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Пењање по стенама Моаб, Јута је познато широм света! Благословен са мноштвом рута за пењање у распону од веома лаких до најтежих колико је то могуће. Области које водимо, од којих је некима потребно само неколико секунди да стигну, имају пењање за свакога! Не пропустите прилику да изађете и испробате овај невероватан спорт.<бр><бр>РРА обезбеђује сву опрему! Учесници су добродошли да користе личну опрему ако желе.<бр><бр>Ниво тежине и стил пењања су прилагођени вашем нивоу способности!
Цити: Моаб
Fri 31 Jan
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Fri 31 Jan
Са почетком у $200.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају висок ниво физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (12)
Aug 2022
This was such a great and challenging experience! Our guide was fantastic and very knowledgeable. The climbs were challenging but do-able. I would do this again in a heartbeat!
Aug 2022
The local/scenery was nice, but we didn't need to ride a raft to experience it fully. I am guessing a spring trip where there are actually rapids would probably rate higher.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
We've been talking this one over and can't figure out a way that you can do a river trip without riding in a raft. I think what 908erina was thinking is that you could just drive through the area adjacent to the river. This is entirely possible as the river parallels scenic Hwy 191. But a river trip allows one to experience the place in an entirely different way. A way which we think might be more immersive and, for lack of a better word, better. On the river, you float through the scenery, hear the rapids, feel the sun and water on your skin, and possibly catch a glimpse of Bald Eagles or an endangered Desert Bighorn. In a car, you're, in a car! And yes the rapids are biggest in May and June but they are always there, just smaller in August. Always fun, just different!
Michael N
May 2022
We did the half day rock climbing at the ice cream parlor crag. It was a Monday and we basically had the crag to ourselves. Emily was our guide and she was fantastic. She was very professional and personable. Safety was obviously a priority. As far as the climbing it was perfect for us. Emily talked to us at the beginning of the day about our level and We each did 5 different single pitch climbs including slab and crack climbs ranging from easy to challenging for our level of climbing. It was different style of climbing than we were used to and Emily did a great job of giving us instruction and beta throughout the day. Overall, we got exactly what we were wanting from the day. Emily was a fantastic guide. I would recommend Emily and red river to anyone looking to climb in Moab.

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