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Mon 23 Sep
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Mon 23 Sep
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Ловер Еаст Сиде
Шетња. Научите. Носх. Сада можете да истражите надолазећи модерни крај који је богат историјом и препун неславно познатих јела. Тхе Донут Плант Русс & Даугхтерс
Ессек Стреет Маркет
Зауставите се и купујте (ако желите) на пијаци у улици Есекс, али пре тога посећујемо мог пријатеља Саада који нам даје дегустацију балзамичног сирћета и маслиновог уља у својој продавници Ессек Оливе & Спице.
Тхе Пицкле Гуис
Тхе Пицкле Гуис кисели скоро све. Пробамо три њихова најпродаванија. Они су слатки. Они су кисели. они су сјајни.
Ецономи Цанди
Ецономи Цанди постоји од 1937. године, нудећи чоколаде, орашасте плодове, гумене гуме и слаткише на којима су одрасле генерације.
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Коментара (426)
Oct 2021
Wow! My husband and I have been on 27 food tours around the world, and this is right up there with the best of them! Dante is wonderful and knowledgeable about all things New York, and his incessant curiosity leads him to looking up the origins of phrases and traditions, which he was more than happy to recount as we talked about random things. It is the first time on our many food tours where both he and the food each made up 50 percent of the wonderful experience. Oh, yeah, there was FOOD! Fabulous, tender pastrami at Katz’s Deli; terrific rugelah from Russ & Daughters; outstanding bagels with schmears of cream cheese at Kossar’s; Vanessa’s delish pork dumplings; mind-blowing doughnuts at the Doughnut Plant; three levels of “sour” in three pickles from The Pickle Guy; and a first-time, thick, enjoyable potato knish from Yonah Schimmel’s Knishes. We even walked through an old-fashioned candy shop! Quite a tour around the world, huh? But it was a tour around the lower East Side, and we appreciated the history lesson and background that came with the food as we walked and talked. It was thoroughly enjoyable, and at a really affordable price. Go! Just go! Book it and have as great a time in this wonderful old area of New York as we did! Say hi to our friend, Dante…we just met him today, but he is that kind of guy, one who feels like a friend for life.
Oct 2021
My friend and I really enjoyed. There were a few things we felt could be improved. It should have started with the bagels at 10:30 rather than Katz’s. The pickle store was great but everyone sticking fingers in container during Covid times was really just not ok. Use a fork or get separate containers. Would have preferred ending with donuts and pickles. It also ended at 1:00 when it was suppose to end 1:30 (I thought). We ended up going into the market by Williamsburg bridge and stopped at olive oil/spice place which was good, but our guide said we stopped because owner was there and he enjoys us coming by. What if he wasn’t. Would the tour have ended even earlier? Some of the portions were alittle skimpy such as the 1/4 of bagel and 1/4 of donut. How much is a bagel or donut that we couldn’t have a half. Everyone touching all the food breaking in half was not ok during Covid times and I’m really not super crazy with Covid. our guide was great and we did tip him as he deserved, but I’m sure he was following what the tour itinerary was. He Knew interesting facts and stories and was very pleasant. We had a good time but just thought there were some easy constructive criticisms that could be fixed.
Oct 2021
Dante was such an amazing tour guide! I’ve lived in NYC for over a decade and still got to try things I’d never had before…plus some classics. Great mix of foods with wonderful conversation and relevant history. Dante knows it all and will even cater your experience to your tastes and preferences. HIGHLY recommend for groups—great for NYers and visitors alike.

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