Our tour guide was great and very knowledgeable, but this tour is way too expensive for what it is. It was $165 for me and my wife. The tour is about an hour and a half with 3 stops, 2 in the field and 1 in the factory. You really don't see much at all but fields of pineapples. The first two stops were basically one in the same. The factory is underwhelming as it's pretty old and equipment looks out of date. During the second stop, 3 fully grown pineapples were split amongst a tour group of about 20 people. They were super juicy and very delicious, better than what we normally find in stores. At the end of the tour, they gave me and my wife 1 box of pineapples. I thought it was going to be 2 fully grown pineapples like the one we sampled, but when I opened the box at home, it was 3 small pineapples! They weren't even close to being juicy and sweet as the one we sampled on the tour. Anyhow, the tour started out good, and then left me kinda baffled with our pineapple "gift". They could at least give guest full sized pineapples. I couldn't help but feel like we got jipped. I feel like the tour should be half the price to be fair, or at least give us the same pineapples you had us sample! lol, Now I don't even want to buy the pineapples online like they originally told us. Rudy, our tour guide, was a cool dude though.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Mahalo for joining us and sharing your experience! We're so glad that you enjoyed Rudy's tour, and we'll take your feedback about the take home fruit to heart. We hope you enjoyed the rest of your time on Maui!