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Цити: Мауи
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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Коментара (232)
Eric V
Mar 2015
Redline Rafting does a bunch of different type of tours including snorkeling, whale watching and private charters. We booked on their site for the 5 hour snorkeling tour which included breakfast and lunch. The boats have some 'dry' spaces under the benches but I would recommend you get a dry bag for anything that can't get wet. We arrived at the put-in early am to get signed in and sized up for a shorty wet suit. For those of you considering not wearing a wet suit, think again. You are in the water for much of the day and no matter how warm the water is, you will get cold. I would recommend at least getting sized and take it with you on the boat. We wore rashguards under the shorty and both got a bit chilled. Once the boat was put in the water, we boarded and were given a safety briefing. We steamed out toward Moloka'i and saw several whale pods along the way. The captain slowed the boat so we could take in these incredible animals. Once we arrived in the area of the crater, we slowed and at breakfast which consisted of fresh fruit and cinnamon buns. Moloka'i was great. Lots of fish and coral to explore. Depths dropped off at a fairly steep rate. The visibility was awesome. The second snorkel spot was along the backside of the crater. This was really a scuba dive wall dive spot where you can't see the bottom from the surface. This spot was just ok. Everyone piled in and it quickly became congested. We were the only boat in the area for a while. We departed the crater and made our way to a part of the main Maui island. Saw more whale pods along the way. This was the third snorkel spot. Here we looked at some recent lava flows and rock formations. Not a lot of fish but interesting nonetheless. The final snorkel spot was Makena beach/reef. Also known as turtle town, this was by far the best location of the tour. We saw 5 or 6 turtles with one slowing swimming around and surfacing many times. It was incredible! The churn can get pretty good on the boat so if you are prone to motion sickness, make sure to take something before you leave. Other than that, bring your hat and sunscreen and have a great time.
Mar 2015
Redline Rafting is AMAZING. Much muCH MUCH! better than the larger charters that have tons of ppl. A WAY better value all around that includes more personal service because there's less ppl on board. With a totally AWESOME and Extremely EXPERIENCED Crew! WAY More snorkel sites offered per charter due to departure location allowing for more snorkeling,touring,whale watching time on the water. Redline because it is a "raft style vessel" with more speed and less draft (depth in the water) has the capability to access sites other charter companies cannot. Redline Rafting is VERY comfortable, provides CLEAN quality equipment, WETSUITS INCLUDED, ... YUMMY FOOD, offers dry storage for your personal items,..LOTS of Ocean and Island info along the way, including island history, fish and reef info, and much more....AND BEST OF ALL Redline has an incredible almost 360° viewing capability to allow all passengers that spectacular view to watch marine life and tour the islands without missing a THING! The "low to the water" profile ALSO allows an excellent opportunity to encounter marine life in the most INCREDIBLE way! Whales, Dolphons, Turtles,... the list goes ON! We've done the other charters and soak from experience.... REDLINE is the charter to choose! Definitely a MUST if you want the ULTIMATE Maui EXPERIENCE! WE HAD AN INCREDIBLE TIME, that cant be beat! .... (shaka) Always Aloha .... Andrea and Jason Henshaw
Feb 2014
They couldn't control the weather but every other detail was beyond excellent. Shawn and Kelli were professional, organized and super nice. We spent just the right amount of time at each area but there was never any rush to leave. "Maui Time" is the most relaxing time! I loved watching the sleeping dolphins, whale families and the turtles. Kelli was in the water to point out sea creatures of interest. For a breakfast snack, we got cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit. The make-your-own sandwich and pasta salad lunch was perfect. I purposely chose a smaller boat for a more intimate experience. The equipment was in excellent condition. My family and I were not disappointed. I highly recommend Redline Rafting for the Molikini Tour.

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