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Нортхерн Лигхтс (Гледање Аурора Бореалис) Јурење са фотографијама у Фербанксу

Сезона северног светла: од 25. августа до 25. априла.<бр>(Биће у 22:30 или 23:00. Али почињемо мало касно у 23:30 од 20. марта до 25. априла.)<бр><бр>Не можемо обећати да ћемо вам дозволити да видите северно светло, што је мајка природа коју не можемо да контролишемо. То је природни феномен.<бр><бр>Временске прилике или активности Ауроре се могу променити током обиласка.<бр><бр>Иако је све добро или није добро (Време и Аурора активност) када почне, време или Активност северног светла се увек мења, а други услови се могу променити. Биће укључене природне ствари, што узрокује недостатак светла или слабу видљивост.<бр><бр>Покупимо вас у наведеним хотелима.<бр>(Можда ћете добити имејл о времену преузимања и локацији.)<бр <бр>Са Пхото Сервице-ом ћемо отпремити ваше фотографије у ОнеДриве или Дропбок повезане. Потребно је 2 дана да пошаљете УРЛ повезану.
Цити: Фаирбанкс
Mon 23 Sep
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Са почетком у $189.00
Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $189.00
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Покупићемо вас у хотелу у центру Фербанкса
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује кроз искуство<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (180)
Mar 2021
We had fun chasing Aurora despite it being a cloudy night, our guide went out of his way to hunt for this elusive heavenly body and boy, were we blessed! She gracefully danced for us quite a bit in a few locations. Thanks for an amazing night!
Mar 2021
Just getting home from our amazing night of chasing the Northern lights! Our guide was very nice and lively! We loved his energy. It was very infectious. We were a group of four friends n took turns taking pics. We were all very excited and lucky and blessed to see the lights.
Feb 2021
An amazing experience, with a lifetime of memories! We were originally booked for the week before, the weekend of the 12-15th, but due to flight cancellations due to a snowstorm in Seattle, we came the weekend after, Feb 19 to 22nd, and boy are we glad we did. The skies were clear (most important factor) and the Kp (solar winds) was better than average, which meant more aurora activity and higher probability of witnessing the phenomenon. We were promptly picked up by David at the resort, and were brought to three different locations. The 8 seater Ford SUV was spacious, comfortable and heated (the outdoor temperatures bottomed out at minus 35 degrees on this night). David is an excellent driver, very personable, and the added benefit for us, is that we didnt have a tripod or any special camera, other than our cell phones (not a good move on our parts). It's okay, this tour offered pick up and drop off service, and amazing photography skills as David was well versed on the shots at various angles, poses, and with great lighting. We went to three special locations, and amongst all of us in the group, there were ample pictures and poses taken for everybody. The best part is that, as we compared the other tours out there, this was the best BANG FOR THE BUCK for quallity and affordability. The pictures were uploaded and sent to us the very next day. We truly recommend this tour, for first timers, or for those who do not have photography skills or equipment. The guess work was taken out of location, location, location. You will not be disappointed with this Aurora Chasing Northern Lights Tour!

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