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Једносатна вожња АТВ-ом у Јути

Кратко, али узбудљиво искуство. Наша једносатна вожња АТВ-ом вијуга кроз борове шуме пондероса до обода Националног парка Брице Цанион. Овај обилазак са водичем ће вам подићи адреналин, али ће вам пружити и поглед на нетакнути алпски пејзаж, обод Брице Цаниона и свеж чист ваздух.<бр>Цена је за један АТВ са једним возачем и једним путником.
Цити: Национални парк Брице Цанион
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (24)
Jun 2021
My 10-year-old son and I enjoyed this ATV tour to & around the rim of Bryce Canyon. We left at 7pm so the light was fantastic. As an added bonus, we saw several wild pronghorn sheep on the prairie as we passed by. Our guide was experienced and informative, giving us an interesting background of the canyon - both the geography and the history of the park itself. While ATVs are not allowed within the National Park itself, the scenery we saw at the rim of the plateau is still remarkable (if slightly less famous). The balance of the tour was spent off-roading around the plateau through pine forests and prairie, across (and through!) a few creeks and back into town. For someone who's used to ATVs and/or sagebrush & pine scenery, this might not have much appeal, but neither of us had been on an ATV before and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. My son's favorite parts: - Creek crossing - Tight turns and rocky trails - Quickly accelerating to 30+mph on straight paths The one downside is that, as to be expected on well-tracked trails in a desert climate, there's a lot of dust. The ATV operator provided neck gaiters (free of charge) an air hose at the end to "wash off" which my son thought was a blast. To be fair, we got much dustier on foot the following day, hiking the famous Navajo Loop in the park itself. All in all, we enjoyed the experience. Good people, nice scenery, fun trails. Maybe not for experienced riders, but tourists like us will have a good time.
Oct 2020
Total blast! Highly recommended! Much more than just bucking around on ATVs for an hour. Guide took us to scenic view of Bryce Canyon (remember, most of Canyon is federally protected - If you expect a point-by-point view take the guided shuttles inside the park). Guide also showed us some wildlife. Then the last 35-40 minutes we "tore around" (went up and down steep little hills and dips). Myself, my wife, 4 kids (21,19,13,11) all really enjoyed it! It hasn't rained at Bryce since April, so ride will be dusty!! Scarves and goggles are provided at N/C.
Oct 2020
This is more of an ATV ride on a dusty, dusty, dusty track not even near any scenic parts of Bryce Canyon. If you’re new to an ATV then you’ll have fun. If you’re looking for different views of the park other than the scenic points you can drive to.....then skip this “tour”.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
Thank you so much for your input on our ride.

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