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Оцеан Рафт Аљаска

Резервишете директно код Туроператора: појединци који живе и раде током целе године на Аљасци. Имамо интимно познавање области и начина на који ради индустрија крстарења овде у Скагваиу. Ако имате додатних питања о нашем обиласку и/или вашем искуству у Скагвеју или Аљасци, слободно нас контактирајте и изаберите наш мозак у вези са нашим познавањем овог прелепог места.
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Tue 24 Dec
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Tue 24 Dec
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Коментара (137)
May 2013
Klondike Tours Ocean Rafting was absolutely amazing. My group booked with Klondike Tours instead of through our cruise line, and we all had a great time. Not only was it fun and exciting but the staff made our experience over the top. We learned a lot about Skagway, Lynn Canal as well as the land, plants and animals. I wasn't sure if we would see any wildlife but we saw several bald eagles, mountain goals and a humpback whale! I would recommend this excursion to anyone who is looking for a exciting, educational and safe adventure. Warm and life vest suits were provided along with eye wear and gloves to ensure our safety and making it a more comfortable ride as we could go as fast as 50 miles per hour! Exciting!
Sep 2012
We booked with Ocean Raft Alaska before we went on our cruise the first week of September. It turned out to be one of the best choices we’ve ever made. We were fortunate to have only four guests on the excursion - plus the three owners. Their knowledge and obvious love of the area greatly enhanced our experience, and they were quite entertaining as well. The day was cloudy, the water choppy, the speed was fast - and we loved every second of this adventure. There is something very special about the opportunity to be at the base of a huge waterfall, skim the edges of the magnificent rock cliffs, and see sea lions, eagles, and gorgeous scenery up close. I recommend this company without hesitation, and when we return to Skagway I will be calling them again. We had an exhilarating, absolutely fantastic experience!
Aug 2012
I live in Skagway and had a great nephew (14) visiting and wanted something fun and exciting to do with him, but that I'd enjoy, too, being in my fifties. We chose the Ocean Raft Alaska. I'd heard good things about them last summer (2011) and wanted to experience it for myself. What a blast! You're suited up in a 'mustang' survival suit, so no cold to worry about, and you have a dry place to tuck your camera during the thrill runs with water spray. The quick turns were a hoot! I couldn't believe, too, how much I enjoyed getting up close and personal with the cliffs along the fjord. We saw beautiful waterfalls, seals and sea lions, and, even after being a guide here for over 20 years, learned a few new fun facts! The operators are personable and eager to assist in taking photos and answering questions. We had unusual weather for this summer... it was actually a sunny day! I can see this being fun, though, regardless of the weather, and that's a real plus when you're in the rainforest that is the Inside Passage. When I asked my nephew what the best thing was about the trip, he said the the turns and speed, for sure. If there was a downside at all, it was that I found the seating a bit tight, but I noticed they had 2 different types of seating: saddle and bench, so I might try the other on the next trip... and there will be a next trip!

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