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Обилазак винарија у долини Напа укључујући ручак за пикник

Вожња са стилом до винарија у долини Напа. Током овог обиласка од 5-6 сати, професионални возач вас води до три врхунске винарије за лагани излет у земљу вина са другим љубитељима вина. <бр><бр>Од понедељка до четвртка: Хотели у центру Напе, Амерички кањон, Оутсидер нас могу срести на Окбов Публиц Маркет на адреси 610 1ст Ст, Напа, ЦА 94559. <бр><бр>Од петка до недеље: Хотели у центру Напа, амерички кањон. Особа са стране може да нас сретне на Окбов Публиц Маркету на адреси 610 1ст Ст, Напа, ЦА 94559.<бр><бр>Одрицање одговорности: Винарије наведене у плану пута су пробне и подложне су променама у зависности од доступности и величине групе.
Цити: Napa & Sonoma
Tue 01 Oct
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Са почетком у $124.99
Tue 01 Oct
Са почетком у $124.99
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе су обавезне да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 годину<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље
Шта да очекујете
Мадонна Естате
Сјајна винарија у долини Напа са акредитованом дегустацијом вина и мирним просторима за пикник. *Напомена: Све винарије наведене у плану пута су оквирне и подложне су променама у зависности од доступности и величине групе.*
Породична винарија Робледо
Смештена у плодним земљама Сономе, породична винарија Робледо нуди дегустације локалних омиљених мешавина вина у угодном амбијенту. *Напомена: Све винарије наведене у плану пута су оквирне и подложне су променама у зависности од доступности и величине групе.*
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Коментара (352)
Alicia B
Jun 2018
Visited 4 wineries for our daughter in laws birthday. Doug Summers made our day absolutely perfect. He was on time for our pick up, provided amazing service and kept us on track the entire day. I would absolutely recommend this company and Doug Summers to make your special occasion a perfect one.
Janet K
Jun 2018
I don't know where to start with this dude so let me go back to the phone conversations we had 5 weeks before we visited. I know my wine but was just a little nervous hosting a group of 5 mothers and 5 daughters who looked to me to put together a day in Napa that they would never forget. Enter Napa Valley Wine Country Tours,,,Yes I shopped around but what I found unique about this company was the fact that the drivers contact you and help you plan the trip....OK..they are driving us...so that makes sense as they would know the ins and outs a little better than what maps aps suggest.The other companies charged more for the office people to plan your day. The day I booked i was called by George who asked if this was a good time to speak as we were going to be on the phone for awhile putting together .." a perfect day" I did have a list of places I wanted to visit and with quite a bit of laughter and back and forth we finally had a plan and what I felt was a new friend that made me rest assured I ( my group) was in good hands that " was going to make me a star in their eyes" The day of the trip was more than was promised with a few extra SECRETS thrown in for us. The Sprinter Van was amazing and George had a HUGE bag with Chargers, Aux Cord and even 2 sewing kits so when Lori blew a button on her blouse he just handed them to her and stepped away as us ladies had Lori back and running in 3 minutes ( it would have been 2 minutes but this was after winery # 1. ,,so ya know...wine We had our 20ish daughters with us and I must also mention that we were a little motherly making sure he was respectful to everyone and took notice how he always took off his sunglasses everytime he looked at any of us and looked directly into everyone's eyes as a gentleman should. He even pointed the rear view mirror up so we rested assured while we were breaking loose in the back his eyes were on the road. He offered a hand to assist us out of the van at every stop and did catch two of us ( yes Lori was one )from slipping when we got near the end which could have put a damper in a ....Perfect Day ...that DID make me a ...Star...as promised! Thank you Napa Valley Wine Country Tours and George as we all shout. SAME TIME NEXT YEAR!!!!!! inited the rear view mirror up! We and had a amazing picnic at Pestoni Family and while we were tasting George ran up to Dean and Delucca to pick up our pre ordered lunch! That part I would have never thought of and saved us $$$ instead of going to a restaurant we got to sit outside in a vineyard and have lunch !!! I really dont think you can go wrong with winerys in the Napa Sonoma area but I think it really is worth the effort to shop around for a company that has drivers that get it. This is my only experience with these guys and if that is the standard they require in a driver then there has to be nobody better...BTW..the pricing was so good I was a little hesitant as it seems too good to be true..After checking reviews on Tripadvisor I set my wine reputation on the line and in the end ... I AM a Wine Star ...and it was a..PERFECT Day...as promised! Thank you Napa Valley Wine Country Tours and our
Lifecntstop L
Jun 2018
Location Napa valley, an hour and half away from sab Francisco and you are surrounded by the best vineyards in US. Experience Beautiful place it's all about wines when you are at this place there are number of local wineries which produce some of the best wines, but they don't export it. So you can taste these rare wines only here which us really special. And you can find lots of renowned names like OPUS ONE, ROBERT MONDAVI and many other here only taking wine tours is one of the best options so you can visit a few wineries and get some knowledge about the wine production and taste the wines as well. You can buy wines at a good price all and all the quality dil be the best

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