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Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $25.98
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Нев Хавен Греен
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Гроове у улици Грове
организовано 1796. као Њу Хејвен Буриинг Гроунд
Градска скупштина
Дизајнирао Хенри Остин и изграђен 1861
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Коментара (41)
Dec 2013
When I think of a Ghost tour of any kind, I think of something where I might see something, hear something, experience something. None of these happened on this tour. Basically, all that went on was we walk the town and they told stories and pointed out places that may be haunted. I paid half price on Groupon's website and still wasn't worth it to me. Would have really been disappointed if I had paid full price a ticket! If you are going to do a Ghost Tour I'd recommend doing a Slater Mill Tour in Pawtucket, RI.
Oct 2013
I got the tour half price on Groupon. Well worth the money spent to spend a few hours with family, learn some history and see a few orbs. We did this on the Saturday before Halloween, and it was a large group. Our guide was great,(wish I remembered her name) had lots of stories. Very informative, lots of history in New Haven, I had no idea. The walk was well paced. About halfway through, we stopped at a place that had rest rooms. Dress for the weather, it was really cold and very windy. I was ready for it, but many were not. This is all outside, again, dress for the weather.
Jul 2013
Ok, so right up front let me give you my disclaimer - I don't believe in ghosts. I certainly didn't expect to see any, and I didn't expect to be scared. However, the history behind the legends can be interesting, as can the history of the area. My review- 1) The meeting location was easy to find and we had no problems. The guide met us there on time, and he had all of our names. Scheduling was pretty easy, so overall decent marks on the logistics. 2) If you really want to see ghosts, or think you are seeing ghosts, or get scared, or have scary fun, go walk around an old cemetery at night. Carry one of those ghost hunting tools if you want something to tell you there is something going on (or grab one of apparently many iPhone apps). This tour will not give you that. In fact, the tour takes you to an old cemetery, but you can't go in with the tour. Very disappointing. 3) If you want an interesting and informative history of the legends and the area, it wasn't much better. The guide was pleasant, but certainly not the most engaging speaker. To be fair, he had a tough night (more on that below). You walk around downtown New Haven, and don't actually go inside anywhere. Why I'm really dissatisfied with this tour - On the night we went, K.C. and the Sunshine Band was playing a free concert on the New Haven Green. That is right in the middle of the tour, and according to our guide, it typically goes through the Green. So the guide had to work around the Green and try to shout over the concert. Most of the time you could barely hear him. It wasn't his fault - the company should not have been booking tours for that night. Maybe it would have been better without the concert going on. On the positive side, it was a beautiful night, a nice walk through the beautiful architecture of New Haven, and we got to listen to K.C. Of course, I could have done that for free. Another important note - The tour was about 2 hours, and the only bathrooms were at the beginning - there are no stops along the way.

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