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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Tue 24 Sep
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Са почетком у $78.00
Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $78.00
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Коментара (170)
Jul 2018
I had this boat trip included in my New York pass as well as the boat to Statue of Liberty. We were originally going to do the second option but the line to even get the ticket was about a 2 hour wait! We passed the boat and it was empty and asked if we could go on it at that time and luckily it was just about to set sail. As I passed the Staten Island ferry and other boats to the Statue where everyone was packed like sardines, I couldn’t help think I had made a lick escape. On the clipper there was amble room for everyone, a bar and a friendly crew. We got great views of the statue and a much better experience. Definitely don’t wait in the massive queue at the other Boats and do this instead.
Sheryl S
Jul 2018
Went with a couple of groups of friends on this cruise. I had been on other NYC sightseeing boats so I was just fine that there was no description of things we were going to see - i.e. you see the Statue of Liberty but get no information about it whatsoever. I would recommend this cruise for tourists who just want to see the statue close up, just to go on a sailboat or go on one of their specialty cruises. But it was a beautiful day and it was enjoyable. The problem came in when my husband and some of his friends decided to also go on this excursion. My husband (probably due to hotel internet) had trouble booking the cruise online. He had a friend do it when his requests didn't go through. The next morning he saw he had three pending charges. He told the people at the boat dock and they told him no worries they wouldn't charge him for the extra cruises. Well, the cruises actually did go through - they were no longer pending. My husband has now called two straight days and left two messages and no one has called him back. That is unacceptable. Now we have to call the credit card company to deal with it. We are not worried about being charged for these extra cruises but at the very least someone should have gotten back to him.
Jul 2018
Mechanical Problem Cancellation of our trip at 1:30p on July 10 2018. We (myself , my son and my grandson) were at the pier at about 12:55p. The young lady on the pier told us that th ship had s mechanical problem and could not sail. She offered to book us at 1:30p on the next day (July 11th). We had tickets for a 2p matinee performance of School of Rock on July 11th. And we flew back to Nashville early on the 12th. I paid for a trip that was cancelled by the boat operator. I should have a refund.

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