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Једнодневни излет из Мајамија до Ки Вест-а

Возите се преко 34 острва и 42 моста позната као Флорида Кис. Путоваћете кроз мост од 7 миља - један од најдужих на свету! Пут је омеђен смарагдном водом Мексичког залива на западу и Атлантским океаном на истоку. Обавезно сликајте! Имаћете отприлике 6 сати у Ки Весту да истражите острво у слободно време. Ки Вест се налази на крају ланца острва познатих као Флорида Киз и најјужнији је град у континенталним Сједињеним Државама.<бр>- Ки Вест је познат по бистрим плавим водама, небу испуњеном сунцем и опуштености став. Поред тога што је био одлично место за одмор, град је служио и као уметничко уточиште, председничко склониште и војна пошта.<бр>
Цити: Флорида
Tue 19 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $39.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $39.00
Шта је укључено
Ви-Фи на броду
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел, САМО ОДАБРАНЕ ХОТЕЛЕ. Контактирајте нас за најближи П/Уп смештај.
Возач и туристички водич
Превоз климатизованим аутобусом са тоалетом
Мапа Ки Веста и Водич знања о томе шта радити/видети и како се кретати!
Време преузимања зависиће од локације преузимања и варираће између 6 и 7:30
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Дете не плаћа ако не заузме седиште! Ако вам иду у крило, онда не морамо да наплаћујемо коришћење седишта.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (61)
Dec 2019
This was a good way for us to see Key West but the service could have been a little better. After being picked up at our hotel (which was timely and super convenient) we were told we were at our breakfast stop (a mile from our hotel). They said we were at McDonalds and were ordered off the bus. There was no McDonald’s. We wandered around looking for one for a coffee. Found a little business selling coffee only to be told we couldn’t bring the coffee on the bus. The breakfast stop ended up being a pickup stop for a couple dozen people. When they went to board they told everyone to “head upstairs” - failing to mention that upstairs was about 75% full already with the items we were told to leave to save our seats. This created a LOT of confusion as we tried to get back to our seats. There was utter gridlock in the aisles with more people still coming upstairs. We had to explain to people we had seats already. Many people were frustrated. After that the trip went smooth and they got us to Key West by about 11:30. It made for a rushed day (boarding was at 4:45) but we were still happy we got a chance to see it. Ride home was a little uncomfortable thanks to a screaming baby (with a dirty diaper) for a good chunk of the drive back. Maybe having a minimum age wouldn’t be a bad idea? Not sure a 4 hour nonstop bus ride is ideal for most babies/toddlers.
Ricky T
Dec 2019
Bus to and from key west. Good humoured driver. Good value compared to others out there. I felt the driver could have used some help as he was the driver, guide and salesman but he was great. Bus was fine. Clean enough and enough space for me at 6ft 1.
Nov 2019
Our tour to Key West was fantastic. The bus itself was comfortable and had great views of the bridges along the way. Key West itself was a lot of fun. Plenty to see and do. My group actually enjoyed it more than Miami Beach. Note that the tour itself is an all day affair. We left Miami Beach at 6:40am on the dot, spent six hours in Key West, and did not arrive back until well after 10:00 pm. Expect 4+ hours of driving each way. Although there were multiple stops in Miami to pick up and drop off guests, both the driver and tour guide made sure things ran as quickly and efficiently as possible. We never stayed at a pickup spot longer than 5 minutes. Dropoffs were 30 seconds or less with plenty of communication beforehand. We were provided a map and enough information en route to Key West to make informed decisions about how we would spend our day once we arrived. Tour packages were offered on the bus, but we were never pressured into anything. The bus stopped for breakfast in Key Largo, which was a welcome surprise. Overall, I highly recommend this tour and operator.

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