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Искуство падобранства у затвореном на океану са 2 лета и персонализованим сертификатом

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Цити: Царлсбад
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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Коментара (13)
Oct 2019
After driving past iFly for a couple of months, due to frequent visits to Oceanside, I gave myself a birthday present of giving it a try. It was one of the most fun, exhilarating experiences of my life, and I am so glad I did it! First of all, to me, "indoor skydiving" is a misnomer: Skydiving to me is a scary concept. The idea of falling from the sky at a couple of hundred miles per hour is exciting, but also frightening (and dangerous) as hell. At iFly, you are NOT falling. It really is more like flying! You will feel like Superman or Superwoman, arms stretched out ahead of you, as you float on a cushion of air. It put a smile on my face that lasted my entire visit. You start with a brief training session, which you watch on video, then your trainer will go over what you just watched to make sure you were paying attention. Depending on the size of your group (I was lucky to have a group of one, as no one else booked the time slot I had), you head over to the flight area, and one by one take your turns. Each turn is about one minute. This is about the same time you would have if you were jumping out of a plane. Your trainer uses hand signals to communicate, as you have ear plugs in, and it's impossible to hear anything over the roar of the fans. This is where your training session comes in, as you have to raise and lower your arms, and bend and straighten your legs, while keeping your head up, to control your "flight." It's easy, but does require some focus. I watched one kid before me who had no control at all, and never got the full experience because his trainer couldn't let go of him. So, PAY ATTENTION to the training. Although almost anyone can fly, it seems to me your flight will be more enjoyable if you are in good shape. (All the trainers are extremely fit.) It takes some strength to control your arms and legs against the wind current pushing against you! My trainer was Clare, and she was awesome! Really positive, friendly, and obviously a total pro. You can tell she enjoys what she is doing, and she shares her positivity in a way that keeps you calm and confident. My package allowed for two flights. Once I was there, I was allowed to buy an extra flight for an additional $10, which I did. For another $10, they added extra height to my second flight, which was worth it, even if it is only a few seconds of height. That brings me to the downside of the experience: All of the add-ons and (gentle) up-sell. In addition to above, I paid $10 for an inflight photo. I also had the option of an upgraded helmet, for $10, which I did not do, but I probably would next time. So, my $79 flight came to $119, plus a $20 tip for Clare. (Trainers work for tips, and she deserved every penny of it!) But, at $139 for a $79 flight, it's almost double! I was OK with it, as it was a birthday treat for myself, but I can imagine a parent, bringing in a family for an afternoon of fun, and being put off by all the extras being thrown at them. At the end of your session, you have a chance to buy additional, future sessions at a discounted rate. They are a great value, but as exhilarating as the experience was, I wasn't ready to commit at that point. I think it was six further flights for $90 or something like that. (I imagine that discounted cost would also be run up by upgrades.) My wife and mother-in-law came to watch me fly, and I think they enjoyed it almost as much as I did. The staff at iFly said anyone can come and watch any time, so if you are nervous at all, it is worth a visit to watch, so you can see if it is really for you. After each group session, the trainer goes into the flight tube to show off some of their skills. Clare made my jaw drop with her acrobatics, skill, precision and strength. It was equal parts ballerina, superhero, eagle, and acrobat. I think everyone applauded when she finished her routine. It definitely makes you want to go back and improve your skills and learn how to have more control, so you can do more tricks. Sadly, at more than $45/minute, it is probably not something I will ever get really good at. In conclusion, iFly is a worthy addition to anyone's bucket list. I can't stop raving about it to friends and family, and if you have ever had a dream of flying, it is a must-do!

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