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Нигхт Манта Екпериенце

Роните ноћу са нежним дивовима Јужне обале Коне у безбедности и удобности и доживите оно што је Травел Цханнел назвао једном од 10 најбољих ствари које треба да урадите у животу. Наша невероватно кратка вожња чамцем омогућиће да ви и наши високо обучени водичи у води роните с маском на дах са манта зрацима за неколико минута. Вече које никада нећете заборавити!
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $127.10
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $127.10
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Шта ако не видимо ниједну манту? То је изузетно ретка појава, али ако на нашем Нигхт Манта Екпериенце-у не видимо НИКАД манта, слободно се можете вратити са нама током истог одмора, на основу расположивости, потпуно бесплатно. Обавезно нас одмах позовите како бисмо могли да вас закажемо!<ли>НОЋНО ИСКУСТВО МАНТА:<ли>Свако у мојој групи може да плива<ли>Свако у мојој групи има искуство роњења<ли>Свако у мојој групи може да се попне кратким мердевинама да би се поново укрцао у чамац<ли>Молимо вас да прочитате и разумете гаранцију манта : Манта гаранција: Ако се види нула манта зрака, ви поново добродошли. То је тако једноставно. Срећни смо што виђамо манте скоро сваке ноћи, али у ретким приликама када се нико не види на вашој турнеји, Сеа Куест вас позива да се вратите још једну ноћ без додатних трошкова за вас или на потврђену поподневну авантуру роњења без додатно пуњење. Нема повраћаја средстава.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (423)
Nov 2022
There are so many companies offering nighttime Manta Ray Snorkeling I had a difficult choice choosing one. After asking for recommendations and reading some descriptions I chose Sea Quest Hawaii and we were not disappointed. I wanted a smaller boat with a reasonable number of people. I think our boat had 13 guests. The boat ride is only 5 minutes. Very welcome when a bit chilled after 40 minutes in the water. We saw many other companies just operating out of pickup trucks in the parking lot with gear in plastic totes and trash cans. Sea Quest has an actual store front and a nice covered area with tables and chairs for waiting between check-in and taking the few steps to the boat dock. This well lit area separate from the dark chaotic parking lot makes all the difference both before and after the dive. I can’t imagine trying to find the right pickup truck in a dark parking lot - if check in time was after dark. Our boat of 13 guests had a crew of 4. Captain Brenden, mate/safety watch Stephen, and in water guides Mana and Luca. Before leaving the shop They fit us with nice clean, dry wetsuits and after a quick safety briefing we were on the way. The crew was great. Never rushing helping everyone on and off and in and out of the water. Once in the water we floated hanging on to the light bar and Mana our guide moved us a bit away from the boat to where the Mantas where feeding. She also gave us information about the rays and some of the other fish we saw. We probably saw 20 manta rays and i counted 7 in view at one time. But many of the companies go to the same spot and use similar light bars and gear. What set Sea Quest apart was their facilities and people. I aways felt safe, appreciated and never rushed. Back at the shop they had hot chocolate, tea and cookies. We we not rushed while getting out of our wetsuits, during off and enjoying the refreshments. Great 5 star experience.
Nov 2022
So much fun and a big surprise at the way the animals touch you! Crew was great and very helpful. Would highly recommend!
Nov 2022
The Misses and I came around to do this nightdiving experience with the Manta rays. The staff is kind and well experienced. You have to put on a wetsuit for the dive and they give you te option for many sizes and types of suits. When you go to the boat they inform you very good about safety and what to do when you are in the water watching the Manta rays, We got soo lucky as we have seen 14 of them. There is a high chance the manta`s touch you while they pass you. The experience is absolutely amazing and one for a lifetime. We had a gopro with us to film it and so happy we did so. Do not miss out on this and shout out to the great staff!

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