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На Пали Цоаст Супер Рафт Адвентуре

Радећи на најнапреднијим и најспособнијим сплавовима на Кауа'ију, Кауаи Воиагер И & 2 по мери, у могућности смо да угостимо госте као нико други. Наш обилазак нас доводи до величанствених литица и приватних плажа на обали На Пали, као и до епских морских спаса. Нудимо неометану вожњу са индивидуалним седиштима и пуним тоалетом, док и даље имамо потпуни приступ спектакуларним карактеристикама и активностима обале На Пали.<бр><бр>*Имајте на уму да су активности на води као што су роњење, морске пећине итд. ДОЗВОЉАВА, али урађено на великој већини наших турнеја.
Цити: Кауаи
Mon 13 Jan
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Са почетком у $205.00
Mon 13 Jan
Са почетком у $205.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са недавним операцијама<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Радимо искључиво на отвореном, што значи да маске за лице нису обавезне за госте. Сва опрема је добро одржавана и дезинфицирана између обилазака.
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Коментара (243)
Jul 2022
We had a blast! It is a fun, fast-paced ride but still very comfortable. Got up close with the canyon and caves. Kids loved the high speed boat. I recommend this boat due to the seats and not getting soaked but still fast! Didn’t see any dolphins or turtles but the snorkeling was a great easy first time for the kids.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Sounds like you know how to have fun! This is the second time this.month the dolphins missed the mark. Time to call the union and get them back in point. Wish it was that easy:). Kids love water and diving in under the gorgeous back drop of Kauai is just icing on that cake. Yes the boat is comfortable, fast and dry until we want to make it just a little more fun or the ocean decides to step it up a notch. Sometimes the spray does come back to us with high winds and earlier in the summer we got a fun one over the bow that got everyone! Good to ask for a dry bag no matter what day it is. We have them for you. Glad your kids had a great day. Nothing more fun than smiling youth. Well Pandas are fun too.
Jul 2022
Paid 200$ just to sit for 5 hours. Didn’t get to see no dolphins or turtle. Couldn’t go in the cave. Didn’t even snorkel. No swimming. Waste of time and day. Sat for 5hrs just to see some places mountain etc.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
People love us. But every so often a customer leaves a review that they were disappointed or didn’t have as much fun as they thought. So here at CaptainJ’s we always remind our customers, “If you’re sad there, you might still feel sad here, OK? Lets talk about your seat. It was comfortable and forward facing. Your seat was moving 30 miles an hour along the most beautiful coastline in the world. Your seat slowed down and allowed you time and opportunity use the restroom, take pictures and enjoy the most beautiful portions of the majestic Na Pali coast.Your seat was tended to by a staff who appreciate the beauty they are surrounded by every day and was at your beckon call should you only raise your hand.. Your seat maneuvered feet away from 3500 foot cliffs and your seat gave you access to sea caves accented with opaque blue Iridescence and was surrounded by jade saturated waters most of the day. If your seat was in the front it went under a 30 ft waterfall and your seat became wet. If your seat was in the back it was shaded and remained dry. Your seat went 70 miles over the sea and brought you to places you have only dreamed of. If you did not see dolphins they decided to go hunting that day and if you didn't see Sea Turtles it was most likely because you were busy trouncing out this review. They are everywhere. To that I must add if you did not snorkel the conditions were unsafe or you yourself cannot swim. This is not a tour to learn how to swim or snorkel for the first time. Leaving the boat into 20 feet of water at the end of the modern world is not where to begin your swimming career. It is how you end it. We will not accept the responsibility of watching you “try it “ for the first time. For the first and possibly through the 10 th time one should start from shore where your feet may save you thus relieving us of that responsibility. We want to help everyone enjoy the day and while entertaining someones desire to flail around could be considered entertainment for some we take the Job quite seriously. It is a day of a lifetime and should never approach the last day. Your seat was safe. Your seat was a value. My seat at the moment is in an airport restaurant where I just paid $77.00 for a dry chicken sandwich, some soggy fries, a pickle and two beers. 88.50 with tip. Don't forget to tip your crew even if you write a bad review. It is not their fault you were sad when you got there. Aloha! Until we meet again.
Jul 2022
Great experience!! Would definitely recommend. The staff was knowledgeable about the history of the island with some interesting facts.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Glad you enjoyed the day with us. Appreciation for this remarkable island comes easy. It is a stunner. A gem only recently discovered again. Mahalo.

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