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Мексичка улична храна, једнодневни излет у Тихуану из Сан Дијега

Улична храна у Тихуани значи, масноћа, салса брза услуга, али углавном гомила укуса. Замислите да сте ученик и на свом путу од школе до посла немате времена, али камион са храном може вам уштедети оброк који вам је потребан да наставите. Такво искуство је у нашој тури, шетајте и једите. У мексичкој уличној храни можете пронаћи грицкалице попут свежег воћа са лиметом и бибером који ће вас освежити у врелим летњим данима, куваног кукуруза са мало путера, лимете и салсе можете наставити да ћаскате са пријатељима и истражујете улице. Тако је краљ улица и има много презентација  од једноставног такоса пасуља до тацо ал пастора (асада свињетина са зачинима), ставите пуно вакамола и лимете и праве салсе да бисте то подигли на други ниво. На крају треба да потражимо добру точионицу да пробамо занатско пиво. Ако више волите да пробате нешто слатко, можда ће вам бити опција маргарита у аутентичној мексичкој кантини. Током обиласка и дегустације уличне хране изградићете сопствено мишљење о Мексику, пођите са нама да пређемо границу.<бр>
Цити: Сан Диего
Mon 23 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $115.00
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $115.00
Шта је укључено
1 Персонализовани локални водич
1 мексички ручак са пићем
Храна и пиће
Роунд Транспортатион
1 мексички доручак са пићем
1 мексичка вечера са пићем
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Потребан је важећи пасош на дан путовања.<ли>Гранични прописи који могу промените место састанка (Купац ће бити савет)<ли>Потврда ће бити примљена у тренутку резервације<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу<ли>Већина путника може да учествује<ли> ли><ли>У близини јавног превоза<ли>Нема проблема са срцем или других озбиљних здравствених стања<ли>Није приступачно за инвалидска колица<ли>Ово искуство захтева лепо време. Ако се откаже због лошег времена, биће вам понуђен други датум или ће вам бити повраћај новца.<ли>Ова тура/активност ће имати највише 12 путника.<ли>Можете представити било папирни или електронски ваучер за ову активност.
Шта да очекујете
Тијуана Арцх
Идемо на искуство како бисте могли да упознате најбоља места у Тихуани да бисте пробали најбољу уличну храну. Може бити такос (разноликост), похована мексичка храна "Гарнацхас", Цхуррос на улици, итд. Доживећете локалну храну и на наш начин посећујемо пијаце, музеје или уличице.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (104)
Nov 2022
Our tour to Tijuana was amazing. We learned a lot, had some good food & drinks. Alex our guide made the trip interesting. He was very knowledgeable, outgoing & definitely had a good rapport with everyone he encountered. The tour was very fulfilling. Glad we went!
Nov 2022
The trip was amazing. Our tour guide was the best. My group would not have got this experience if we did it ourselves. Loved everything about the tour. The food was very tasty and the atmosphere on point. Thank you Alex.
Nov 2022
Since I am unable to give it a zero, it got a 1. Lucky for them. This company is AWFUL! I booked the tour for a Saturday. No where in the description of the trip did it mention if it was a walking trip or that you need a passport. Nor did it mention that there is only one parking lot and that it fills up very fast especially on the weekends. We get there about 20 minutes before the tour starts but have to wait for someone to leave to n order to park so I try to call the company several times and I call the tour guide multiple times before he answers to let him know the situation. He tells me “don’t worry! You three are the only ones on the tour today so take your time and let me know when you park.” I ask him if he is sure there times he says yes don’t worry it’s just my group. So after about 25 minutes, I call him to let him know we’re going through customs and he shares his location with me. Tells me what he is wearing and where he will be. We get through customs in about 15 minutes and I call again… It goes to voicemail. I try three more times both through WhatsApp and through regular phone call and it either just rings or goes to voicemail. I text him and send messages on WhatsApp with no response. We wait for an hour before he responds saying he is about to leave because he waited an hour for us. I tried to call him immediately multiple times and sent messages to him with no answer. We were ditched in TJ. When I requested a refund I was told they couldn’t give one because the tour guide waited an hour. I told them what happened and 15 minutes later they said they still could not offer a refund after investigating the situation. I told them there was no way they could investigate without having my documentation of phone calls and texts. So I will be reporting the company to the BBB. Maybe you will have a better experience but they are very unprofessional and have terrible customer service skills. There are a lot of things that are not mentioned on the site that you need to know before going there and I don’t think people should be penalised for that.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Sorry to hear about your bad experience, we talked to the tour guide about it and he showed us that he waited for you 1+ hours, we have a waiting policy of 20 minutes, due respect to the other tourists, but he decided wait for you a little longer becuase you were the only people on his tour that day but then he decided 1 hour was too much and decided to leave, he showed time stamps of the messages and everything. If you read closely to the description of the tour it says that in fact it is required a passport to go through an international border. About the parking lot, we didn't recieve any message asking about the parking situation in the border area and there is many ways to get to the area, we had no idea that you came by car, so there is no way we could possible know about that problem. Unfortunately refund doesn't apply because we had to pay the tour guide, bus driver, tequila tasting and all the many other services and workers that make this tour posible.

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