у Блацк Роцку
Мауи Нуи Луау представио Тихати Продуцтионс.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (502)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Aug 2019
Starting from the beginning, we arrived about 4pm because we read on previous reviews parking was far.. we ended up just valeting the car for $5 and was maybe 2-3 minute walk if that.. we took some photos by the time we got down to the line maybe 4:10pm or so, maybe 10 people-15 people in line.. they had umbrellas for the first maybe 30 people so it wasn’t hot while we waited, they passed out ice water & Mai Tais as we waited in line, by 4:30 or so the line was wrapped around! We were glad to arrive at the time we did, vip seating was sold out so we had to take our chances and make it at a decent time prior to get decent seats (which we did get 3rd row) any who, once we were seated it was HOT! HOT! HOT! The sun is in your face or back there is no shade, everyone was complaining and dying from this heat! They def need to look into some kind of shade for the first hour of seating, once the sun went down it was fine. Breeze was nice. The activities they had while we waited for food were nice, Hawaiian games, temp tattoos, book mark making, etc.. we went with my 9 year old daughter and she loved it ! The food was average, it was a great selection but it wasn’t fresh by the time we got to the line. It might have a been a lot better if it was fresh. The drinks were GOOD & STRONG! Although, when you walk In there was drinks that were already made so those are watered down.. but when you went to the bar to get your drinks those were the good ones! Bar stayed open pretty much the whole time until maybe the last few minutes of the show. So that was good we definitely took advantage of the open bar. The show was nice, I expected it to be longer but it was really cute . The fire show was GREAT! We all loved the fire portion of the show it was AMAZING! It was our first Luau so I don’t have anything to compare it to, I would like to try a different one next time we go. Don’t arrive at the “suggested time” of 4:45pm because line is ridiculously long by 4:30pm.. bring an umbrella because it’s VERY HOT until the sun goes down. I do recommend to valet for $5. Food was good not great, the group with us in our table loved the food so I guess it all depends on your preference, Overall great experience, great for families. Hope This helps!
Aug 2019
The last time we were in Maui my husband and I went to the Old Lahaina Luau and that was amazing this time we brought our two children with us and the concierge recommended this luau so we thought we'd try it. The food was very good the drinks were okay and the luau was not as good as the Old Lahaina Luau. I definitely would try a different one if we ever went back or I would go back to the Old Lahaina Luau again.
Aug 2019
We waited too long to reserve the top favorites of the Maui luau circuit (according to the reviews and travel rankings), so we booked the standard seating of the Sheraton Luau through a local travel group. We had previously attended the Sheraton Luau, let’s just say ‘several’ years ago; and we tried the Feist at Lei Lei too in the past. So we were glad to see positive reviews about the Sheraton and we were excited to have a fun night ahead. Either way, we showed up early to help our party of 6 get a good seat for the standard seating. Remember to bring your parking voucher to the ticket table, for credit ($5 valet and $2 lot with credit). Standard seating is first come and first seated and buffeted. Haha. Everyone stands in a line across the lawn sidewalk. One thing about the Sheraton Luau to remember is that it occurs in the middle of the grass lawn between the hotel and the beach. Very little coverage from the sun. I would suggest bringing in a small umbrella (as we did) to keep the sun and heat from your party while you await dinner and the show. They are very prompt about the line starting on time and being seated quickly. The ticket lady wasn’t very friendly, but the rest of the staff was awesome. The male and female bartenders and dance crews were friendly, welcoming and appeared to have fun all night. We were joking with several of them and were impressed how hard they were working for our entertainment. As for drinks, they offered pina colada’s, Mai Tai’s, an open bar with lower end hard liquors as soon as you get through the gate. The drinks were not that strong, except at the open bar where tipping helped the pours. But overall, with temperatures at 85+ degrees, ice cold water was the best choice. Back to the Luau, the food was incredible, from simple salads, breads, and desserts to the Ahi Poke, Shredded Pork (‘cooked in the pit’ and part of the show), Fresh Fish, and Chicken, Steak. Honestly, the food was very fresh and tasted great. The lines and process moved quickly. The entire night was well executed and fun. The show included dancing, fire shows, singing, and audience participation. It was a great show. I do have to say that we were lucky to have 4 other great people join us to complete our table of ten in the 3rd row. Bob, Suzanne, from Arizona and Bill and Brittany from California. Bill was popping the question the next day so hopefully things went well! In a nutshell, Sheraton Luau was great for us this year and I would recommend it. Dress casually but comfortably, Valet Park at the Hotel, bring your parking stub for credit, get their early to get a better table in the front rows (rows 1-2 are priority only), bring a little umbrella, talk to others at your table, have someone take your picture (their pictures are too expensive), and then have a great night. Thanks for a fun night Sheraton Luau crew. We loved it and will be looking to return the next time we visit. Great job!

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