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Слетање на океанску 75-минутну турнеју хеликоптером

Подигните се изнад западне прашуме Мауија и северне обале Молокажија да бисте видели морске литице и водопаде. Вратите се преко Западног Мауија до наше невероватне локације за слетање на океану да бисте уживали у погледу. Када заврши на локацији слетања, пилот ће се повући и наставити турнеју назад до хелиодрома Кахулуи.
Цити: Мауи
Sat 19 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $375.34
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $375.34
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Професионални пилот-водич
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности.<ли>Сва имена путника и тежине МОРАЈУ да се наведу у тренутку резервације. Под представљањем телесне тежине може доћи до отказивања при пријави без повраћаја новца.<ли>Ограничења тежине: Због ФАА прописа, сви путници морају бити измерени при пријави. За сваког путника који тежи 240 фунти или више, или комбиноване тежине од 420 фунти по пару, мора се купити додатно седиште у тренутку резервације. Ово је за сигурност и удобност свих путника. Важно је обезбедити тачну телесну тежину при одласку.<ли>Препоручује се да сви путници носе тамну одећу како би имали мање одсјаја у прозорима током лета и стога можете да добијете боље фотографије током обиласка<ли>Руте и знаменитости могу да се разликују у зависности од времена<ли>Бебе млађе од 24 месеца морају да седе у крилу код одраслих. МОЛИМ ВАС КОНТАКТИРАЈТЕ АИР МАУИ АКО ДОВЕДЕТЕ ДЕТЕ. Преко 24 месеца морају заузети сопствено плаћено место. <ли>Молимо вас да контактирате Аир Мауи директно за време пријаве и одласка најмање 72 сата пре лета!<ли>Није приступачно за инвалидска колица. Не постоји лифт за инвалидска колица за смештај путника у инвалидским колицима нити особље може лично/физички помоћи људима да уђу у хеликоптер<ли>Хеликоптер је заједничка кабина у којој се налази 6 путника и један пилот на сваком лету.
Шта да очекујете
Обиласци хеликоптера Аир Мауи
Полетите са хелиодрома и преко гребена Западног Мауија. Наставите преко Паилоло канала до острва Молокаи да бисте истражили највише морске литице, прашуму и водопаде.
Затим ће се лет наставити преко планине Вест Мауи и назад до хелиодрома.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (44)
Aug 2018
This was an excellent experience and the pilot was exceptional. Flying through the crater and around the waterfalls was exhilarating and I highly recommend it!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Thank you very much for the recommendation! We look forward to seeing you again the next time your travels bring you back to the islands here. Aloha!
Aug 2018
Wasted time at the Oceanfront landing! Really did not spend nearly the time in the air we thought we would get. Also a lot of time over water with nothing to see..except water. Bought the video for $50 cash and it doesn't work. The lady that called from the business was condescending and treated me like I was unable to read directions. Would never use them again.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
I apologize for the experience you had flying with us and the disappointment in the tour. Our Oceanfront landing tour is about a 45-50 minute flight with 25 minutes or so at the private landing location. A longer flight time would have been to do one of the 60 minute flights without a landing. We have been corresponding via email and I have issued a full refund for the flight video. We tried calling you regarding the USB not working after you emailed. There are some steps that many people miss when trying to play their video. For example: there is no sound if you do not install the VLC files). We were simply trying to help troubleshoot why your video wasn't working and help. I do apologize if the representative came off as being condescending. I hope you enjoyed the rest of your time here on Maui.
Stacy W
Jul 2018
We purchased 4 of the $199 Air Maui gift cards at Costco. When I called to make the reservation the girl was super helpful explaining the options for the number of people and our total weight. She suggested we do this particular tour since it was only done on the week days (because of the landing on private property is only available during the week). We just needed to pay the additional $80 for each person. Place was easy to find with emailed directions. We arrived 30 minutes prior as requested to get the safety overview and vests. Troy was our pilot, he was nice, shared some great nuggets of info along the way and had a great music playlist. He was a great pilot too. He even took a few family pics for us. We saw some amazing waterfalls and cliffs. I can't recall the other tour I took several years ago, but I seem to remember seeing a whole lot more of the island. This tour I feel is fairly limited in what you see. Stopping for 25 minutes at the private landing spot with no water was fun for about the first 5 minutes, but once the pics were taken that was about it. Very very limited exploring was available since it was private property and someone was living there. Not everyone may be adventurous enough to walk along the lava rocks by the water. After the 25 minute stop we were back to the heliport. Everyone in the shop was very friendly. Overall, I think the tour company was great. If you haven't seen much of the island this might be a good tour for you. Don't get me wrong we saw some cool sights, but some of the other tours may show you more of the island.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Thank you for the feedback regarding the Oceanfront landing tour. I do agree that on this flight there is not much of Maui that you see. The flight route focuses on West Maui but more on the North shore of Molokai for the waterfalls and sea cliffs. To see more of Maui you would have probably been happier with the Complete Island tour. I am so sorry this was possibly mis-understood in what you and your group were really wanting to see at time of booking. That aside I am still happy you enjoyed the views and music with your pilot Troy. Aloha~

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