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Нигхт Манта Екпериенце

Роните ноћу са нежним дивовима Јужне обале Коне у безбедности и удобности и доживите оно што је Травел Цханнел назвао једном од 10 најбољих ствари које треба да урадите у животу. Наша невероватно кратка вожња чамцем омогућиће да ви и наши високо обучени водичи у води роните с маском на дах са манта зрацима за неколико минута. Вече које никада нећете заборавити!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Thu 07 Nov
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Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $127.10
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Шта ако не видимо ниједну манту? То је изузетно ретка појава, али ако на нашем Нигхт Манта Екпериенце-у не видимо НИКАД манта, слободно се можете вратити са нама током истог одмора, на основу расположивости, потпуно бесплатно. Обавезно нас одмах позовите како бисмо могли да вас закажемо!<ли>НОЋНО ИСКУСТВО МАНТА:<ли>Свако у мојој групи може да плива<ли>Свако у мојој групи има искуство роњења<ли>Свако у мојој групи може да се попне кратким мердевинама да би се поново укрцао у чамац<ли>Молимо вас да прочитате и разумете гаранцију манта : Манта гаранција: Ако се види нула манта зрака, ви поново добродошли. То је тако једноставно. Срећни смо што виђамо манте скоро сваке ноћи, али у ретким приликама када се нико не види на вашој турнеји, Сеа Куест вас позива да се вратите још једну ноћ без додатних трошкова за вас или на потврђену поподневну авантуру роњења без додатно пуњење. Нема повраћаја средстава.
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Коментара (423)
Vismaya S
Sep 2022
This was by far the coolest, most surreal experience I have ever had!! Even if you have the slightest bit of hesitation or fear, put it all aside and for it - and book with sea quest!! The boat ride is less than 5 mins from their headquarters to the manta snorkel location.They provide you with very warm and comfortable wetsuits and everything moves extremely quickly once you get on that boat. They provide you with snorkels and a pool noodle and you just get right in, head on over to their floatation device, hold on and look down to enjoy the show! I would say you definitely definitely need to have snorkeled before, or at least be extremely comfortable in water. There is not much swimming required at all, the swim from the boat to the floatation device is hardly 10 feet and thats all the swimming you do. Moreover the crew is extremely helpful to anyone who is uncomfortable or scared. I personally asked to be lowered down into the water because I was too scared to jump in - they helped me with that and also escorted me to the floatation device. Even before putting my head in the mantas were already there and I could see them!! Once you put your head in, its just unreal. The second I put my head in and went into the flat position, a manta ray belly rolled right in front of my face and I just cannot get it out of my head! It was literally less than an inch away from me. I couldn’t hold on for too long, it does require some shoulder strength, and definitely recommend taking dramamine before the snorkel, but regardless they helped me get back to the boat as well as soon as I wanted to. They were helpful to everyone (special shoutout to Adam, Bethany and MJ) and they are the reason I loved the tour so much. You’ll not regret the experience, no matter how long you manage to stay in the water! Do it!
Sep 2022
Night Manta experience was awesome! The crew worked hard at getting us right to the Mantas and keeping us on them. The Mantas were millimeters from us. Turns out, Bethany had completed the same two Ironman 70.3 in Lubbock, Texas and Waco, Texas as I did. What a coincidence!!! Had a great time and already recommended to friends that are on island who booked for tonight.
Sep 2022
Everything was top notch; from the small size group welcoming, explaining the protocol, getting onboard the boat, exiting the boat to view the manta ray(s), to returning to the boat and exiting the boat upon return to port. The crew was excellent and the experience was unforgettable. Thank you Sea Quest team!

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