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Цити: Пхиладелпхиа
Sun 17 Nov
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Христова црква
Позната као Црква револуције, пријем је "само донација". Учите од неких од најбољих историчара у граду!
Б. Бесплатна пошта Франклина
Прва пошта у Америци!
Столарска хала
Погледајте где је прво посејано семе за Америку! Улаз је "Само донација" и према нахођењу гостију.
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Председничка галерија портрета коју води одељење за паркове.
Индепенденце Халл
Разговараћемо о важности Дворане независности, њеном уласку у Револуционарни рат и нашим храбрим очевима оснивачима који су шетали халама.
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Коментара (800)
Wendy W
Oct 2018
My husband and I walked the historical tour and enjoyed standing where some of history's most important events took place! It was well worth the stroll!!!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Hi Wendy,
Thanks so much for the review. Glad you had a good time!
Becky O
Sep 2018
Our guide, Tim, was very knowledgeable about the history of the area. He told us a lot of things, especially about Ben Franklin, that we didn't know. He was also funny! I definitely recommend this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review. We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the tour and hope you'll come visit us again.
Sep 2018
My family and I took the tour with a guide named Tim. We met him in front of a candy shop. He didn't introduce himself, just gave a few words on what we would be seeing and off we went. He was a poor speaker. He didn't speak loudly or clearly, but did a good amount of mumbling. No one in my family understood him. Others around me kept asking "what did he say"? The sites picked seemed interesting but I have a poor idea of what we saw. The only time Tim showed any clarity of voice was at the end when he cracked a joke and asked for tips. Skip this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
It was upsetting to read this today. I'm truly sorry that you didn't enjoy your experience, and I wanted to address your concerns. First, after checking guests in, I do bring them directly to the first stop but once there, the first thing I always do is introduce myself as the owner of the company. As for being a "poor speaker", again, I'm sorry that we didn't meet your expectations. Had you or any other guest mentioned any issues at all during the hour and 45 minute tour, I would have done everything I could to make sure you had a good experience. If you were to read all of our other reviews, I think you'd see that as a small business, we always put our customers first and do everything we can to accommodate them. To hear that a customer felt like they didn't get a good experience is very disappointing for me personally. That being said, your comment about my voice only becoming clear to ask for a tip felt extremely personal and harsh. In addition, it is simply not true. At the end of every tour, I do crack a joke as you mentioned, but it has nothing to do with a gratuity. What I say specifically after that is "We are a hospitality industry but the most important thing for us is TripAdvisor reviews." As a one person company, these reviews are everything to us, which is why I do everything I can to accommodate my guests and provide them with the best experience I can. I make it a point to never, on any tour, directly ask for a tip. Even when I mention being a hospitality industry, which we are, it is generally the only time during my tour that I don't make eye contact with my group, as just the suggestion is uncomfortable for me. This company is my family's livelihood. It is what I am most passionate about. I understand that your group had a bad experience and again, I wish that weren't the case. In the future, I would recommend saying something in the moment and giving the person an opportunity to ensure that you can hear what's being said. If the first time a company learns there is an issue is through a review, it takes away the opportunity for them to try and correct it.