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Нортхерн Лигхтс (Гледање Аурора Бореалис) Јурење са фотографијама у Фербанксу

Сезона северног светла: од 25. августа до 25. априла.<бр>(Биће у 22:30 или 23:00. Али почињемо мало касно у 23:30 од 20. марта до 25. априла.)<бр><бр>Не можемо обећати да ћемо вам дозволити да видите северно светло, што је мајка природа коју не можемо да контролишемо. То је природни феномен.<бр><бр>Временске прилике или активности Ауроре се могу променити током обиласка.<бр><бр>Иако је све добро или није добро (Време и Аурора активност) када почне, време или Активност северног светла се увек мења, а други услови се могу променити. Биће укључене природне ствари, што узрокује недостатак светла или слабу видљивост.<бр><бр>Покупимо вас у наведеним хотелима.<бр>(Можда ћете добити имејл о времену преузимања и локацији.)<бр <бр>Са Пхото Сервице-ом ћемо отпремити ваше фотографије у ОнеДриве или Дропбок повезане. Потребно је 2 дана да пошаљете УРЛ повезану.
Цити: Фаирбанкс
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $189.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $189.00
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (180)
Mar 2022
The lights were minimal this night, but David knew where to look, and what to look for. He took our pictures in front of the lights, and we could see the colors on his camera. They really were not visible with your eyes, but did show up when taking pictures. He explained to us what to look for. We stopped in a couple of different places to try and get a better viewing. David did a great job, and sent us a link to his pictures the next day. They did a great job of communicating from beginning to end, with text messages.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
We appreciate your GREAT review on Viator. We are grateful that we have him as a photographer and an aurora chaser. We are glad that you liked how we communicated. It was God's work. It was blessing that God allowed us to see the lights. Thank you again. Blessings, Leah Alaska Journey Tours
Mar 2022
We went on this tour in march and were lucky to have milder weather. David and Choi took us out to remote areas. The first place we went to it was hard to see the lights but David's camera captured them in pictures. Then we went to another location. Our guides knew just went the lights were going to come. And when they did we were right beneath them! It was the most spectacular thing I've ever seen. They danced for at least 30 minutes, and even when we had to leave they were still out! David and Choi allowed us to warm up in the vans when needed. David's pictures were amazing and I'm so glad he took them for us so we could just enjoy the moment. I'll never forget this experience, and now I have the pictures for others to enjoy as well. Thank you David and Choi!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
We appreciate Amazing Review on TripAdvisor. Yes, it was stunning. We are grateful that you got pictures under the lights dancing. It was totally God's grace and blessing. God showed us to see the wonderful Northern Lights in the sky. Thank you again. Blessings, Leah Alaska Journey Tours
Terri K
Mar 2022
Great trip. The guide was really nice. I didn't think we were going to have a good sighting, but we kept looking and got a great view. Picked us up at the hotel, and were very friendly. Pictures came back really quickly.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
We appreciate your Amazing Review on TripAdvisor. We are grateful that you and your family saw the Northern Lights dancing in the sky. You are so blessed that God allowed you to meet the beautiful lights. Thank you again for mentioning how the Aurora chaser did and how the photographer sent your photos. Have a blessed trip. Leah Alaska Journey Tours

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