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Миртл Бич до Чарлстона са вожњом коњима и кочијом, крстарење луком, Бун Хол

Придружите се Чарлстонским авантурама за узбудљиво целодневно искуство. Чарлстон је проглашен за град број 1 у Северној Америци и свету, дођите и сазнајте зашто. Пробајте све што „Свети град“ може да понуди. Полазећи са погодне локације у Миртл Бичу, ми ћемо вас превести до Чарлстона удобним аутобусом. Наш обилазак укључује 1) обилазак кочијом историјског округа са Палметто Царриаге Воркс, 2) мало времена на историјској пијаци за куповину (ако време дозвољава),3) обилазак историјске луке на броду Царолина Белле са обиласцима луке Цхарлестон 4) А укусан ручак у кутијама на вашем обиласку луке из омиљеног Чарлстона, и 5) обилазак плантаже број 1 УСА Тодаи, плантаже Бооне Халл. Препустите све планирање и вожњу нама и седите и уживајте на овом најбоље оцењеном дневном излету!
Цити: Миртле Беацх
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $171.28
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $171.28
Шта је укључено
Обилазак историјског Чарлстона са коњима и кочијама са водичем
10,5-часовни дневни излет од Миртл Бича до Чарлстона
Укључен ручак у кутијама у стилу деликатеса
Укључени сви порези и накнаде
Крстарење луком на Царолина Белле
Посета Старој градској пијаци
Превоз до/од Миртл Бича
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Код облачења је необичан<ли>Такође можете купити грицкалице на Царолина Белле.<ли>Ако желите било шта да купите током путовања, понесите са собом готовину.<ли>Наш мотор - аутобуски аутобус ће вас покупити са сваке локације и одвести до следеће.<ли>Ручак у кутијама се служи док сте на крстарењу бродом по луци. Посебне захтеве за ручак треба да се позивају, а не путем коментара за резервације. <ли>Наш моторни аутобус има тоалет, тако да можете користити објекте у аутобусу док сте на путу.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Превоз возила која се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Захтева се да особље и сви гости старији од 2 године носе маске када социјално дистанцирање није могуће, а људи нису у могућности да одржавајте 6' удаљености.
Шта да очекујете
Цхарлестон Адвентурес
Локација поласка на пут.
Уживајте у обиласку кочијом од сат времена по историјском центру Чарлстона.
Чарлстон градска пијаца
Уживајте у ограниченом времену за прегледавање и куповину на историјској градској пијаци након вожње кочијом.
Обиласци луке Чарлстон
Укрцајте се на Царолина Белле за 90-минутни обилазак историјске луке са живом приповедањем. Ручак у кутији који се служи у делу турнеје Царолина Белле.
Плантажа Бооне Халл
Истражите тло и баште, као и обиђите кућу на плантажи Бооне Халл, последњу станицу на путу пре повратка у Миртл Бич.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (190)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Tammi G
Jul 2018
We loved the Trip from Myrtle Beach to Charleston. The only thing I wish is that I would have had more time at the Boone Plantation. I could not get everything done there and that was one of my favorite parts of the trip. Maybe come back a little later in the day would enable the travelers to have more time there. I also enjoyed the carriage ride. I would like that to be a little longer too, but I realize it can't all be extended. It was well worth the money.
Becky M
Jul 2018
We originally planned to go to Charleston for 4 nights as several reviews said it's the best vacation spot in the country but family wanted more beach so decided to do trip to Myrtle Beach. On doing research on Myrtle, found this day trip to Charleston and jumped on it . The 3 things offered on this trip where the same things we were going to do if we had planned to go to Charleston. The bus ride down and back was very good, nice driver and informative. The Carriage ride driver was excellent but the area we toured did not give us a very good feel of Charleston at all, not the sightseeing we thought we were going to have. We also had to cram 4 people on each seat, very uncomfortable. We then had maybe 40 minutes in the market place and didn't have nearly enough time to shop or see anything and also there was not very specific instruction of where the bus was going to be so almost didn't make it back. Good thing I called the phone to get the exact address. We then went on the boat ride and was promised a lunch that had chips but none of the boxes had chips so had to ask the deck person and did make accommodations, lunch was ok but certainly nothing to write home about. The narrator was quite dry and seemed like he was reading it. We then went to the plantation and if it wasn't so hot it would have been a great time because we had a bit more free time to look around. Ride back was just fine. Overall, I would cut out one of the destinations. I would also do the carriage ride more south of the area to see more tourist type destinations, like the shopping areas, museums, waterfront etc. Plantation definitely I would keep. It was nice to see Charleston but way too hurried to really get any flavor of the down town area.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Thank you for taking the Charleston Adventures Day Trip to Charleston and for taking the time to leave your feedback. The carriage tours cannot decide where they are going to tour. They are on a lottery system mandated by the City of Charleston and are given a route at the time of each tour so as not to congest one area. All routes are in the historic district. The bus picks up in the exact same location as it drops you off. In fact, the driver never moves after dropping guests off for the carriage ride and the carriages make special trips to come pick up guests from the bus directly and drops off closer the market so guests have more time to shop/browse. This tour is meant to give you an overview of Charleston and ideas on what you may want to come back and visit for longer. Our lunches do not include chips, but a healthier fruit cup option. We do have chips and other snacks available for sale on the harbor tour boat. Unfortunately, we can't control the heat, but it can be quite hot in Charleston in the summer.
Jul 2018
I have been to Charleston over 10 times but decided to take this tour with friends to avoid the long drive and parking issues. I thought the tour was well planned and covered a variety of sights that made the trip very interesting. The lunch and harbor tour provided a nice break from the hot and humid day. I personally thought the highlight of the tour was the carriage ride and the tour guide Monica was OUTSTANDING. The only negative thing about the tour was the return ride from Boone Plantation. We waited an extra 35 minutes because the driver didn't correctly count the passengers. We waited for 5 missing passengers that were not missing. I realize that the bus driver is not a tour guide but he should be able to count heads. Other than this little miscue the trip was outstanding and I highly recommend it.

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