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Нев Иорк ЦитиПАСС

Experience 5 must-see attractions and save up to 41% with New York CityPASS® tickets. With 9 days to use your tickets, you can take your time exploring.

Get admission to 5 attractions.

• Empire State Building Observatory
• American Museum of Natural History
Plus choose 3 of the following:
• Top of The Rock® Observation Deck
• 9/11 Memorial & Museum
• Ferry Access to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
• Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises
• Intrepid Museum
• Guggenheim Museum

Plan Your Trip:
Download and visit the My CityPASS® App to access tickets, make reservations (if required), and view attraction details.

Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Thu 27 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $154.00
Thu 27 Mar
Са почетком у $154.00
Шта је укључено
Избор између Меморијала и музеја 11. септембра ИЛИ Музеја Интрепид Сеа, Аир & Спаце Мусеум
Улазница за Емпајер стејт билдинг пре подне/поднева
Избор између посматрачке палубе Топ оф тхе Роцк® ИЛИ музеја Гугенхајм
Избор између приступа трајекту до Кипа слободе и острва Елис ИЛИ крстарења обиласком кружном линијом
Улаз у Амерички музеј природне историје
Intrepid Museum
Guggenheim Museum
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
New York City
20 West 34th Street
Present your tickets on a mobile device (or print them) for entry to the included attractions. Once you complete your purchase, visit my.citypass.com or download the My CityPASS® app to access your tickets, make reservations (if required), and view attraction details, including admission information.

CityPASS® tickets include admission to Empire State Building Observatory and American Museum of Natural History, plus 3 of the following attractions: Top of The Rock® Observation Deck, 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Ferry Access to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises, Intrepid Museum, or Guggenheim Museum.

