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Нигхт Манта Екпериенце

Роните ноћу са нежним дивовима Јужне обале Коне у безбедности и удобности и доживите оно што је Травел Цханнел назвао једном од 10 најбољих ствари које треба да урадите у животу. Наша невероватно кратка вожња чамцем омогућиће да ви и наши високо обучени водичи у води роните с маском на дах са манта зрацима за неколико минута. Вече које никада нећете заборавити!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $127.10
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Шта ако не видимо ниједну манту? То је изузетно ретка појава, али ако на нашем Нигхт Манта Екпериенце-у не видимо НИКАД манта, слободно се можете вратити са нама током истог одмора, на основу расположивости, потпуно бесплатно. Обавезно нас одмах позовите како бисмо могли да вас закажемо!<ли>НОЋНО ИСКУСТВО МАНТА:<ли>Свако у мојој групи може да плива<ли>Свако у мојој групи има искуство роњења<ли>Свако у мојој групи може да се попне кратким мердевинама да би се поново укрцао у чамац<ли>Молимо вас да прочитате и разумете гаранцију манта : Манта гаранција: Ако се види нула манта зрака, ви поново добродошли. То је тако једноставно. Срећни смо што виђамо манте скоро сваке ноћи, али у ретким приликама када се нико не види на вашој турнеји, Сеа Куест вас позива да се вратите још једну ноћ без додатних трошкова за вас или на потврђену поподневну авантуру роњења без додатно пуњење. Нема повраћаја средстава.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (423)
Mar 2018
After reviewing the different options, I decided I wanted to go with a smaller boat that leaves close to the Manta site. Sea Quest gets good reviews and I can see why. This is a great experience, if you are not susceptible to being seasick. We found the crew highly attentive and enjoyable with their light joking and professional approach. Sea Quest leaves from Keauhou bay which makes it a short trip to the site off of the Sheraton. I had been wanting to do this for several years. I wanted to go with a friend. We chose an evening when the ocean was fairly calm. We both got into our 'shorty' wet suits. Our change of clothes and glasses were stowed on the boat. As we pulled up, I was amazed at the number of lit up 'platforms' with snorkelers floating in the undulating ocean looking at Mantas. Once we stopped, we slid into the ocean off of the side of the 'kodiak' boat (as instructed). It took a while for the Mantas to discover our platform. Meanwhile, the crew was checking with each person insuring that they were comfortable in their masks and the noodle was keeping them angled down towards the Mantas. I got to see a few Mantas before I experienced my first ever episode of seasickness. I signaled to a crew member that I needed to return to the boat. She helped me over to the boat and onto the deck. She and all the crew were very kind. They offered me ginger ale which helped - for awhile. The crew was prepared for my inevitable reaction to the sea undulation. I am very sad that I couldn't stay out for the whole time. The crew was attentive to my needs the whole time, including while I stabilized on shore. I'm glad I brought a friend, since I was in no condition to drive. The few Mantas I saw were incredible. I wish I could go again and stay the whole time, but I guess I can't take the ocean movement. Too bad - My mother's family is a long line of seafarers. I guess I got my father's stomach/inner ear.
Mar 2018
I was impressed from the beginning because they loan prescription goggles, something I’ve never seen before. (I have my own, and they make a huge difference.). The mantas are huge and swam so close that they touched us - very impressive. Sam, Sienna, and Nick, were very knowledgeable, skilled at working with tourists, and very patient. They knew the names of each manta we saw. I will say that there were waves, and I left a little early because I felt nauseous. But that does not diminish my high recommendation for this trip.
Jim W
Feb 2018
For a non-swimmer, the crew of Captain Nick, Siena and Emily made the night manta swim a safe and enjoyable experience. I would definitely recommend Sea Quest!

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