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Обилазак хране и коктела Мидтовн Атланта

Проведите се сјајно у богатој гурманској сцени Атланте на забавној пешачкој тури са храном заједно са упарењима алкохола и хране и једите као локални у познатим установама и скривеним драгуљима. Наше мале групе од 4-15 гостију стварају интимно, бутик искуство (оставите сточарство фармерима!) и приближавају вас вашем забавном домаћину гурману, партнерима у ресторанима и вашим колегама ентузијастима у храни. Вечерајте мешавину јужњачких класика и кухиње јединствене за омиљени Мидтаун. Прогресивни оброк је довољан за ручак или вечеру, уз додатну корист од учења историје Атланте и локалних посластица које ће вам омогућити да се боље упознате са Атлантом за 3 1/2 сата.
Цити: Атланта
Wed 20 Nov
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Са почетком у $114.99
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $114.99
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Професионални локални водич
Довољно хране за пун ручак /вечеру
Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
3 алкохолна пића
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступни<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Молимо вас да контактирате организатора путовања у вези са свим алергијама/ограничењима у исхрани о којима би ваш водич требало да буде свестан пре времена обиласка. <ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно<ли>Седишта за бебе су у зависности од доступности<ли>Не може аццоммодете ВЕГАНС <ли>ВЕГЕТАРИЈАНСКЕ опције се могу сместити уз претходну најаву <ли>Не препоручује се путницима са ограниченом покретљивошћу јер постоје подручја са неравним тереном и степеницама. <ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом
Шта да очекујете
Кућа Маргарет Мичел
Научите основе о Маргарет Мичел и њеном утицају на историју Атланте
Банка федералних резерви Атланте
Гости ће научити нешто о овој важној знаменитости током нашег обиласка хране
Јужне кулинарске туре
Уједињена методистичка црква Светог Марка није само место окупљања Соутхерн Цулинари Фоод Тоурс-а у Атланти, већ и историјско место од интереса. Гости ће сазнати о његовим занимљивим историјским коренима и архитектонским елементима.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (576)
Feb 2017
This was my first food tour and boy did John set the bar high! From his warm and inviting charm, to the vibe of feeling as if you were among friends you've known for awhile, to the takeaway handouts of other great recommendations, this was an awesome addition to a girls weekend trip. The food was IMPECCABLE, and the only true way to express how good was is to order you (the reader) to take a moment of silence for it..................................MMMM and amen! (LOL) Everything that touched our lips set off fireworks inside my mouth! The added bonus was that we got to do a lot of walking in-between tastings during which time John would provide interesting facts about the history of the neighborhood. Anytime I'm due to have company in town, or simply looking to break my diet for a good cause, you better believe I'm dialing John for another food tour :)
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2017
Ah-h-h-h... The trick is to, first, make everyone feel welcome...and then to slowly merge the group so that each guest feels "as if you were among friends you've known for awhile"!! There is great reason I keep my standard food tour to no more than 8 folks. Easier to chat...easier to find our common experiences...easier for me to remember names!! Thanks, W., for the lovely review!! I did laugh out loud when you said "looking to break my diet"!! As you well know there are a lot of "portion-sized tastes" to enjoy...none of which would be classified as diet appropriate!! Thankfully, over the 4 hours together, there is a bit of walking...and story-telling....and history lessons... which makes great sense. Who wants to just eat the entire afternoon??!! Let's do another tour!! A sweet discount for returning foodies!! My best! John
Jan 2017
My mom and I went on this tour last Friday and we had SO MUCH fun!! John was super friendly and made sure to talk to all of us. He really got the group camaraderie going. The food and drinks were delicious, and we are perfectly full at the end of our tour. We learned so much about Atlanta history on the tour and really had a great time. We also listened to two of John's other suggestions for when we went out to eat later during our Atlanta stay m, and those places were also delicious. I highly recommend this activity!!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2017
You and your Mom were a blast...and the group that you joined was a terrific mix of folks, all out looking for some Midtown food...and fun!! Because I keep my Tours small at 8 - 10 guests, it's easy to have lovely conversations with everyone...and then encourage all kinds of other chats as we stroll down Peachtree Street. Thanks, Ellen, for your grand review...and for pointing out that I always try to offer suggestions of where else to dine while my guests are in Atlanta. I loved your photo from Takorea, one of my neighborhood favs!! Big city! Lots of choices! I see "Traveling Nurse" in your future...which means even more Food Tours...and travel fun!! My best always! John
Susan S
Jan 2017
My husband and I went on the tour on Saturday. We thoroughly enjoyed the tour! John was a character. We had terrible weather and we were all drowned rats, but we all made the best of it. I won't spoil where we went, but I was amazed at the portion sizes. It wasn't just samples. John was very knowledgable of the area and also told of his world travels. We were debating on a less expensive tour but as they say you get what you pay for!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2017
At one point, " we had terrible weather" might have been an understatement!! Yikes! A four hour tour with the first three hours in a blowing rain can get old...so I got everybody to the World's Best Burger as quickly as I could...and the fun began!! Lisa, thanks for you and S. being such a great sports and I do appreciate you taking a moment to post a review! Yep! I'm not so much a "tasting" adventure but rather have always found that my guests like a portion sized serving so they can get a really big "taste"! As to "you get what you pay for", lots of yummy food, clever alcohol pairings, engaging history of my Peachtree Street neighborhood....and what kind of Food Tour includes "Surprise Shopping" where I send my guests home with even more food!! My best to you both! (I'll take "John was a character" as a compliment! Ha!)

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