The views were incredible and the facility itself was magnificent. However, the interactions with the employees were, at best, poor. Upon entering the building, we were yelled at and pushed around. In line, the ticketing and security staff were also extremely rude, crowding us and yelling at people to move certain places. The only staff to be accommodating or kind were those who got us in the elevator. Once we got to the top, we were herded into different rooms, each one fully staffed with more rude individuals solely attempting to get money from us. Before you can even look out the windows, you go into four different rooms in which you are asked to spend money, and never in a polite manner. The photographers were especially rude. Overall, u would give the facilities a 5 star rating, but, sadly, the employees were awful enough in their disposition that it quickly became a 2 star experience. If you want a good view, there are countless places to get on in America, and multiple just in New York City. I would highly suggest pursuing that view at a different facility.