Valid 9 consecutive days including the first day of use; nonactivated tickets expire one year from the purchase date.
Крајња тачка
Ова активност се завршава на месту састанка.
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Transportation options are wheelchair accessible
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Visit to make reservations (if required), access tickets and view attraction details.
  • Valid 9 consecutive days including the first day of use; nonactivated tickets expire one year from the purchase date.
  • Present your tickets on a mobile device, or print them, for entry to the included attractions
Шта да очекујете
Емпајер стејт билдинг
Награђен ТрипАдвисоровом наградом Травеллерс’ Цхоице 2018, Емпајер стејт билдинг пружа незаборавно, импресивно искуство Њујорка. Ова висока светска икона нуди прекрасан поглед од 360 степени на отвореном са своје чувене опсерваторије на 86. спрату. Ви-Фи је БЕСПЛАТАН. Посетите шалтер за продају карата да бисте надоградили своје искуство у Царству путовањем до опсерваторије на 102. спрату или прескочите редове са експресном картом уз додатну накнаду.
Амерички музеј природне историје
Истражите људске културе, свет природе и универзум уз посету једном од најпознатијих светских музеја природне историје! Упознајте Титаносауруса, једног од највећих диносауруса икада откривених, у фосилним халама музеја. Погледајте светски познате диораме, плавог кита дугог 94 стопе и задивљујући центар Росе за Земљу и свемир, са сфером пречника 87 стопа која као да лебди унутар стаклене коцке.
Врх стене
Доживите панорамски поглед од 360 степени на Њујорк и шире са унутрашњих и спољашњих палуба на горња три спрата овог легендарног арт децо небодера, 30 Роцк. Осетите енергију, чудо и лепоту Њујорка дању или ноћу са 70 спратова навише.
Музеј Соломона Р. Гугенхајма
Музеј Соломона Р. Гугенхајма слави 60 година као архитектонска икона! Посетите „храм духа“ Френка Лојда Рајта, где се сусрећу радикална уметност и архитектура. Дневне туре укључене у улазницу. Отворен седам дана у недељи.
Кип Слободе
Флек карта за једну вожњу трајектом Статуе Цруисес до и са острва Либерти и острва Еллис, аудио водичи и улаз у Имиграциони музеј острва Еллис (Цровн улазнице и приступ пиједесталу нису укључени)
Интрепид музеј мора, ваздуха и свемира
Истражите музејску колекцију историјских артефаката у изложбеном простору који се простире на преко 150.000 квадратних стопа. Погледајте изблиза спејс шатл Ентерприсе и 28 авиона, укључујући најбржи војни млазњак на свету. Унесите Гровлер као једину подморницу са вођеним пројектилима која је отворена за јавност. Попните се у прави хеликоптер Белл 47 и спустите спејс шатл у Екплореум.
Национални меморијал и музеј 11. септембра
Одајте пошту жртвама напада 11. септембра у Меморијалу и музеју 11. септембра. Одморите се на тренутак тишине код базена са близанцима, где су исписана имена свих погинулих у нападима. Испитајте историју и утицај догађаја и научите приче о губитку и опоравку.
Empire State Building
AM/PM Experience, including 86th Floor Observatory admission and entry to the 2nd Floor Museum, plus bonus same-night general admission
American Museum of Natural History
Admission to permanent Museum halls, including over 40 galleries, plus a choice of one ticketed exhibition, the Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium, giant-screen film, or the Hayden Planetarium Space Show (based on availability)
Top of the Rock
General Admission
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
General Admission
Statue of Liberty
General Admission ticket for one Statue City Cruises ferry ride to and from Liberty Island and Ellis Island, audio guides, and admission to the Statue of Liberty Museum and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration (Crown Tickets and Pedestal Access not included)
Intrepid Museum
General admission, including the Space Shuttle Pavilion, the submarine Growler, the immersive Kamikaze experience, and all temporary exhibitions
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
General admission to the Guggenheim’s collection and special exhibits, access to a free daily architecture tour and digital guide with content in multiple languages (accessed via personal mobile device)
Empire State Building
AM/PM Experience, including 86th Floor Observatory admission and entry to the 2nd Floor Museum, plus bonus same-night general admission
American Museum of Natural History
Admission to permanent Museum halls, including over 40 galleries, plus a choice of one ticketed exhibition, the Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium, giant-screen film, or the Hayden Planetarium Space Show (based on availability)
Top of the Rock
General Admission
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
General Admission
Statue of Liberty
General Admission ticket for one Statue City Cruises ferry ride to and from Liberty Island and Ellis Island, audio guides, and admission to the Statue of Liberty Museum and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration (Crown Tickets and Pedestal Access not included)
Intrepid Museum
General admission, including the Space Shuttle Pavilion, the submarine Growler, the immersive Kamikaze experience, and all temporary exhibitions
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
General admission to the Guggenheim’s collection and special exhibits, access to a free daily architecture tour and digital guide with content in multiple languages (accessed via personal mobile device)
Empire State Building
AM/PM Experience, including 86th Floor Observatory admission and entry to the 2nd Floor Museum, plus bonus same-night general admission
American Museum of Natural History
Admission to permanent Museum halls, including over 40 galleries, plus a choice of one ticketed exhibition, the Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium, giant-screen film, or the Hayden Planetarium Space Show (based on availability)
Top of the Rock
General Admission
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
General Admission
Statue of Liberty
General Admission ticket for one Statue City Cruises ferry ride to and from Liberty Island and Ellis Island, audio guides, and admission to the Statue of Liberty Museum and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration (Crown Tickets and Pedestal Access not included)
Intrepid Museum
General admission, including the Space Shuttle Pavilion, the submarine Growler, the immersive Kamikaze experience, and all temporary exhibitions
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
General admission to the Guggenheim’s collection and special exhibits, access to a free daily architecture tour and digital guide with content in multiple languages (accessed via personal mobile device)
Empire State Building
AM/PM Experience, including 86th Floor Observatory admission and entry to the 2nd Floor Museum, plus bonus same-night general admission
American Museum of Natural History
Admission to permanent Museum halls, including over 40 galleries, plus a choice of one ticketed exhibition, the Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium, giant-screen film, or the Hayden Planetarium Space Show (based on availability)
Top of the Rock
General Admission
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
General Admission
Statue of Liberty
General Admission ticket for one Statue City Cruises ferry ride to and from Liberty Island and Ellis Island, audio guides, and admission to the Statue of Liberty Museum and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration (Crown Tickets and Pedestal Access not included)
Intrepid Museum
General admission, including the Space Shuttle Pavilion, the submarine Growler, the immersive Kamikaze experience, and all temporary exhibitions
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
General admission to the Guggenheim’s collection and special exhibits, access to a free daily architecture tour and digital guide with content in multiple languages (accessed via personal mobile device)
Empire State Building
AM/PM Experience, including 86th Floor Observatory admission and entry to the 2nd Floor Museum, plus bonus same-night general admission
American Museum of Natural History
Admission to permanent Museum halls, including over 40 galleries, plus a choice of one ticketed exhibition, the Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium, giant-screen film, or the Hayden Planetarium Space Show (based on availability)
Top of the Rock
General Admission
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
General Admission
Statue of Liberty
General Admission ticket for one Statue City Cruises ferry ride to and from Liberty Island and Ellis Island, audio guides, and admission to the Statue of Liberty Museum and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration (Crown Tickets and Pedestal Access not included)
Intrepid Museum
General admission, including the Space Shuttle Pavilion, the submarine Growler, the immersive Kamikaze experience, and all temporary exhibitions
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
General admission to the Guggenheim’s collection and special exhibits, access to a free daily architecture tour and digital guide with content in multiple languages (accessed via personal mobile device)
Empire State Building
AM/PM Experience, including 86th Floor Observatory admission and entry to the 2nd Floor Museum, plus bonus same-night general admission
American Museum of Natural History
Admission to permanent Museum halls, including over 40 galleries, plus a choice of one ticketed exhibition, the Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium, giant-screen film, or the Hayden Planetarium Space Show (based on availability)
Top of the Rock
General Admission
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
General Admission
Statue of Liberty
General Admission ticket for one Statue City Cruises ferry ride to and from Liberty Island and Ellis Island, audio guides, and admission to the Statue of Liberty Museum and Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration (Crown Tickets and Pedestal Access not included)
Intrepid Museum
General admission, including the Space Shuttle Pavilion, the submarine Growler, the immersive Kamikaze experience, and all temporary exhibitions
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
General admission to the Guggenheim’s collection and special exhibits, access to a free daily architecture tour and digital guide with content in multiple languages (accessed via personal mobile device)
Show 46 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
All sales are final. No refund is available for cancellations.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Mar 2025
Excellent value and we are able to amend booking times direct with the attraction when we arrived early. So flexibility was welcome.
Mar 2025
This pass was so frustrating. The “get tickets” didn’t work in the app so I had to delete it and use the website to download the QR code. Nothing in the pass says you have to reserve times before hand. Easier to do individual tickets. The savings aren’t worth the aggravation.
Feb 2025
City Pass more than met our needs and we did save money using it! The only downer was the cruise around Manhattan with the most boring, obnoxious tour guide! Bring head phones!

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New York City