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Јединствено искуство открића коња (и себе).

ЕкуусЛибере Искуства су проницљиве прилике за откривање учења уз помоћ коња и продубљивање односа учесника према себи, другима и коњима. Није потребно искуство са коњем и јахање није укључено.<бр><бр>Било да сте појединац, породица или корпоративна група, истражићемо како коњи могу да усмере наша истраживања у присуство, везу, интуицију, енергетски утицај, границе, и аутентично вођство.<бр><бр>*Укључите вежбе засноване на природном јахању на терену које продубљују начин на који можете да разумете, повежете се и сарађујете са коњима<бр>*Примајте преведене повратне информације у реалном времену од коња и персонализовано тренирање који нуди увид у ваше јединствене лидерске дарове, области раста и начине да се покажете у свету<бр>*Укључите се у вежбе повезивања са коњима који нуде забавне, проницљиве начине да сазнате о себи, члановима групе ако су присутни и коњима <бр>*Сазнајте више о динамици стада и неуронауци коња<бр>
Цити: Боулдер
Sun 03 Nov
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Sun 03 Nov
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Коментара (23)
Fernanda M
Oct 2020
I had the opportunity to take part in one of Bridgit’s sessions this fall. I could tell from when the session started that the event would be meaningful and that I was going to be able to connect with the space created on a deep level. It was powerful to learn how horses regulate our nervous system and I was inspired by horses' congruency between their inner state and actions. My experience with Bridgit’s session opened up my eyes to be aware and really feel and connect to my inner thoughts, to sit with what came out of watching the horses' reactions to our exercises. We were able to work on our energy and presence through leadership and interpersonal exercises. I felt that I could trust the process and trust the feedback that I was getting by the horses due to their authenticity and their congruency. It was a learning experience realizing how to shift my energy and use it as a tool to better myself and those around me. Bridgit’s sense of caring and kindness can be felt throughout the session; her facilitator skills are skillful and she is able to create a space where everyone feels safe and happy to share what is being called to share in the moment. I can’t thank her enough for the opportunity to experience this amazing space with the horses and with other members of the group. I would recommend this experience to anyone that is wanting to do some self discovery, wants to better themselves, and wants to do it in such a way that is natural to them.
Heidi P
Oct 2020
My daughter and I had such a powerful experience learning natural horsemanship and experiencing connection with horses in a way we never knew was possible. We had ridden before, but the level of connection and teamwork was so entirely different. We are both excited to deepen in the work with the horses and ourselves. Highly recommend to other mothers and daughters looking for a fun, meaningful bonding experience. Sessions are also a powerful tool for developing awareness and leadership of ourselves.
Jan 2020
I had such a great time exploring the horses and doing leadership development work with Bridgit. I’m going to take a lot of what we explored and what I practiced with Jestoro, the leader of the herd, back to the environment in which I work. Main takeaways are around powerful communication and the ability to skillfully set boundaries! My time learning and working with the horses was one of the highlights of my trip to Colorado and Bridgit was such a kind, perceptive guide. Highly recommend!

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