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Крстарење северозападним фјордом из Севарда

Огромни плави глечери, уски фјордови и богат морски живот само су неки од разлога због којих је Национални парк Кенаи Фјордс на врху листа многих љубитеља природе. Крстарите фјордовима док учите о фасцинантној природној историји региона на овом 7-сатном путовању. Плутање кроз нетакнуте воде Аљаске је најбољи начин да видите овај запањујући национални парк, а ово је једина дневна тура која посећује величанствени северозападни фјорд, дом три невероватна глечера плимне воде и бројних алпских глечера.
Цити: Севард
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $239.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $239.00
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Ресуррецтион Баи
Истражујемо магију Кенаи фјордова од 1974. године—ми смо лидери, трагачи и најискуснија компанија у овој области. Од вода Ресуррецтион Баиа до удаљених фјордова и глечера, живот страсти и авантуре долази заједно са сваком турнејом.
Национални парк Кенаи Фјордс
Ваша авантура у Кенаи фјордовима почиње у луци у прелепом Севарду на Аљасци. Пријавите се у нашу централну канцеларију и уживајте у призорима и звуцима живахне обале. Када дође време за укрцавање, идите низ док до вашег пловила, где ће вас дочекати наш тим палубе. Путовање почиње када испловите из луке Сјуард - пазите на ћелавог орла и фоке! Одавде различите туре иду у различитим правцима. Како се Ресуррецтион Баи отвара у неравни залив Аљаске, наше истраживање Националног парка Кенаи фјордс се продубљује. Без обзира на турнеју коју одаберете, имаћете много могућности за посматрање дивљих животиња, видети запањујуће кршевите обале, упознати наш ентузијастичан и образован тим палубе, учити и откривати заједно са нашим страственим капетанима и истражити величанственост Кенаи фјордова.
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Коментара (87)
Jul 2019
A well organized tour. Everyone was great, from the staff at checking to the crew to the captain. I did the research and decided on the 9 hour northwester fjord tour. It was a full 9 hours. They provide a lunch and snacks as well as sold some items. We saw a lot of sea life both in the water and on the rocks. The crew and captain were the best. The crew were answering questions and helping point out sea life. They were very enthusiastic. The captain was informative and very entertaining. My family thought this was the highlight of our Alaska trip. I highly recommend this tour company
Jul 2019
My wife and I signed up for the Northwestern Fjord Tour leaving from Seward and it was wonderful. Course it helps that the weather was close to perfect. Overall with repeating the details that can be found on Kenai Tours web site the experience was wonderful and very professionally run. The staff was wonderful and professional, & answered any and all questions asked. They were also very efficient with serving the lunch. The captain was absolutly great in not only steering the ship but his naration of every aspect of the area, glaciers, every bird & animal was wonderful. Because of the nice weather we sat on the upper rear deck for the whole 9 hour tour. Lets see we saw whales, orcas, puffins (and all kinds of other birds I can't remember their name), seals, mountain sheep, otters, and when I say seen them the boat is pulling up at time right next to them. You see such great things you start having great conversations with other tourist on the tour and meeting new people. Now a couple of things to consider for people reading this for maybe a future tour sign up: - It is a 9 hour tour, if if smaller kids are part of the trip consider this. - I heard if the weather is bad the water can really roll, but that comes with where you are at. - Take some snacks of your own to eat, it is okay. - Layer, layer up. You are a long way from having a closet with extra clothes to put on. There are sweatshirts and such you can buy at the store before boarding if needed. Even with nice weather I had on a t-shirt, undershirt, light wind breaker jacket & rain coat on for a windbreaker. Of course you can always take an inside cabin seat and come out on deck as you would like which would be a lot warmer. I highly recommend this tour. Ask me questions if you would like.
Jul 2019
This was the favorite thing I did in over my entire 11 days in Alaska! And I am so glad that I chose the Northwest/Northwestern tour, which lasted nine hours. The tour starts out at the boat harbor in downtown Seward, and then goes out through Resurrection Bay. It ends at the Northwestern Glacier, and then turns around and comes back. We were so lucky because the weather was absolutely perfect during our trip, and the boat was not rocky at all. The boat captain, Chris, was fantastic, as were his three crew members (Rea, Sam, and Owen). Chris knew so much information, but just as importantly, he had a terrific way of presenting the information to everyone so that it was interesting. After pulling out of the harbor, we went for about 30 or 45 minutes before the crew offered us a nice little breakfast of warm cinnamon buns, three choices of juice, and two choices of yogurt (peach or raspberry). Every time the captain saw a bit of wildlife, he took us over there and told us about it. What was nice was that he was on the radio with other boats, who were giving him information about where certain wildlife was, which greatly enhanced our experience. At around 11:30 AM, the crew had everyone sit down inside while they served the box lunches. There were two choices, a chicken wrap or a hummus wrap. Also included was a granola bar and one or two other little snacks. They also set out cups of water for everyone, or of course you could order a drink from the bar. After lunch, the timing was perfect so that we were just getting close to Northwestern Glacier. When we arrived at the Glacier, the boat captain stopped the boat for about 15 or 20 minutes and let us sit there and watch the glacier calve, which was amazing! Absolutely beautiful! He then turned the boat around and started heading back, but this time checking out a lot of the islands along the way, where the captain knew that certain wildlife would be hiding or living. It was fantastic! Finally, at about 4 PM, the crew cooked up some warm chocolate chip cookies for everyone to enjoy. The boat tour was timed perfectly to get back into harbor at 5:30 PM. This was important to us, as we were on the 6 PM train departing Seward. We walked off the boat, up the dock, and hopped on the Kenai Fjords Tours free shuttle, which took us right to the train station less than five minutes away. We were on the train, checked in and in our seats, by 5:45 PM. On our particular tour, we ended up seeing sea otters, orca whales, humpback whales, sea lions, seals, and a ton of awesome birds. I know our luck in seeing all this wildlife and seeing the glaciers calving greatly enhanced our experience, but I’d like to think I would still give this tour five stars even if we did not see all of that. I would seriously consider doing the exact same tour if I am ever back in Seward. The boat was very comfortable, and had three bathrooms on board. There was also an area at the back of the boat outside with benches, which is where the captain suggested that anyone who is feeling sick go to sit. That is the part of the boat that moves the least, and he said that would do the trick in terms of letting some cool air on your face while you didn’t move around too much. He also recommended taking some sort of anti-motion sickness medicine about one hour prior. We ended up taking Dramamine for 24 to 48 hours before our trip, because someone had told us to do that. We did not get sick, but that was probably because the sea was not choppy at all during our particular voyage. I do agree with others that the trip does seem to get long after about six or seven hours, but as long as you’re having fun looking at the beautiful views and finding wildlife, the time passes quickly. Overall, the amount of food served was probably sufficient, but we had brought other snacks with us just in case, including a couple of bagels from the Sea Bean Café. I’m glad we did that, just so that we did not get hungry. Of course, the boat does offer concessions, and we took advantage of some of those as well, including the wine, cheese block, crackers, and some candy. We also bought one of their unlimited refill mugs for $8.95, which allows you to get reef free refills of soda, coffee, cider, and tea all day. That was a great decision as it turns out. And finally, it was nice that the tour company offers a free shuttle that will pick you up at your hotel. We were staying at Hotel Seward, and the shuttle picked us up about 55 minutes before our tour departure time. We arranged that pick up after we arrived in Seward the day before on the train.

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