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ОТВОРЕНО: Прескочи линију Кип слободе, Ивица, Меморијал Гроунд Зеро 911

Велика јабука има много тога да понуди. Овај ВИП обилазак Њујорка нуди експресни приступ најбољим знаменитостима Њујорка. Започните дан са погледом на врх Тхе Едге и завршите дан прескакањем флексибилне линије и придруживањем ексклузивном приступу резервату код Кипа слободе и трајекта на острво Елис. Посетићете познате знаменитости Њујорка у обиласку са водичем као што су Бриант Парк, 42нд Стреет, 5тх Аве, НИ Публиц Либрари, НИЦ Метро Систем, Баттери Парк, Валл Ст, Гроунд Зеро и 911 Мемориал Поолс. Можете надоградити додавањем опционог обиласка Меморијалног музеја 11. септембра или осматрачнице Фреедом Товерс.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $229.99
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $229.99
Шта је укључено
Вожња подземном железницом у Њујорку
Приступ ВИП резервату Кип слободе
911 Меморијални базени
5тх Авенуе
Баттери Парк
Палуба за посматрање Едге у ​​Хадсон Иардсу
Поглед на торањ слободе
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Гроунд Зеро музејска радионица
Посетите Гроунд Зеро
Кип Слободе
На крају обиласка идите трајектом до Кипа слободе
Еллис Исланд
На крају обиласка Посетите острво Еллис сами уз аудио вођени обилазак
Бриант Парк
Започните дан посетом Бриант парку
Пета авенија
Прошетајте дуж 5. авеније до чувеног Емпајер Стејт Билдинга
Њујоршка јавна библиотека
Посетите њујоршку јавну библиотеку
Метро у Њујорку
Идите НИЦ подземном железницом до Баттери Парка и посетите Гроунд Зеро и 911 Меморијалне базене. Надоградите да бисте укључили улазнице за Меморијални музеј 911. Мораћете да купите једносмерну метро картицу.
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Коментара (4)
Dec 2019
We had a wonderful time during our tour, although we needed more time in Staten Island. One hour was way too little time which was given to us to stand in line and wait to go up the Statue of Liberty. I put a lot of money to see this trip, and I didn’t get to fully enjoy it due to the short amount of time given to us. We kept rushing because time was running out. This tour needs to give us tourists the opportunity to enjoy it by adding at least another hour so we can fully view what we were there for. Some people paid to go up the statue, yet weren’t able to because of this issue..
Maria H
Oct 2019
Our guide was late meeting us because she didn't realize until that mornng that she had to print out our tickets to the Empire State Building (Really? Hasn't she done this tour before?). She had to stop at a priting shop, which made her late. When she finally arrived at the meeting spot, she gave us paper tickets and sent us into the Empire State Buidling on our own. When we got past security and presented our tickets, we were told we had the wrong tickets. Our guide had given us tickets to One World Trade Center. I called the guide who didn't seem to know exactly what to do. We wasted over an hour in that building tryng to print out the tickets that she had on her phone. She finally had one of the employees print them - actually my daughters took over for her got them printed. Because it was so late at this point, the guide said we could come back to see the Empire State Building on our own at another time. We were on a short vactation with not a lot of time to spare, so this did not make me happy. We then walked around the city for a bit after that. Later, we took the subway to Battery Park, and she made me pay for my group. After paying this tour company over $900, I couldn't beleive they did not cover the subway ride. At Battery Park we had to wait OVER AN HOUR for our new guide to take us to Ellis Island. It was never explained to us that we would be changing guides. In fact the itinerary was never explained to us at the beginning of the day as it should have been. Also on Viator's website it said the tour was three hours long. At this point, we had already gone more than three hours and we still handn't seen the Statue of Libery, Ellis Island or the 9/11 Memorial. When the second guide arrived, he was no better than the first. He has a heavy accent and talks on and on and on, wasting valuable time that we didn't have. When we got to the Statue of Libery, I told him we would be leaving the group and doing the rest on our own because we didn't have four more hours to waste (he had told us we'd be with him for 4-6 hours!) I have done many tours and this was the worst.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
There was a misunderstanding but I assure you that Bonnie has done this tour many times. We did give you free 911 museum tickets for the delay at a value of $32 per person and refunded $200.
Jun 2019
Gutted - Tour company so badly organized or greedy they booked us senior citizen tickets and told the guide we were also senior citizens so the walking tour he planned was for the immobile! we are 40yr old. The tickets to Empire State took 15 minutes to get and were for senior citizens (cheaper option) and we had to go through not knowing if wed be stopped and refused entry!! The tour was advertised as a 5hour day - after 3.5 hours of walking around we arrived at a starbucks to meet a different tour guide who kindly laughed at us and said we had at least another 5 hours to go! - we had arranged for other sites and tickets later that afternoon for which we lost money and never got to visit. The guide had 1 hours to kill and wanted to take us to Pier 17 but we had already been there the previous day so we asked to go on the Brooklyn Bridge for a photo opportunity - He did nothing but complain because it was sunny and he expected to be in the shade .... sorry but im sure it was US who had paid the nearly £400 for the experience!!! Unprofessional - Dis organized - Cheapest tickets - Do the attractions yourself and do the Hop on Hop Off bus tour to learn the facts! you'll save over £100 per person.

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