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Фото сафари у Кетцхикану, Аљаска. Проведите 3 сата "ван туристичких утабаних стаза".

Помажемо вам да снимите култне фотографије неколико локација у области Кетцхикан, укључујући историјске, културне и природне атракције. Нудимо напредна и основна упутства за фотографисање за кориснике мобилних телефона, поин'н'схоот и ДСЛР фотоапарата. Водимо наше обиласке на одређеној рути од 7 или 8 различитих локација са сваком локацијом која нуди јединствене могућности фотографисања И могућности подучавања. Иако је већина мојих инструкција за фотографисање подједнако применљива на ОБА мобилна телефона, поинт'н'схоотс и ДСЛР фотоапарате, нека од мојих инструкција су специфична за ДСЛР кориснике.<бр><бр>Технике фотографисања подучавају се и за ДСЛР и мобилни телефон и поинт'н'схоотс обухвата: композицију, идентитет субјекта, близину субјекта, баланс субјекта, експозицију, исецање, угао приступа, компензацију светлости, макро фотографију...<бр><бр>Радујемо се што ћемо вам ускоро послужити.<бр <бр>
Цити: Ketchikan
Thu 09 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $134.03
Thu 09 Jan
Са почетком у $134.03
Шта је укључено
Ово је сјајна историјска и културна тура са или без камере :)
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све физичке способности нивои<ли>Утврдите жељено ВРЕМЕ ПОЛАСКА ТУРНЕЈА и имејл за потврду: холстон@кпунет.нет<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи који су потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку је обезбеђено на нашој гурманској станици за колачиће и кафу. Молимо госте да поштују ЦОВИД протоколе које је одредио брод за крстарење којим путују.
Шта да очекујете
Цреек Стреет
Историјски кварт црвених светла у који мушкарци и лосос одлазе да се мресте, сада дом разних продавница и атракција и обиље могућности за фотографисање. Слушајте приче и информације о локалној култури, историји, економији и начину живота док путујете од локације до локације.
Тотем Херитаге Центер
Овај сајт има тотеме, домаће резбарије, информативне киоске, древне стубове и прилику да чујете легенду о жени у магли. Слушајте приче и информације о локалној култури, историји, економији и начину живота док путујете од локације до локације.
Кетцхикан Раинбирд Траил
Путујемо до области Раинбирд ради прелепог панорамског погледа на планине прекривене снегом које окружују нашу област. Научите неколико фотографских лекција овде на овом сајту, укључујући задивљујући трик са мобилним телефоном. Уживајте у хладној боци свеже воде коју можете попити успут. Слушајте приче и информације о локалној култури, историји, економији и начину живота док путујете од локације до локације.
Вард Цове
Заустављамо се у области Вард Цове у компанији Греен Беан Цоффее Цомпани и покупимо гурманску кафу и колачиће за све. Слушајте приче и информације о локалној култури, историји, економији и начину живота док путујете од локације до локације.
Потлатцх Тотем Парк
Ова локација нуди разне атракције, укључујући зграду са резбарењем тотема, традиционалну кућу домородаца, кану, сувенирницу, антикварне аутомобиле и руски музеј. Слушајте приче и информације о локалној култури, историји, економији и начину живота док путујете од локације до локације. Уживајте у свеже печеној кафи и гурманским колачићима на овом сајту.
ОЦЕАН ПАНОРАМА: Избројите десет острва са ове локације која такође укључује пристаниште за плутајући авион на Аљасци и поглед на област дивљине полуострва Кливленд и Острво Принца од китова. Слушајте приче и информације о локалној култури, историји, економији и начину живота док путујете од локације до локације.
Када поново уђете у луку Кетцхикан, можете бити одбачени на вашем броду за крстарење ИЛИ на локацији за куповину/ручавање по вашем избору. Слушајте приче и информације о локалној култури, историји, економији и начину живота док путујете од локације до локације. И молимо вас да сваку ГРАТИСКУ учините сразмерном (надамо се) високим нивоом услуге коју сте добили. Сви путници из Вард Цове-а могу се вратити у Вард Цове ИЛИ их оставити на локацији за куповину/ручавање по вашем избору.
