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Миртл Бич до Чарлстона са вожњом коњима и кочијом, крстарење луком, Бун Хол

Придружите се Чарлстонским авантурама за узбудљиво целодневно искуство. Чарлстон је проглашен за град број 1 у Северној Америци и свету, дођите и сазнајте зашто. Пробајте све што „Свети град“ може да понуди. Полазећи са погодне локације у Миртл Бичу, ми ћемо вас превести до Чарлстона удобним аутобусом. Наш обилазак укључује 1) обилазак кочијом историјског округа са Палметто Царриаге Воркс, 2) мало времена на историјској пијаци за куповину (ако време дозвољава),3) обилазак историјске луке на броду Царолина Белле са обиласцима луке Цхарлестон 4) А укусан ручак у кутијама на вашем обиласку луке из омиљеног Чарлстона, и 5) обилазак плантаже број 1 УСА Тодаи, плантаже Бооне Халл. Препустите све планирање и вожњу нама и седите и уживајте на овом најбоље оцењеном дневном излету!
Цити: Миртле Беацх
Fri 15 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $171.28
Fri 15 Nov
Са почетком у $171.28
Шта је укључено
Обилазак историјског Чарлстона са коњима и кочијама са водичем
10,5-часовни дневни излет од Миртл Бича до Чарлстона
Укључен ручак у кутијама у стилу деликатеса
Укључени сви порези и накнаде
Крстарење луком на Царолина Белле
Посета Старој градској пијаци
Превоз до/од Миртл Бича
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Код облачења је необичан<ли>Такође можете купити грицкалице на Царолина Белле.<ли>Ако желите било шта да купите током путовања, понесите са собом готовину.<ли>Наш мотор - аутобуски аутобус ће вас покупити са сваке локације и одвести до следеће.<ли>Ручак у кутијама се служи док сте на крстарењу бродом по луци. Посебне захтеве за ручак треба да се позивају, а не путем коментара за резервације. <ли>Наш моторни аутобус има тоалет, тако да можете користити објекте у аутобусу док сте на путу.<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Превоз возила која се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Захтева се да особље и сви гости старији од 2 године носе маске када социјално дистанцирање није могуће, а људи нису у могућности да одржавајте 6' удаљености.
Шта да очекујете
Цхарлестон Адвентурес
Локација поласка на пут.
Уживајте у обиласку кочијом од сат времена по историјском центру Чарлстона.
Чарлстон градска пијаца
Уживајте у ограниченом времену за прегледавање и куповину на историјској градској пијаци након вожње кочијом.
Обиласци луке Чарлстон
Укрцајте се на Царолина Белле за 90-минутни обилазак историјске луке са живом приповедањем. Ручак у кутији који се служи у делу турнеје Царолина Белле.
Плантажа Бооне Халл
Истражите тло и баште, као и обиђите кућу на плантажи Бооне Халл, последњу станицу на путу пре повратка у Миртл Бич.
Show 2 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (190)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Sep 2016
Overall this is pretty much the only practical way to see Charleston when vacationing in myrtle beach without a car. The ride there was convenient and comfortable. Everything was rushed though. After the carriage ride we only got ten minutes to shop and the bus driver nor carriage operator told us how to find the bus so people were paying for bike taxis to get them back. Also the harbor cruise was filled up with another group by the time our bus got there so our tour has to sit inside and that ruined the view. For the plantation the bus was late so we had 45 minutes total there. our group was only able to see three rooms in the main house and had zero time to explore the grounds
Sep 2016
Charleston Adventure Tour was disappointing first of all we are not from Myrtle Beach and before making our reservation to be on a bus at 630 am we wanted to see how much time it would take to get to the place to catch it. I looked everywhere on the website that have questions and answers for everything else except where exactly to meet the bus we knew it was in Barefoot Landing if you've ever been here, you know this place is HUGE. Since it says they do this tour every Tuesday and Thursday someone must know about it, we stopped by the information center they had no idea they sent us to the bigger information center and finally we found a security guard that thought it was in front of Hard Rock Cafe. We left that night unsure and when I ordered the tickets it, then gave us the spot which is indeed in front of  HRC how ever for people like us who like to plan ahead it should be listed on the information somewhere. We got to the bus at 645 am and it was already full they make the bus sound like a luxury liner, but it's a little bigger than a school bus with a bathroom. When asked if the tour was handicapped friendly we were told if you can do some walking you will be fine when we got to Charleston we were told by the bus driver, he would pick us up exactly where he dropped us off at well the horse tour dropped us off across town so we had to walk all the way back in 95°  weather and everything looked the same and there were busses that looked just like ours all over the place because none of them are marked they are all plain white busses and we had to be back by 11 or we would get left. We finally found our way jumped on the bus up the road to the boat tour which was extremely packed we were handed a box as soon as we boarded and told to get in line for a drink. When we finally found somewhere to squeeze in so we could eat opened the box to a hard, soggy bun with meat on it a cookie and fruit some lunch. The sandwich was uneatable so I had a cookie and gave the fruit to my dad. We rode around and the captain pointed out some stuff there was no shade it was hot and nothing special. Then we jumped back on the bus to get to the Plantation got there and we did the walking tour (incase you didn't pick up on this there is quite a bit of walking which for my father who has knee problems was a big issue) thank god they had a general store here where I got a decent sandwich I was starving by this time. We also got a trolley ride around the property which was nice then back on the bus to come home. By the end of this whirlwind day everyone was exhausted. There is a lot of walking so if you have any issues that make it difficult skip this tour. It was $218 for 2 people we left Myrtle Beach at 7am and were back by 6pm they do not leave you any time for shopping or anything extra wear walking shoes and cool clothing and bring your own water! I wouldn't do this tour again.
John D
Sep 2016
Charleston Adventure provided one of the best all-day tours I've ever been on. For a very reasonable price they organized bus service from Myrtle Beach, SC to Charleston, a carriage ride, a boat ride, and walking tour of the Boone Family Plantation. It was a great experience with very pleasant and competent guides who were not only knowledgeable about Charleston but also kept the group on time and gave ample time to walk through the Charleston Market Pavilion. The bus driver was very pleasant and kept the customers informed about traffic, weather and other useful tidbits about the tour.

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