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Крстарење статуом слободе у Њујорку

Крстарење слободе је најбољи начин да видите статуу слободе и острво слободе, морску луку Соутх Стреет, Баттери Парк, Волстрит, Менхетнски мост, Бруклински мост, Гувернерско острво, острво Елис, историјски центар за имиграцију, Светски трговински центар, свет Финансијски центар и још много тога. Либерти крстарење пролази поред свих локација два пута, што удвостручује прилику да их посматрате и сликате непроцењиве погледе на њујоршку луку. Полази са пристаништа 36, 299 Соутх Ст Ово је одлична прилика да сазнате многе историјске и занимљиве чињенице о њујоршкој луци. Либерти Цруисес приповедају живи и лиценцирани туристички водичи.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Fri 08 Nov
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Са почетком у $27.00
Fri 08 Nov
Са почетком у $27.00
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Коментар уживо
Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Молимо да дођете 30 минута пре времена поласка<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства
Шта да очекујете
Кип Слободе
Снимите незаборавне слике града и Лади Либерти пре него што се вратите у луку да бисте наставили да истражујете пешице.
Еллис Исланд
Погледајте острво Еллис на незаборавном крстарењу
Музеј имиграције острва Еллис
Погледајте острво Еллис на незаборавном крстарењу
Манхаттан Бридге
Уживајте у хоризонту Њујорка са воде
Национални споменик острва Гувернерс
Током обиласка, водичи деле историјске чињенице о свему, од настанка Волстрита до тога како је Гувернерово острво почело као Острво градског контролора
Валл Стреет
Током обиласка, водичи деле историјске чињенице о свему, од настанка Волстрита до тога како је Гувернерско острво почело као Острво градског контролора.
њујоршка лука
Крстарење њујоршком луком
СеаГласс Цароусел
Крстарење Баттери Парком где ћете видети атракције као што је СеаГласс Цароусел
Једна светска опсерваторија
Погледајте култни облик Светског финансијског центра из њујоршке луке
Бруклински мост
Уживајте у погледу на најважније знаменитости Њујорка
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Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (82)
Jun 2017
We went to slip 5 after buying through groupon which saved 6 of us a lot. The timings for "tiny" boat were not rightly printed. Luckily we arrived earlier so the queue wasn't so bad to board. Overcrowded boat. Filthy toilet. The worst part was listening to rubbishy comments along the way, of which some were quite offensive. Even the chap at drinks counter was 90% on his mobile. Very unprofessional in terms of not providing good commentary and blasting music when at the Statue of Liberty. Would not recommend. Driver of the boat is an "L" driver with difficulty parking boat alongside at both destination points!
Danilo A
Mar 2017
Service fee is $35 for an hour of tour inclusive of bus transfer, boat ride that will take you near the island but not ON the island. By comparison, the Liberty Statue Tours (official agency) charges $25 which offers boat ride to both Ellis Island and Liberty Island. We originally wanted to go the liberty statue tours but ended up with water tours NYC after a man who seemed to pose like an assistance officer pointed us to the group congregating in a corner to avail their service. While this service provider seems legit, I hate the opportunistic approach and the lack of a dedicated booth or waiting area for transfers and the lack of a dedicated guide during transfers (very DIY). A guide will initially take you to the generic bus stop. The bus will take you to a bus stop at the pier where there is no guide to assist you towards the pier. Cons: as stated above and some more: no safety orientation for thr boat ride; the seats have the label "life vest under the seat" but I see no compartment under the seats with the wood panels being bolted into the entire structure. Pros: The tour guide during the boat was satisfactory. Choose this service provider if you are in a hurry and have no interest on visiting Ellis Island and the Liberty Island itself. It's just a boat ride near Statue of Liberty. Tip: for the higher amount your paying and certain loose ends in assistance and safety, I feel that there is no need in giving additional gratuities.
Sandy K
Mar 2017
When we walked into Battery Park, we were immediately and aggressively approached by a few men who seemed to be there to help direct us in where to go to the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. They told us there was a 3 hour wait for the regular trip, but they offered a nice 1 hour express trip without any waiting. One of the extremely friendly salesman ran myself and my 3 adult children over to the front of the bus, and made us believe he was hurrying to get us on this last bus to the marina for the next ride. He hurriedly had me pay 150.00 for the 4 of us...then after I signed the credit card info,he immediately changed his whole demenor . I then proceeded to get onto the bus and he said " Whoa Whoa whoa... you need to wait for the next bus!!!" And would not let me board.He told us another bus should be coming in 10-20 minutes and we could take that one instead. An HOUR later the next bus came to take us to the dock to the boat..., as we were about to get on we were told the bus was full and we would have to catch the NEXT ONE !! I wanted my money back at this point and they just ignored me and said " the bus will be here in 20 minutes" then disappeared again. There was now about 20 of us waiting. Once the bus finally came back it took us to a sketchy old marina where the boat was. It was dirty and unkept. The bridge walking into the boat was dangerous, being held by a guy with a rope Bathrooms were disgustingly filthy. There was no room left inside on the overcrowded boat so we had to sit outside on the top in 30 degree weather. We then had to wait another 45 minutes for the bus to go back and get another load of poor souls to pile on the already overcrowded boat. Once we took off and the tour guide starting speaking he didn't speak clearly at all or make a lot of sense. At one point he was saying how if guys want to get girls in NYC, they have to tell them they have pretty hair... if girls want to get a guy they should look at their sneakers and say your shoes are "hot"... what?!? The speakers kept breaking up so you could make out a few sentences he said and then it would cut out again. The hour long ride went a torturing 50 minutes,yet it took up to 4 hours and most of our day in disappointment and in frustration . What a WASTE OF SO MUCH TIME AND SO MUCH MONEY!!!AWFUL!!!!

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