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Коментара (187)
Sep 2022
Some really good mobile phone photography advice marred by political commentary. Vacation is the last place I want political statements made. Beyond the political he bordered on homophobic and transphobic. Why even bring things up on someone's vacation
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Sorry, but along our tour route are several signs stating: "SAVE OUR LIBRARY". One guest asked about that and I took two minutes out of 360 minutes to explain that the Library had hosted a "Drag Queen Story Hour" for 3 to 9 year olds and that the Borough now had a Proposition to be voted on that would eliminate funding by Borough residents. The other 358 minutes were filled with information and experiences that most people find amazing: Woke up to a very wet morning adventure. Arriving at the meeting point, met Capt.Rob. We chatted for a bit while waiting for the other guests. He was a schoolteacher in a previous life so don’t be late…. When the others arrived we were off on our adventure! They packed a entire day into 3 hours, amazing. Creek street, the library, a stop for coffee & cookies, everything was great. Captain Rob’s local knowledge from living here was a major boost to being off the beaten path. This tour is for anyone of all skill levels who are looking for nice spots and helpful tips for great shots...........Was met at our cruise ship and taken to some iconic and some not so iconic places. Rob was knowledgeable with the area and picture taking hints. Great excursion!,,,,,,
Sep 2022
My experience with Ketchikan Photo Safaris was terrible. I took this shore excursion along with another party of three individuals on Saturday September 10, 2022. I originally booked this port adventure through Disney Cruise Lines (DCL). The listing on DCL’s website states: On this adventure you will… • Meet your guides and board your awaiting van. On your drive, you will receive tips and techniques to improve your shots’ composition, concepts, angles etc. • During your adventure, you will spend 3 hours with a local Alaskan photographer who knows all the great sites and history off the beaten paths. • At each site, your Photographer guide will help you frame each shot, from flowers, totems, rainforest, beach, and amazing mountaintops. • After taking breathtaking images you will be taken back to your awaiting ship. Being Disney, I expected this third-party contractor to be well vetted by Disney and provide an amazing adventure. Sadly, this was not the case. Our troubles began when Teresa, the tour guide arrived. She took one look at the DSLRs held by myself and another person and stated, “You’re on your own, I don’t know anything about those cameras.” Now being a retired professional photographer, I didn’t expect any great revelations. However, I did expect a basic level of photography knowledge be available for the other members of the tour. The guidance Teresa provided was simply, “I want you to take a picture of….” In one instance, she took us into a store and directed the group to take photos of shirts for sale in case you get home and decide you want to order a shirt over the internet. I didn’t purchase this tour to be given a sales pitch. In another incident, Teresa took us to a park, told us to take photos and disappeared. Later I learned she went to the rest room. A little communication would have been appreciated. In some other instances, our guide would give the group walking directions and then meet the group at a prearranged spot. Of course, there was no guidance while we were walking from one location to another. Even when Teresa was present, she was not providing any photography guidance about framing the shot or other hints/tips which would have helped the less experienced members of the tour group. When driving from one location to another, rather than discussing the history, we heard about miscellaneous details from her life, include the time she ran over a black dog. Or how she lost the keys to the van during a previous tour. Or how a friend delayed having orthopedic surgery. You get the idea. The most history our group received was being directed to take a photo of the historical markers or signs explaining the history of the location. When our tour made a stop within walking distance to the ship, I seriously considered getting “lost” and walking back to the ship. It was at this time, the other party of three told me they were planning to ask to be driven back to the ship. I agreed with them and we all ended this excursion about half way through all the planned stops. I fully understand a tour is not only a reflection upon the business but can only be as good as the tour guide. It is quite possible, there are better tour guides employed by this company but unfortunately, I didn’t interact with them and I’m only able to review the one tour guide I did interact with. However, I do believe a company should properly hire and train employees to provide the advertised experience. As soon as our tour group of four returned on board our cruise ship, we filed a complaint with Guest Services. Later that evening, I did speak with the Port Adventures department to reiterate our experiences. The next day, I was informed a full refund was being provided and Teresa is no longer allowed to be a tour guide for any DCL Port Adventures. I am pleased, Ketchikan Photo Safari provided everyone in the group a full refund, but there should never have been the need for this to occur. This could have been an amazing adventure providing opportunities for great photos. It wasn't
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Sorry for your disappointment. You were to be taken to 7 or 8 different sites with great photo opportunities. It's amazing that a retired professional photographer demands a full refund because the 8 sites he was to be guided to offered ZERO photo opportunities? Fortunately Theresa is appreciated by some such as these customers: Sep 11, 2022 jimjangal Princess Cruise Photography Excursion Tripadvisor review: Ketchikan Photo Safari My wife and I took this tour with Theresa on August 15, 2022. It was well worth our time and money. I am a hobbyist with several cameras and my wife is strictly an iphone photographer. The course was great for both of us. Theresa was great.
Sep 2022
We are very pleased with this excursion we booked through our cruise and would recommend it to everyone. The small group was ideal so we could have the attention we needed to be excellently instructed on our iphones, ipads, and Canon cameras on how to take wonderful pictures in beautiful, peaceful settings. We saw so much more outside of Ketchikan than we ever expected and loved all the extra information on the area that was provided as we traveled from one very interesting location to another. Thank you for a great time and for helping us to go home with amazing pictures. Daniel and Melina, Stockton, CA
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
We appreciate your comments. We teach: F-stop, ISO & Shutter-Speed, composition, lighting, etc. We visit 7 to 8 sites & teach tips on: "depth of field, exposure-triangle, pano, macro, etc...+culture, history, industry, ecology, wildlife, art....WOW! this is a great tour even without a camera ;) We always conduct our tours over a set route of 7 or 8 different locations with each location offering unique photo opportunities AND teaching opportunities. Although a majority of our photography instruction is equally applicable to BOTH cell phones, point’n'shoots and DSLR cameras, some of our instruction is specific to DSLR users. Photo techniques taught for BOTH DSLR & cell phone & point’n’shoots include: composition, subject identity, subject proximity, subject balance, exposure, cropping, angle of approach, light compensation, macro photography...& more. Photo techniques specific to DSLR (and some point’n’shoots) include: depth of field, F-stop settings, aperture, ISO settings, exposure triangle, shutter speeds… I’ll post a few comments from recent tour guests (comments from TripAdvisor): Barry- "Capt. Rob Holston is a really good photographer and even though I've been shooting avidly for over 20 years and have been to photography school, he had some excellent tips I found really useful. Excellent tour if you are going to Ketchikan If you are interested in learning something about the place and photography, just do it. You won't be sorry." KK- "I chose this excursion for my photo hobbyist husband, but I ended up enjoying it as much as he did. Every spot Rob took us held superb photo opportunities. This is not a camera class as much as it is a photo op class with instruction on how to make your photos better, along with interesting stories about Ketchikan. We loved it. John- "Great way to see more of Ketchikan through the lens of a local photographer. Captain Rob took our group around many sights, some out of the way, and used his photography experience to help frame and focus views. The three hours went by quickly as we shuttled from location to location. We did not feel rushed, but always were on the move. Plenty of time at each stop to grab some great shots.” I always leave some time for questions (max group size is 9)…….. So IF you have specific questions re your DSLR camera, please ask. I hope this response is helpful to you and we look forward to serving you in the future.

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