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Цити: Невпорт
Sat 09 Nov
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Са почетком у $89.00
Sat 09 Nov
Са почетком у $89.00
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3 дегустације алкохола могу се додати уз додатну цену од 15 долара. Контактирајте туроператора за надоградњу.
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Коментара (382)
Jul 2018
My family and I thoroughly enjoyed the tour but felt there could have been more samples at some of the restaurants. We took a food tour in Montreal and felt the sample size was better. That being said, our guide, Sara, was fantastic! She recounted the history about the sites we visited by telling memorable stories that gave you a feeling for how Newport developed. The others in our group of 8 had similar compliments for her at the end of our tour. The restaurants and bakery we visited were well chosen and showcased a variety of cuisines using locally sourced produce, which is a strength of these tours. Our first stop at Mission featured a delicious homemade hot dog with crispy, delicious fries. (Don't forget to serve malt vinegar for the native RIers.) Our last stop, Stoneacre Brassierie, also served excellent samples of their food, including seafood salad, beet salad, and truffle. One of the employees, shared some of the interesting history and plans for Stoneacre with our group. I would definitely return to this restaurant when I am in Newport again. I also tip my hat to the delicious Irish soda bread with cinnamon butter at the Mad Hatter bakery. The food experience at the other restaurants we visited could have been improved by a second small sample of a different type of food.
Eric W
Jul 2018
I've done many food tours, but this was one of my favorites. The portions were enough to get a good taste, but not so much that I left feeling overstuffed. One of the best parts was the stops around the city to talk about the history of the buildings and politics (and scandals) of the town. Sara, being a history teacher, was born for this role. I highly recommend this tour. You won't be disappointed, especially if the weather is perfect, which it was for us.
Micah H
Jul 2018
We recently visited New England for the first time. Of all the things we did there, the Newport Neighborhood Food Tour was our very favorite! I'm a bit of a tightwad, so I balked at the price tag. However, my wife's enthusiasm was enough to convince me to try it. I'm really glad we did! The price was a little steep, but we got to enjoy some of the very best food we've ever tasted. We also enjoyed the easy walking tour of historic downtown Newport, led by a very friendly and knowledgeable tour guide. I got the "adult" ticket, which allowed me to taste alcoholic beverages at several places on the tour. While the drinks were fine, I'm not sure I'd have them again. The food was tasty and filling enough that I didn't really think the drinks were necessary. We didn't know anyone else on the tour, but everyone was so friendly that we were chatting and having a great time with them all by the end of the afternoon. We also had some really interesting new knowledge about Newport, as well as some unforgettably delicious experiences with the local cuisine. So, to any other tightwad husbands/boyfriends out there: Do this. You won't regret it.

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