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Оаху подморница скутер авантура

Уживајте у узбудљивој подводној авантури на Оахуу! На овој тури подморницом кружите заливом Мауналуа поред кратера Диамонд Хеад, а затим зароните испод површине док се возите сопственим електричним подводним скутером на сопствени погон. Пливајте са шареним рибама, зеленим морским корњачама и другим морским животињама на потпуно јединствен и забаван начин! Ваш водич ће водити пут и искуство није неопходно.<бр><бр>Овај обилазак малих група је ограничен на 30 људи, што обезбеђује персонализованије искуство.
Цити: Оаху
Sun 22 Sep
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Са почетком у $166.50
Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $166.50
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Грицкалице и пића
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се за путници са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 10 година, а минимална висина је 4 стопе (1,2 метра)<ли>Молимо носити купаћи костим. Понесите пешкир и крему за сунчање.<ли>Примењују се минимални бројеви. Постоји могућност отказивања након потврде ако нема довољно путника да испуни услове. У случају да се то догоди, биће вам понуђена алтернатива или потпуни повраћај новца.<ли>Максимална тежина је 350 лбс. Максимална висина је 6'8". Одрицање је потребно пре авантуре и учесник не сме да има претходне здравствене услове; малолетници морају да имају одрицање потписано од стране родитеља или законског старатеља.<ли>ВРЕМЕ ЗА ПРИЈАВУ ЈЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ПОЛАСКА. . Брод полази ОДМАХ у време поласка.<ли>* Малолетници морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе која плаћа.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано високо. -саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку
Политика отказивања
Ако откажете најмање 4 дана пре заказаног времена поласка, добићете пун повраћај новца.<бр>Ако откажете у року од 3 дана од планираног поласка, добићете рефундацију од 0%.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Gricelda W
Dec 2019
The crew is super friendly and professional. From the captain's to the kids helping everyone get into the scooters. We went when the weather was less than perfect- high winds and strong currents. They were all very attentive and made sure we were all safe. You can tell they have been doing this a long time and know what they are doing. I was super nervous and the entire crew answered all my questions and did what they could to make me feel at ease. I will say that if you are claustrophobic or panic in small spaces this is not for you. I don't consider myself someone who is claustrophobic but had a little bit of an issue in the small space. Also, I am prone to getting sea sick almost anytime I get on a boat. Do yourself a favor and take dramamine even if you don't think you will need it. The captain even offered everyone who needed it some oils for aromatherapy to help with the sickness. The one thing I wish they would do- demonstrate how to get in and out of the helmet on the boat. I think it would help people with questions or concerns. Also, yes the pics and video are priced on the high side. Wish they were a little bit less. Overall my husband and I had a great time!
Nov 2019
This was an awesome activity to do while in Oahu. You can be inexperienced and they make it so easy for you. We went on a day with not the best weather conditions but the staff made sure we got to ride out on the personal subs and feed some fish. We got to see turtles and feed tons of fish down there. Just a word of warning when the water is pretty wavy as it was you might not be able to see as clearly through the water like you see in some of the other photos but you will still be able to experience the fish feeding and the photographer they have on staff will still be able to capture some really cool footage of you down there. You can buy the pictures after for $40 and they take a video which is also $40 or you can buy both for $60. The picture and video quality is very good so it’s worth the money for both. Once your turn is done you wait on the boat for a while for the others to go their turn. While waiting you can soak up the sun, snorkel, swim, feed fish or just hang out on the boat while everyone else gets their turn. I think it was 6 people go down at a time for ~20 minutes being submerged which is plenty of time. If you’re looking for something fun to do that’s a bit different than just the typical snorkel experience I would check this out. 10/10 would recommend and do again.
Kyu Hyun C
Nov 2019
Make sure to fill up your stomach, fish will love it. This is the summary of the trip: 🛥️🤢🤮🐟🤢🤮🐟🤢🤮🐟🛥️ Despite the day being cloudless and sunny, waves were pretty high and I felt motion sickness for entire duration of the trip. But let me get it straight. I usually do not get motion sickness. Like NEVER. The crew showed some minimal effort to help by offering some essential oil to put under ears but that didn't help. I had miserable time on the boat. Scooter itself was all right but you spend most of the time waiting on the boat or snorkeling. Think about it, 15 mins of scooter time and 2 hours of waiting and being miserable on a boat where no crew is really helping you. If you are a type of person who gets any motion sickness, at least make sure to take a pill before the trip to minimize the brain damage. But even if you don't, THINK TWICE or more. Among 20 people, probably 5+ people threw up and another 3-4 people suffered from wavering boat above giant waves.

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